Home GRASP GRASP/China Chinese Media Warns Trump of ‘Revenge’ if ‘One China' Policy is abandoned

Chinese Media Warns Trump of ‘Revenge’ if ‘One China' Policy is abandoned


NewsHubChina’s popular nationalistic tabloid on Sunday warned US President-elect Donald Trump that Beijing would set on a “revenge” mode if he renounces the “One China” policy. The warning comes barely hours after Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen made a controversial stopover at America’s Houston city before flying to South America.   
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The Global Times editorial categorically stated that the “One China” principle holds paramount importance in the Sino-US relationship and any compromise on it is simply unacceptable.
“Sticking to (the one China) principle is not a capricious request by China upon US presidents, but an obligation of US presidents to maintain China-US relations and respect the existing order of the Asia-Pacific,” it said.
The editorial claimed that if the  Trump administration attempts to abandon  the one China principle, then “Chinese people will demand the government to take revenge.

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