Home United States USA — Science How the NorthPark Santa rescued The Watchdog 24 years ago

How the NorthPark Santa rescued The Watchdog 24 years ago


The NorthPark Santa Claus is the best Texas Santa. He’s a child psychologist who helps people and their problems.
Note: This is a reprint of The Watchdog’s Santa column that was first published in 2016.
I was so lonely 24 years ago approaching my first Christmas in Texas. And confused.
A newcomer, I had never lived in a place that is so Christmas crazy.
Angel trees for kids. Wreaths hung on front of car grilles. Tamales (but nobody explained you don’t eat the husks).
Long before I became The Watchdog, I moved here without family.
The weather threw me off. I tossed a red scarf around my neck to go with my light spring jacket, but all that did was overheat me. It’s a Wonderful Life wasn’t shown on TV that year because of a copyright dispute. I had nothing. I was a hot mess. Take a chance
Then I read a story about this special Santa at NorthPark Center, Dr. Carl Anderson. He’s a child psychologist whose doctoral thesis studied what it means when a child stops believing in Santa. I lived in Fort Worth at the time, so I drove east to check this guy out.
I didn’t use my columnist credentials to ask for an interview. Instead, on that day in 1993, I went to the end of the line.
Counted more than 100 children and their parents ahead of me. Dr. Santa gets lines outside his picture-book cottage near Macy’s like no other in the free world.
I stood behind a ponytailed girl wearing a shirt that said, “Santa, I was a perfect angel.”
Finally, my turn came and I explained my mission. I needed advice.
Dr. Santa told me his shift was almost over and asked me to wait.
Eventually, he invited me into Santa’s private locker room at NorthPark. He offered me a stool.
I told Dr. Santa about my first Texas Christmas confusion.
What’s with the tamales?” I asked.
Dr. Santa laughed.
“And they took It’s a Wonderful Life off TV this year.”
“Oh, really?” Dr. Santa asked, his eyebrow arched upward.
He asked me what I wanted for Christmas.
“Make Texas feel like home,” I said.
Dr. Santa’s advice
Then he spoke. I wrote down everything he said.
“You are in a unique position,” he began. “You can create your own traditions. It probably won’t fit to redo the old ones because you are in a different place.
“You might let your imagination just kind of wander. Even pay attention to your dreams and see what comes up in terms of ways you might enjoy celebrating the season.
“You also might want to take a look inside and ask yourself, ‘What’s the meaning of the season all about? How do I want to express this in my life and come to some kind of more deeper, personal understanding?'”
I was beginning to understand: “So a Texas Christmas can become the opening for a better Christmas for me?” I asked.
“Yes,” Dr. Santa replied. “Maybe a deeper more fully understood, expressed and felt Christmas. Perhaps, if you’re willing to take that look at it, and see what it means to you.”
As I stood to leave, he added encouragement: “I’m not a Texan myself, but I feel at home here.” First Christmas
I was jazzed. Let me tell you what happened my first Christmas here.
As the day approached, it actually snowed, briefly, in North Texas. I remember staring out the office window in surprise.
When I returned to my desk, a card sat atop it. “Christmas dinner at 12:30 p.m.” A map showed the way to the house of my columnist colleague, Pat Nimmo Riddle. I followed the map and met Pat’s children and grandchildren. I was like a foster kid columnist.
A year later, for my second Christmas, I had my own family. I was engaged to Karen, my wife now of 22 years. We raised three children.
Dr. Santa’s advice, like him, is magical. I do have my own end-of-the-year traditions. This year, I launched two new ones. For the first time, I put up a lighted tree in the backyard. I love my little tree.
Even better, I created “A Newspaperman’s Christmas Village” and set it up by the front reception desk in the newsroom.
In my village, everyone reads a newspaper every day, and everybody loves reporters.
I stopped by to see Dr. Santa a week ago. The line was very long. It’s always long. His charming, twinkling words of wisdom to everyone he meets last a lifetime.
More stories about the NorthPark Center Santa Claus
North Park Santa’s 2017 story: A fart gun, world peace and 15 other things kids want from Santa
Thanks for the memories and see you next year. Love, Santa
Watch: Video of Dr. Carl Anderson: The History and Mythology of Santa Claus
Read this wonderful story of how Dr. Carl Anderson changed a little boy’s life
This Christmas Day story was written by Dave Lieber, who, as The Watchdog, usually covers corruption and bad practices in business and government. See what Dave is up to. Follow his latest reporting always at The Watchdog page.
Watchdog Dave Lieber of The Dallas Morning News is leader of Watchdog Nation, which shows Americans how to stand up for themselves and become super consumers.
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