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Tucker Carlson Goes Off On ‘Propaganda’ Surrounding Trump Administration And Family Separation At Border


Fox News host Tucker Carlson destroyed the propaganda surrounding the sudden rage against DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen and the Trump administration’s response to family separation…
Fox News host Tucker Carlson destroyed the propaganda surrounding the sudden rage against DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen and the Trump administration’s response to family separation at the border Thursday.
“What you are watching there is propaganda. Over time, it’s effective, and, of course, that’s why they do it. But what does it do to the country? Just ask DHS secretary, Kristjen Nielsen. She tried to have dinner at a restaurant in downtown Washington,” Tucker began, introducing video that showed Nielsen was shouted out of a restaurant.
“Are there no Norwegian restaurants in Washington, D. C.?’ she asked.” As for those who said that Nielsen should not have eaten at a Mexican restaurant, Carlson said, “In other words, when it comes to eating, stick to your own race. Oh. Stop the race mixing, mean DHS secretary. Keep in mind, there was a time not so long ago when liberals opposed segregation. There was also a time when liberals supported nonviolence. No longer.”
Carlson went on to say, “This is how countries fall apart. When one side ceases to see the other side is human. Progressive leaders could do a lot to cool the tone here. They don’t even try.”
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