Home United States USA — mix Cracks Appearing on Both Sides of Border Wall Impasse in Congress

Cracks Appearing on Both Sides of Border Wall Impasse in Congress


News Analysis President Donald Trump and Democratic congressional leaders are at such loggerheads that he walked out of…
News Analysis
President Donald Trump and Democratic congressional leaders are at such loggerheads that he walked out of a curt negotiating session Wednesday when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi flatly rejected border wall funding.
Officially, neither side appears to be budging late Thursday, with Trump repeating his threat to declare a national emergency and use unspent billions in the military budget to erect the new barrier along the U. S. Southern border with Mexico.
Look closer in Congress, however, and there are cracks appearing in the determined facades of both sides as the government approaches the 20 th day with a quarter of its 2 million employees at home on furloughs.
Trump must depend upon Senate Republicans to continue backing him on the border wall funding issue, but that may be the weak spot in the chief executive’s strategy.
At least four GOP members of the upper chamber have already said they will support re-opening the government without Democrats agreeing to Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion for the wall, with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) being the most recent.
“I think we can walk and chew gum,” Murkowski told journalists Tuesday, saying she is “amenable to a process that would allow for those appropriations bills that have concluded some time ago that they be enacted into law, whether it’s the Department of Interior or the IRS. I’d like to see that.

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