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OLIVER: Covid-19 And The College Scam


Morning comes after night. Covid-19, Wuhan Flu, the Scourge of China — call it what you will (or what the PC police will allow…
Morning comes after night. Covid-19, Wuhan Flu, the Scourge of China — call it what you will (or what the PC police will allow you to call it) — will be gone one of these days and life will resume. But life will be different. A good guess is that a good scary pandemic will have a cleansing effect on the sybaritic and woke life imposed on us by liberal progressives who have been for decades and still are the promoters and guardians of public life and culture.
“A crisis is a terrible thing to waste” is not an aphorism that a conservative could warm to because it’s really just a rallying cry for people who don’t believe in democracy (e.g., liberal progressives) and those who like to have the courts do their heavy legislating for them (e.g., legalizing abortion or same-sex marriage) when the elected legislatures won’t.
But the current crisis — and make no mistake: this is a crisis — is a crisis for woke liberal progressives, but it should not be used by conservatives to make an end run around democracy. One aspect of the current crisis is the impending collapse of what is euphemistically called “higher education” — a term that raises the question, of course, higher than what?
The two basic problems with a college “education” today are undeniable. They are (1) that college is ridiculously, and unnecessarily, expensive, and (2) that students learn almost nothing in college. College is also dangerous — as any college student who’s ever said to a girl, “Gosh, you look pretty,” knows.
A recent piece in The New York Times should warm the heart of any sane person: “Public colleges and universities are in trouble.” Yes! Enfin — as some people who have studied, and learned, a foreign language might say. And private colleges are in trouble too — there is a god after all, even if he is only nontheistic.
For years, young people have been told that college is the yellow brick road to riches, or at least success, or at the very least to financial stability — or at the very, very least to moving out of their parents’ basement.

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