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Volcanoes Fast Facts


Read CNN’s Fast Facts about Volcanoes and learn more about mountains that open downward to a reservoir of molten rock.
Lava is molten rock from a volcano that reaches the Earth’s surface. Liquid rock below the Earth’s surface is referred to as magma.
More than 50% of the world’s active volcanoes above sea level encircle the Pacific Ocean, forming the “Ring of Fire.” The ring stretches from New Zealand to the coast of South America.
In 2010, a volcano eruption in Iceland disrupted air travel for days across Europe. The eruption expelled an ash cloud 30,000 feet into the air. The International Air Transport Authority estimated that the airline industry lost $1.7 billion in revenue due to the disruption.
In 2018, two significant eruptions took place in populated areas. The Kilauea volcano in Hawaii erupted for three months, spewing lava hundreds of feet in the air and destroying about 700 homes. One death was reported. In Guatemala, the Fuego volcano erupted and killed at least 165 people. The two volcanoes erupted in different ways. Slow-moving lava was the destructive force in Hawaii while the Guatemalan volcano unleashed a lethal mix of ash, rock and volcanic gases.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there have been more than 600 significant volcanic eruptions worldwide between 1800 and 2020.
Volcanoes are generally classified into four main types:-Cinder cones: These are the simplest type of volcanoes.

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