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Moving Components to PAAS? What To Expect


Upgrading a component to a newer version can be a challenging, large project. Read this article to see how to solve these issues using the PAAS model.
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. A large software usually has many components, UI, middleware, and backend. Depending on the domain, you can also have ETL, Analytics systems, AI systems, and data ingestions systems. In order to support a large system on an IAAS model, you will need many VMs, as well as people to manage the day-to-day administration and patching. Responsibilities also include: An upgrade of a component to a newer version can be a large project. Additionally, if you have a need to add more computing, you may need anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months to prepare the VMs, install the components, make the network setup, etc. Most of the above issues are solved by the PAAS model. You simply purchase the platform from a cloud vendor, and with some configuration, you are good to go.

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