Home United States USA — China Haley’s Rx on China, why Assange must be freed and other commentary

Haley’s Rx on China, why Assange must be freed and other commentary


White House watch: Haley’s Rx on China
At The Wall Street Journal, Nikki Haley shares “my comprehensive plan to confront China.” For one, “prevent China from buying any more land” here, and “eliminate federal funding for universities that take Chinese money.” Then “revoke permanent normal trade relations until the flow of fentanyl ends.” “Push American businesses to leave China as completely as possible,” and end “advanced technology” exports. Since we’re “at risk of falling behind” in areas like “hypersonic missiles, nuclear weapons, space and cyber warfare, and a cutting-edge navy,” we must “transform the US military”: It’s “the best way to keep the peace,” along with bolstering our alliances from Japan to India. “The hour is late,” but “if we rally now, the Chinese Communist Party will end up on the ash-heap of history, like the Soviet Communist Party before it.”Conservative: Law Schools Betray the Law
“Law schools matter,” argues John O. McGinnis at City Journal, as “the gatekeeping institution of the legal profession—a key occupation in a democratic republic.” But most “have become ideologically and structurally committed to the Left” and move to “punish or discourage troublesome speech or thought” via Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, “a thinly veiled code for the leftist project on race and gender.” Forget meritocracy: “The ABA’s Council on Legal Education is proposing to eliminate the requirement that students take the LSAT.

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