Home GRASP GRASP/China Chinese Barber, Clients Swear by Eyelid Shave

Chinese Barber, Clients Swear by Eyelid Shave


An eye doctor says that as long as the equipment is sterilized, the technique can survive
Chinese street barber Xiong Gaowu deftly scrapes a straight razor along the inside of his customer’s eyelid.
“You should be gentle, very, very gentle,” said Xiong, who performs traditional eyelid shaves at his roadside location in Chengdu, the capital of the southwestern province of Sichuan.
Customers swear by the practice of “blade wash eyes,” as it is known in Mandarin, saying they trust Xiong’s skill with the blade.
“No, it’s not dangerous,” said 68-year-old Zhang Tian. “My eyes feel refreshed after shaving and I feel comfortable.”
Xiong, 62, said he learned the technique in the 1980s and serves up to eight customers a week, charging 80 yuan ($12) per shave.
“It was difficult at the beginning, but it became a piece of cake afterwards,” he said.
Risk of infection
The technique appears to unblock moisturizing sebaceous glands along the rim of the eyelid, said Qu Chao, an opthalmologist who works at a nearby hospital in Chengdu.

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