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Russia says it intercepted Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow


Mayor of the Russian capital said two drones had hit non-residential buildings in the city.

Two Ukraine-launched drones attacked Moscow early on Monday, but were intercepted and destroyed, Russia’s defence ministry said.

The attack came a day after Kyiv vowed to “retaliate” for a Russian missile attack on the Black Sea port of Odesa.

Russian state news agencies reported that drone fragments were found 2km (1.2 miles) away from the ministry’s buildings.

Calling it a “terrorist attack”, the defence ministry said on its Telegram messaging app that there were no casualties in the attack.

Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on his Telegram messaging app that two non-residential buildings were struck during the attack, which happened around 4am. It was unclear whether the drones hit the buildings when they were downed, or whether they deliberately targeted the buildings.

Neither the defence ministry nor the mayor said where the drones were intercepted.

Russia’s state news agencies reported, citing emergency services, said that drone fragments were found near a building on the Komsomolsky Avenue, which is not far from the defence ministry’s buildings.

Traffic was closed on the Komsomolsky Avenue as well as was on Likhachev Avenue in Moscow’s south, where a high-rise office building was damaged, Russian news agencies reported.

Russia’s defence ministry television channel Zvezda published a short video on its Telegram channel showing a high-rise building with missing windows on top floors and damaged structure.

Other Russian Telegram channels, with links to Russia’s security forces, published videos of glass and concrete debris on what they said was the Komsomolsky Avenue.

Moscow has been hit by several drone attacks this year, with one even hitting the Kremlin in May.

Earlier this month, Russia said it had downed five Ukrainian drones that disrupted the functioning of Moscow’s Vnukovo international airport.

There was no immediate comment from Kyiv. Ukraine almost never publicly claims responsibility for attacks inside Russia or on Russian-controlled territory in Ukraine, but has been saying in recent months that destroying Russia’s military infrastructure helps Kyiv’s counteroffensive.

Additional reporting by Agence France-Presse

Aussie competition regulator delays decision on ANZ’s $3.3-B Suncorp Bank buy


Australia’s competition regulator on Monday said it has delayed its decision on ANZ Group Holdings’ proposed A$4.9 billion ($3.30 billion) acquisition of Suncorp Bank by a week to August 4, and has requested a further extension of one week.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in a letter to ANZ on Thursday requested an extension till August 11, saying it needed more time to review reports and material longer than 50 pages.
“It is important that the ACCC has the opportunity to meaningfully consider the new information provided by ANZ and take it into account in its decision making,” the regulator said.
“As a consequence, the ACCC considers that an extension to the timeframe of two weeks is both necessary and appropriate, and we now seek confirmation from ANZ that it agrees to that extension.”
the country’s fourth-largest bank, in its response on Friday consented to an extension till August 4.
ANZ did not immediately respond to Reuters’ request for comment.
This is the second time the regulator has sought an extension to its decision after the original deadline of mid-June was extended to late July.
($1 = 1.4865 Australian dollars)

Today's Wordle hint and answer #765: Monday, July 24


Today’s Wordle: Help with solving Monday’s puzzle.
Whether you want to learn how to play Wordle and make the best of every guess, take a peek at a helpful clue for today’s puzzle, or would like the answer to the July 24 (765) game in a single click, everything you need to win today’s game is waiting for you below.
I had the basic structure I needed to solve today’s Wordle by my second guess, so from that point on it was “just” a case of hoping the English language would run out of valid words before I hit the bottom of the grid. My casual attitude may not have been the most sensible method but hey, I still won and snagged today’s Wordle answer in time.Today’s Wordle hintA Wordle hint for Monday, July 24
Today’s answer is the term used to describe any activity you do purely for pleasure. PC gaming’s an obvious one, but this could also be gardening, baking, stargazing, or almost anything else you can think of. Is there a double letter in today’s Wordle? 
Yes, there is a double letter in today’s puzzle. Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every day 
If you’ve decided to play Wordle but you’re not sure where to start, I’ll help set you on the path to your first winning streak. Make all your guesses count and become a Wordle winner with these quick tips: 
A good opener has a mix of common vowels and consonants. 
The answer could contain the same letter, repeated.
Avoid words that include letters you’ve already eliminated. 
You’re not racing against the clock so there’s no reason to rush. In fact, it’s not a bad idea to treat the game like a casual newspaper crossword and come back to it later if you’re coming up blank. Sometimes stepping away for a while means you can come back with a fresh perspective. Today’s Wordle answerWhat is the #765 Wordle answer?
Let’s keep you winning. The answer to the July 24 (765) Wordle is HOBBY.Previous Wordle answersThe last 10 Wordle answers 
Previous Wordle solutions can help to eliminate guesses for today’s Wordle, as the answer isn’t likely to be repeated. They can also give you some solid ideas for starting words that keep your daily puzzle-solving fresh.
Here are some recent Wordle answers:
July 23: WHALE
July 22: FROZE
July 21: BURLY
July 20: FLANK
July 19: TONIC
July 18: FLYER
July 17: DROOP
July 16: TOPAZ
July 15: CRONE
July 14: FIENDLearn more about Wordle 
There are six rows of five boxes presented to you by Wordle each day, and you’ll need to work out which five-letter word is hiding among them to win the daily puzzle.
Start with a strong word like ALIVE—or any other word with a good mix of common consonants and multiple vowels. You should also avoid starting words with repeating letters, so you don’t waste the chance to confirm or eliminate an extra letter. Once you’ve typed your guess and hit Enter, you’ll see which letters you’ve got right or wrong. If a box turns ⬛️, it means that letter isn’t in the secret word at all. ???? means the letter is in the word, but not in that position. ???? means you’ve got the right letter in the right spot.
Your second guess should compliment the first, using another “good” word to cover any common letters you might have missed on the first row—just don’t forget to avoid any letter you now know for a fact isn’t present in today’s answer. After that, it’s just a case of using what you’ve learned to narrow your guesses down to the correct word. You have six tries in total and can only use real words and don’t forget letters can repeat too (eg: BOOKS).
If you need any further advice feel free to check out our Wordle tips, and if you’d like to find out which words have already been used you can scroll to the relevant section above. 
Originally, Wordle was dreamed up by software engineer Josh Wardle, as a surprise for his partner who loves word games. From there it spread to his family, and finally got released to the public. The word puzzle game has since inspired tons of games like Wordle, refocusing the daily gimmick around music or math or geography. It wasn’t long before Wordle became so popular it was sold to the New York Times for seven figures. Surely it’s only a matter of time before we all solely communicate in tricolor boxes.

Why ‘Bidenomics’ Isn’t Selling


The “Bidenomics” pr blitz will not convince the typical household that the extra $8 thousand they spend each year is no big deal.
President Biden has of late attempted to convince Americans to ignore the financial realities of their day-to-day lives by insisting that his stewardship of the economy has been a success. Inevitably, the corporate media have been all too willing to repeat this rubbish despite mountains of data that clearly debunk the President’s claims. Fortunately, the voters are not as dumb as Biden and the Fourth Estate evidently believe. According to virtually every poll, significant majorities disapprove of the way he has handled the economy. Moreover, because the voters experience the ugly facts in real time every day, it is unlikely that a public relations campaign will change their opinion. (RELATED: VIDEO: Joe Biden Touts ‘Bidenomics,’ Ignores Inflation)
Yet Biden continues to make preposterous claims about the economy. On July 16, for example, he tweeted: “Right now, real wages for the average American worker is higher than it was before the pandemic, with lower wage workers seeing the largest gains.” This nonsense was debunked in a community note: “On 3/15/20 when US COVID lockdowns began real wages adjusted for inflation (AFI) were $11.15. As of 7/16/23 real wages AFI are $11.05.” Biden’s record looks even worse when the real wage rate he inherited is compared to the current rate. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicates that real average hourly earnings in February of 2021 were $11.40. The latest BLS report shows a 3 percent decline to $11.05. (RELATED: President Joe Hoover)
This decrease in real wages is a direct result of inflation, which is still driving up prices faster than salaries are rising. When he launched the “Bidenomics” PR campaign, our President boasted, “Today, inflation is less than half—less than half of what it was a year ago.” He neglected to mention that last July’s 8.5 percent inflation rate was caused by his administration’s irresponsible spending. Biden inherited a 1.4 percent inflation rate and a recovering economy, yet insisted on pushing through the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, against the advice of economists of all political stripes. Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, for example, warned in the that it would be inflationary.
[T]here is a chance that macroeconomic stimulus on a scale closer to World War II levels than normal recession levels will set off inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation, with consequences for the value of the dollar and financial stability. This will be manageable if monetary and fiscal policy can be rapidly adjusted to address the problem. But given the commitments the Fed has made, administration officials’ dismissal of even the possibility of inflation, and the difficulties in mobilizing congressional support for tax increases or spending cuts, there is the risk of inflation expectations rising sharply.
Summers was right, of course. And, though few voters could have predicted the inflation spike with such precision, they know Biden’s policies created the problem. Moreover, they also know that Biden has consistently lied about the effect of his economic ineptitude. They remember when he said inflation was just temporary, and his Chief of Staff shared a tweet saying it was merely a high-class problem. Next, he blamed it on meat and poultry producers. Then it was Russia’s fault. Who can forget Putin’s price hike? Inevitably, he blamed oil companies and even threatened gas station owners. Eventually, Biden fell back on an old strategy used by his former boss—insisting that he had inherited inflation from his predecessor.
Now, as CNBC recently reported, the voters are increasingly worried that the Federal Reserve’s strategy to control inflation by raising interest rates may well result in a recession that rivals the “great recession” of 2008. And these concerns are by no means irrational. The Wall Street Journal points out a potential harbinger of recession that is rarely discussed outside of the academy: “While some economists are optimistic as hiring booms, employees are actually working fewer hours. Usually, reducing working hours has been a reliable sign of incoming layoffs – and a possible recession.” Meanwhile, the legacy media struggles to understand public skepticism about the efficacy of Bidenomics. The Week is typical:
[E]ven as the U.S. emerges from the iron grip of inflation, President Biden and his signature “Bidenomics” approach are getting little credit. Perhaps unfairly, shouldering the blame for an underperforming economy is a typical pitfall of the presidency — yet so is owning the political boon that comes with a healthy one. And Biden, for all his attempts, is struggling to convince the public that he deserves some kudos on that front; As of July 13, just 38.7% of Americans approved of the way he was handling the economy, according to a polling average from RealClearPolitics. Why are voters so reluctant to give the president his flowers?
The answer to this is obvious to anyone willing to stop slurping the Biden administration’s Kool-Aid. The rate of inflation has gradually decreased since last summer’s 40-year high, but prices nonetheless continue to go up every month. The cumulative increase since Biden was inaugurated has now exceeded 16 percent as David Winston writes in Roll Call: “Of the previous seven presidents, only Carter had a worse number.” TIPP Insights succinctly explains how that has impacted real people living in the real world: “You need $1,000 in earnings today to buy what $862 could buy when Biden took office. Alternatively, if you needed $50K yearly for household expenses before Biden took office, you now need $58K.”
No amount of happy talk from the President or cheerleading from a complicit corporate media will erase this grotesque reality. Americans are living with it day in and day out. This is why Biden’s approval rating is so low with regard to his stewardship of the economy. It is one of the most important reasons two-thirds of Americans say the country is heading in the wrong direction. When Bill Clinton ran for President during a very sluggish 1992 economy, he famously told a participant in a town hall, “I feel your pain.” That claim was debatable. As for President Biden, there is very little debate that he is the cause of the pain.

Сколько ВСУ удалось отбить территорий у оккупантов: Блинкен озвучил невероятную цифру


Госсекретарь США Энтони Блинкен заявил, что контрнаступление ВСУ может затянуться еще на несколько месяцев, при этом Россия уже проиграла эту войну, так как провалила изначальные цели
Государственный секретарь США Энтони Блинкен, который высказался о наступлении ВСУ и изменениях на фронте, заявил, что РФ “уже проиграла войну” в Украине, ведь ее начальные цели “давно провалились”. В то же время контрнаступление ВСУ может занять несколько месяцев.
Об этом он сообщил в интервью CNN.
“Целью было стереть Украину с карты, ликвидировать ее независимость, ее суверенитет, подчинить ее России. Это уже давно провалилось”, – подчеркнул Блинкен.
По словам госсекретаря США, в отличие от российских захватчиков “украинцы борются за свою землю, за свое будущее, за свою страну, за свою свободу”.
В этом же интервью, часть которого приводит Reuters, он отметил, что контрнаступление Вооруженных Сил Украины может занять еще несколько месяцев, ведь украинские защитники столкнулись с серьезным сопротивлением врага.
“Они уже вернули около 50% того, что изначально было захвачено… Это еще относительно первые шаги контрнаступления. Это тяжелое дело. Оно не закончится в течение следующей недели или двух. Мы должны говорить, я думаю, о нескольких месяцах”, – заявил Блинкен.
Напомним, в Украине четко ответили Западу на ожидания от контрнаступления ВСУ.
Почему Украина не получила ракеты ATACMS: у Байдена назвали причину
Визит Блинкена в Пекин и вопрос Украины: о чем договорились на переговорах

Du hast или нет Du hast: что дали Украине союзники на Рамштайне-14

На Херсонщині через російський обстріл постраждала літня жінка – ОВА


Російські війська практично щодня обстрілюють Херсон та частину області
Війська РФ у неділю вчергове обстріляли Херсонщину, в результаті чого поранень зазнала літня жінка, повідомляє Херсонська обласна військова адміністрація у Telegram.
«Сьогодні надвечір окупанти вдарили по Одрадокам’янці. Влучили по житловій забудові. Поранення дістала 70-річна жінка. Постраждалу доставлено до лікарні. У неї вогнепальні поранення грудної клітки, ноги. Медики надають їй необхідну допомогу», – повідомили в ОВА.
За даними влади, минулої доби армія РФ здійснила 59 обстрілів Херсонщини, загинула одна людина.
Російські війська практично щодня обстрілюють Херсон та частину області.
Попри докази і свідчення, Москва від початку повномасштабного вторгнення заперечує цілеспрямовану атаку на цивільних.

В течении суток произошло 27 боестолкновений – Генштаб


Противник и дальше сосредотачивает основные усилия на Купянском, Лиманском, Бахмутском, Авдеевском и Марьинском направлениях, продолжаются тяжелые бои.
Противник и дальше сосредотачивает основные усилия на Купянском, Лиманском, Бахмутском, Авдеевском и Марьинском направлениях, продолжаются тяжелые бои.

На Купянском, Лиманском, Бахмутском, Авдеевском и Марьинском направлениях продолжаются тяжелые бои, в течение суток произошло 27 боевых столкновений, говорится в сводке Генштаба ВСУ.

В то же время Силы обороны Украины продолжают ведение наступательной операции на Мелитопольском и Бердянском направлениях, закрепляются на достигнутых рубежах, наносят огневое поражение артиллерией по выявленным целям противника, осуществляют меры контрбатарейной борьбы.

Российские оккупанты продолжают грабить мирное население, присваивая зерновой урожай мирных граждан Украины. Так, в населенном пункте Пришиб Запорожской области, с территории агропредприятия с помощью дизельных локомотивов российские оккупанты вывозят большое количество грузовых вагонов с разными типами зерновых культур.

Авиация сил обороны в сутки нанесла 3 удара по районам сосредоточения личного состава, вооружения и военной техники противника. Также украинскими защитниками были уничтожены 4 разведывательных БПЛА оперативно-тактического уровня.

Подразделения ракетных войск и артиллерии в течение суток поразили один район сосредоточения живой силы, вооружения и военной техники противника, 5 артиллерийских средств на огневых позициях, 1 командный пункт, 1 средство противовоздушной обороны и 1 станцию РЭБ врага.

Россияне ранили 70-летнюю женщину на Херсонщине


В результате обстрела россиянами Одрадокаменки в Херсонской области ранения получила 70-летняя женщина.
В результате обстрела россиянами Одрадокаменки в Херсонской области ранения получила 70-летняя женщина.
Источник: Херсонская ОГА
Дословно: “Сегодня вечером оккупанты ударили по Одрадокаменке. Попали по жилой застройке.
Ранения получила 70-летняя женщина.
Пострадавшая доставлена в больницу. У нее огнестрельные ранения грудной клетки, ноги. Медики оказывают ей необходимую помощь”.

Kopftuchpflicht: Iran sperrt Onlinehändler-Zentrale


Irans Metropolen haben sich seit den massiven Protesten im vergangenen Herbst verändert. Viele Frauen widersetzen sich inzwischen der Pflicht zum Tragen eines Kopftuchs – doch der Staat reagiert.
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ロシア国防省は 、ウクライナ南部ザポロジエ州で取材していたロシア紙イズベスチヤなどの記者団がウクライナ軍のクラスター爆弾による攻撃を受け、4人が負傷したと発表した。うち国営ロシア通信の従軍記者1人が避難中に死亡したという。国防省は「記者たちはウクライナ軍のクラスター爆弾使用についての記事を準備していた」としている。
 一方、ドイツの公共放送ドイチェ・ウェレは 、ウクライナ東部ドネツク州で取材していた同社のカメラマン1人が、ロシア軍のクラスター爆弾による攻撃を受けてけがをしたと発表した。カメラマンは前線から約23キロ離れたウクライナ軍の訓練場で取材していたといい、病院に運ばれ、容体は安定している。この攻撃でウクライナ人兵士1人が死亡したという。
 米国は今月 、反転攻勢で苦戦が伝えられるウクライナ軍を後押しするためにクラスター爆弾の供与を発表。 は米国家安全保障会議のカービー戦略広報調整官が、ウクライナ軍が使用を開始したと発表していた。ロシア軍は以前からクラスター爆弾を使っていると指摘されている。

Timeline words data