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Trump to press China on N Korea


Warning the U. S. could act alone, President Donald Trump has vowed to deliver an ultimatum to Chinese leader Xi Jinping…
Warning the U. S. could act alone, President Donald Trump has vowed to deliver an ultimatum to Chinese leader Xi Jinping to rein in North Korea when the two men come face-to-face for the first time this week. But Trump’s early retreat on Taiwan already has chipped away at his standing with Beijing, and another bluff could leave him looking the way he hates most: Weak.
While Trump enters first U. S.-Chinese summit short on foreign policy experience, he may have advantages to help him succeed where past presidents have failed. Trump’s candor and unpredictability, combined with his veiled threats of possible sanctions on Chinese banks and even U. S. military action against North Korea, could provide him new leverage with Beijing. But if he’s bluffing, and Xi calls him on it, that might prove damaging in future negotiations with China or in building a united front against North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.
The two-day meeting at Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, starts Thursday after yet another North Korean provocation: the latest test-launch of a ballistic missile. Although U. S. officials said the launch was a failure and didn’t threaten North America, it underscored North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s intent to advance his weaponry in defiance of international law. The North may also be preparing for another nuclear test.
Trump warned this week: “If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will.” He didn’t elaborate, but his administration is looking at sanctions against Chinese banks and companies that provide North Korea access to the international financial system, a move strongly backed by Congress. And on a recent trip to Asia, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reminded the region that the U. S. also retains the option of pre-emptive military force.
Susan Thornton, the top U. S. diplomat for East Asia, on Wednesday called North Korea “an urgent and global threat.”
And it’s no longer one that just affects U. S. allies like South Korea and Japan, and the tens of thousands of American forces stationed in each. North Korea could develop a nuclear-tipped missile that can strike America within a few years. As that danger nears, Trump’s diplomacy with Xi will only grow in importance.
Trump “is making it seem like we are prepared to go to war or use military action … and I don’t think that is going to be viable,” said Kurt Campbell, top U. S. diplomat for the region during former President Barack Obama’s first term. The devastation could be dramatic. South Korea’s capital, Seoul, lies within retaliatory range of North Korean artillery and missiles.
“The key about using leverage in negotiation is that you have to be credible,” Campbell said. Of Trump’s ultimatum, he said, “I think the Chinese are likely to see through this.”
In his two-and-a-half-months in office, Trump has backed off on one sensitive issue with China: Taiwan.
As president-elect, Trump said he didn’t feel “bound” by existing U. S. policy toward the self-governing island that China considers part of its territory, demanding concessions from Beijing in trade and other areas. Within weeks, Trump reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to the 4-decade-old “one China” policy, smoothing the way for a February phone call with Xi.
Asked if Taiwan was up for negotiation, Thornton said Wednesday: “We have basically moved on from there.”
North Korea has faced some increased pressure from China, its main military and economic partner.
Beijing has suspended imports of North Korean coal through the end of the year, cutting off a key source of revenue for Pyongyang. The Chinese are reluctant, however, to exert economic pressure that would destabilize its isolated neighbor and fears any effort that might lead to a U. S.-allied unified Korea on its border. It wants the U. S. to negotiate directly with North Korea.
Winston Lord, the U. S. ambassador to China under former President Ronald Reagan and top diplomat to the region under former President Bill Clinton, said he assumes Trump isn’t bluffing this time.
“Trump is right that China is a problem on North Korea and has got to do more. He’s right to stir their anxieties on what the U. S. might do unilaterally if they don’t act,” Lord said. But he said Trump’s back-pedaling on Taiwan made him look like a “paper tiger.”
Dennis Wilder, a China specialist who served under former President George W. Bush and Obama, likened Trump’s approach to Obama’s before a Xi summit in 2015. Then, the U. S. was threatening sanctions unless China stopped commercial cyberthefts. A bilateral agreement ensued and has had some impact, though the problem persists.
Wilder said past U. S. administrations preferred to be toughest with Beijing behind closed doors — something he said Bush did effectively. But he said Trump’s more forceful approach may now be necessary.
“We have been trying the softly-softly approach on the Chinese for years on North Korea,” Wilder said. The Chinese have never gone far enough, as a result, to have “a meaningful impact on the situation,” he said.
So can Trump succeed where his predecessors have failed?
He faces some disadvantages.
Beijing has highly skilled negotiators and their position on North Korea is deeply entrenched. Trump’s administration, by comparison, is thinly staffed and divided on China, Campbell said.
Lord, who participated in historic U. S.-Chinese meetings in the 1970s, said an informal summit with Xi allows for strategy and red lines to be exchanged. But he worried about Trump’s knowledge of the issues and ability to negotiate solo.
“I think he may end up being too soft,” Lord said.
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/world/view/trump-to-press-china-on-n-korea
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新聞1面を左下から読ませる男 大岡さん「折々」29年


大岡信さんは詩人の イメージを変えてしまう多彩な活動を半世紀以上続けたが、 多くの 人の 心に残るの は、 朝日新聞に連載した詩歌コラム「折々の うた」 だ。 休載期間を含め足かけ29年間で計6762回。 万葉集の 収録…
大岡信さんは詩人のイメージを変えてしまう多彩な活動を半世紀以上続けたが、多くの人の心に残るのは、朝日新聞に連載した詩歌コラム「折々のうた」だ。休載期間を含め足かけ29年間で計6762回。万葉集の収録和歌数約4500を超え、日本文学史上に残る詩歌アンソロジーとなった。 79年1月25日の初回は高村光太郎の短歌「海にして太古の民のおどろきをわれふたたびす大空のもと」。大岡さんは47歳だった。本文は1回が180字。原稿を簡潔に書く新聞記者時代の経験が生かされた。始めた頃はファクスが普及しておらず、外国の旅先から日本へ帰る航空会社の職員に原稿を託したことも。「連載に一度も穴をあけたことがない」のが自慢だった。 「折々のうた」がいかによく読まれていたかを示すエピソードがある。98年2月、大岡さんは「目へ乳をさす引越(ひつこし)の中」という江戸時代の付句(つけく)を、引っ越しで忙しい母親が誤って赤子の口ではなく目に乳を飲ませたと解釈したのに対し、読者から「目に入ったゴミを取るため」といった電話や手紙が200件以上相次いだ。大岡さんは反応の多さに驚き、紙面で「こういう失敗談とその後日譚(ごじつたん)、書きながら何だか心楽しいのは、なぜだろう」と記した。失敗談も楽しんでしまうところが大岡さんらしかった。 和歌や俳句だけではなく、庶民の生活感情がうかがえる歌謡も重視した。「精力の9割は、作品の選定と、織物を織るかのような配列に割いています。錦繍(きんしゅう)が織り上げられた感じが出ればいいのですが」。古典にとどまらず、台湾の人々が日本語で詠んだ「台湾万葉集」、外国の子どもらが母国語で「ハイク」を詠んだ「地球歳時記」なども発掘した。 「新聞の1面を左下から読ませる男」と言われ、最終回は07年3月31日の江戸時代の俳人田上菊舎(たがみきくしゃ)の句「薦(こも)着ても好(すき)な旅なり花の雨」。大岡さんは76歳で、最後の時期は脳梗塞(こうそく)の後遺症と闘いながらの執筆だった。終了直後、親しい詩人の谷川俊太郎さんらは「毎日でなくていいから、せめて『時折のうた』を」とエールを送った。これは多くの読者の思いでもあった。( 赤田康和 、白石明彦)

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«Динамо вышло в полуфинал Кубка Украины


В четвертьфинале Кубка Украины
В четвертьфинале Кубка Украины “Динамо” победило в Ахтырке “Нефтяник-Укрнефть” и вышло в 1/2 турнира Кубок Украины. 1/2 финала.
Об этом сообщает espreso.
“Нефтяник-Укрнафта” – “Динамо” 0:1. Гол: Гармаш, 44.
Отмечается, что “Динамо” должно сыграть против “Нефтяника-Укрнафты” еще в ноябре прошлого года, однако четвертьфинал Кубка Украины был перенесен из-за плохого состояния газона стадиона в Ахтырке.
Киевляне не имели в игре против клуба первой лиги заметного преимущества и открыли счет лишь в конце первого тайма, когда после розыгрыша штрафного мяч головой в ворота отправил Денис Грамаш.
Напомним, Бразильский защитник Данило Силва после семи лет проведенных в “Динамо” получил статус свободного агента.

Similarity rank: 11
Sentiment rank: 4.8

© Source: http://ru.golos.ua/football/dinamo_vyishlo_v_polufinal_kubka_ukrainyi_3336
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4野党「原発ゼロ目指す」 次期衆院選へ共通見解


民進、 共産、 自由、 社民の 野党4党の 幹事長・ 書記局長は5日、 安全保障関連法廃止を掲げる市民グループ「市民連合」 と国会内で会合を開き、 次期衆院選の 公約づくりを巡り「原発ゼロを目指す」 などとした共通見解をまとめた。 憲法9条の 改悪阻止や安保関連法の 白紙撤回、 就学前から大…
民進、共産、自由、社民の野党4党の幹事長・書記局長は5日、安全保障関連法廃止を掲げる市民グループ「市民連合」と国会内で会合を開き、次期衆院選の公約づくりを巡り「原発ゼロを目指す」などとした共通見解をまとめた。憲法9条の改悪阻止や安保関連法の白紙撤回、就学前から大学までの原則教育無償化なども明記した。各党が公約に反映させる。 終了後、民進党の野田幹事長は記者会見で、衆院選に向け「基本的理念、政策的な方向性は4党で共有できた。これを基本に政治決戦の準備を加速したい」と指摘。共産党の小池書記局長は「これを土台に魅力的な共通政策をつくることが課題だ」と述べた。

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Volleyball: BR Volleys kämpfen Favorit Moskau nieder


Berlin (dpa) – Die BR Volleys haben in der Champions League Teil eins der angestrebten Überraschung geschafft. Die Berliner bezwangen im Hinspiel in der
Berlin (dpa) – Die BR Volleys haben in der Champions League Teil eins der angestrebten Überraschung geschafft. Die Berliner bezwangen im Hinspiel in der Top-6-Runde in eigener Halle die russische Spitzenmannschaft Dynamo Moskau mit 3:2 (23:25, 22:25, 25:19, 25:18, 15:10).
Das Team von Trainer Roberto Serniotti kämpfte vor 5311 Zuschauern nach 0:2-Satzrückstand den Favoriten mit einer Energieleistung nieder. Im Rückspiel am 12. April haben die Berliner nun die Chance, den Einzug ins Final Four in Rom perfekt zu machen.
Schon im ersten Satz brachte der deutsche Volleyball-Meister den derzeit Zweiten der russischen Liga in der Schmeling-Halle in arge Bedrängnis. Beim 13:9 verlor Juri Bereschko sogar die Nerven und sah wegen Meckerns die Rote Karte. Der zusätzliche Punktgewinn half den Berlinern zunächst nicht, in der Endphase setzte sich die Wucht der Russen um den 2,10 Meter großen Olympiasieger Alexander Wolkow durch. Auch im zweiten Durchgang erarbeiteten sich die Gastgeber dank Robert Kromm eine Führung, konnten diese aber nicht durchbringen.
Danach verbesserten sich die BR Volleys vor allem im Block und im Aufschlag. Die mit mehreren russischen Nationalspielern angetretenen Moskauer fanden gegen die Berliner Angriffe keine Mittel mehr, Paul Carroll traf immer besser. Im fünften Durchgang setzte der Australier schließlich den entscheidenden Punkt für den CEV-Cup-Gewinner des Vorjahres.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/sport/id_80830338/volleyball-br-volleys-kaempfen-favorit-moskau-nieder.html
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Leipzig festigt Platz zwei – Gladbach besiegt Hertha BSC 1:0


Berlin (dpa) – Aufsteiger RB Leipzig hat den zweiten Tabellenplatz in der Fußball-Bundesliga gefestigt. Die Sachsen siegten beim FSV Mainz 05 mit 3:2 und liegen
Berlin (dpa) – Aufsteiger RB Leipzig hat den zweiten Tabellenplatz in der Fußball-Bundesliga gefestigt. Die Sachsen siegten beim FSV Mainz 05 mit 3:2 und liegen nun wieder vier Punkte vor 1899 Hoffenheim. Hertha BSC kassierte mit dem 0:1 bei Borussia Mönchengladbach die siebte Auswärtsniederlage in Serie und muss als Sechster zunehmend um die Europacup-Teilnahme bangen. Siebter ist nun der SC Freiburg, der beim abstiegsbedrohten VfL Wolfsburg 1:0 gewann. Außerdem unterlag Darmstadt 98 Bayer Leverkusen mit 0:2 und der Vorletzte FC Ingolstadt gewann das Kellerduell beim Drittletzten FC Augsburg mit 3:2.

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/id_80830334/leipzig-festigt-platz-zwei-gladbach-besiegt-hertha-bsc-1-0.html
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Pleite gegen Leverkusen: Darmstadt vor Abstieg


Vier Wochen nach seinem Amtsantritt in Leverkusen hat Trainer Tayfun Korkut mit Bayer endlich den ersten Sieg in der Bundesliga geschafft. Beim 2:0 (1:0)
Vier Wochen nach seinem Amtsantritt in Leverkusen hat Trainer Tayfun Korkut mit Bayer endlich den ersten Sieg in der Bundesliga geschafft. Beim 2:0 (1:0) Auswärtserfolg gegen das abgeschlagene Schlusslicht Darmstadt 98 gelang den Rheinländern der ersehnte Befreiungsschlag. Die Fußball-Nationalspieler Julian Brandt (15.) und Kevin Volland (56.) erlösten ihren schon in der Kritik stehenden neuen Coach vom Verlierer-Image. Die sonst so heimstarken Lilien kämpften am Mittwochabend vor 16 200 Zuschauern im Böllenfalltor-Stadion zwar aufopferungsvoll, waren letzten Endes aber chancenlos. Der Abstieg für das Team von Trainer Torsten Frings rückt damit immer näher.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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Ingolstadt schlägt Augsburg im Abstiegs-Duell


Der zu früh abgeschriebene FC Ingolstadt hat im Abstiegskampf der Fußball-Bundesliga das nächste Lebenszeichen ausgesendet. Der Tabellenvorletzte gewann das
Der zu früh abgeschriebene FC Ingolstadt hat im Abstiegskampf der Fußball-Bundesliga das nächste Lebenszeichen ausgesendet. Der Tabellenvorletzte gewann das bayerische Kellerduell beim FC Augsburg am Ende knapp mit 3:2 (2:0) und rückte mit dem zweiten Sieg in der Englischen Woche bis auf vier Punkte an den FCA heran, der mit 29 Zählern weiterhin den Relegationsplatz 16 belegt.
Sonny Kittel (24. Minute) und der nur 1,70 Meter große Almog Cohen mit zwei Kopfballtoren (35./67.) brachten den FC Ingolstadt am Mittwochabend vor 29 528 Zuschauern mit 3:0 in Führung. FCA-Kapitän Paul Verhaegh (76./Foulelfmeter) und der eingewechselte Halil Altintop (82.) sorgten mit ihren Toren noch für eine spannende Schlussphase.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_80830298/ingolstadt-schlaegt-augsburg-im-abstiegs-duell.html
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Международные резервы Украины в марте уменьшились на 2,2%


Международные резервы итогам марта, составляли 15,1 миллиарда долларов, за месяц уменьшившись на 2,2%
Международные резервы итогам марта, составляли 15,1 миллиарда долларов, за месяц уменьшившись на 2,2%.
Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе регулятора.
“Международные резервы Украины на 1 апреля 2017 составили 15 млрд 123 млн долл. (в эквиваленте) по предварительным данным. За месяц они уменьшились на 2,2% сравнительно, в связи с необходимостью осуществления платежей по обслуживанию и погашению государственного и гарантированного государством долга в иностранной валюте”, – говорится в сообщении.
Как отмечается, динамика международных резервов в марте находилась под влиянием ряда факторов. В частности, была благоприятная конъюнктура на внешних рынках, которая дала НБУ выкупать излишки валюты на межбанковском валютном рынке.
Также на динамику повлияло поступление средств в рамках внешнего финансирования. В регуляторе добавили, что влияние имели платежи по внешним обязательствам Украины.
“По состоянию на 1 апреля объем международных резервов Украины покрывал 3,3 месяца будущего импорта и был достаточным для выполнения обязательств Украины и текущих операций правительства и Национального банка”, – говорится в сообщении.
Напомним, за 2016 год международные резервы Украины выросли почти на 17%.

Similarity rank: 12
Sentiment rank: 2.8

© Source: http://ru.golos.ua/ekonomika/mejdunarodnyie_rezervyi_ukrainyi_v_marte_umenshilis_na_22__nbu_4264
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Sen. Rob Portman Wants Trump To Press China On Fentanyl Manufacturing


The synthetic opioid has led to overdose deaths across the country and a lot of it comes from China.
WASHINGTON ― Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) sees President Donald Trump’s Thursday  meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping as an opportunity to address a key driver of the opioid epidemic. Portman encouraged the president to confront the Chinese leader about his country’s manufacturing of synthetic opioids like fentanyl. 
Portman, in a letter to Trump, argued that the roots of the deadly crisis don’t just come from Mexican heroin traffickers and Big Pharma’s painkillers, but also from Chinese manufacturers shipping deadly synthetic opioids that have infiltrated the black market. 
“U. S. law enforcement agencies report that the majority of fentanyl found in the illegal drug market is produced in China,” Portman wrote. “Law enforcement has detected efforts by drug traffickers to smuggle fentanyl across both the Northern border from Canada and the Southwest border from Mexico. However, increasingly fentanyl comes into the United States directly from China by express and traditional mail. Chemical testing of fentanyl seized by law enforcement from the United States Postal Service, as well as from private or express consignment shipping companies (UPS, DHL, FedEx) suggest that the fentanyl coming by direct shipments is deadly, with a purity of higher than 90 percent.”
Law enforcement and public health officials have struggled to curb the opioid epidemic for years. The influx of fentanyl represents a significant escalation in the crisis. It is more potent than prescription painkillers and heroin, and has led to  fatal overdose deaths across the U. S. Portman’s letter noted the latest grim statistics tallied by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Deaths involving fentanyl and synthetic opioids rose to 9,580 in 2015, an increase of 73 percent over the previous year, Portman wrote. “Fentanyl is 30 to 50 times stronger than heroin and often emerges in the illegal drug market laced with powder heroin or pressed into tablets designed to mimic the appearance of a prescription opioid,” he added. 
Portman noted that Trump addressed the issue during the presidential campaign and supported his bill aimed at stopping the flow of opioids. The senator even quoted the president to make his point, noting that Trump promised to “close the shipping loopholes that China and others are exploiting” and vowed to “crack down on this abuse, and give law enforcement the tools they need to accomplish this mission.”
Last week, Trump announced a new commission to examine the opioid epidemic and identify ways the federal government could address it. In a roundtable discussion on the issue, Chinese synthetic opioids came up briefly, but Trump did not mention China or his upcoming meeting with Xi. 
Trump was asked more broadly about the opioid epidemic, and whether “he would take this issue on the road,” according to the media pool report of the roundtable.
“Yes we will,” he said. “Big issue. Very, very big issue.” 
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© Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/rob-portman-trump-china-fentanyl_us_58e53a20e4b0fe4ce087a7da?ir=Politics&utm_hp_ref=politics
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