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Das könnte Ärger geben: Das steckt hinter BVB-Aubameyangs Maskenjubel


BVB-Star Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang feierte sein Tor beim Revierderby gegen Schalke mit Maske. Warum ihm jetzt neuer Ärger droht.
Es dauerte bis zur 53. Minute, dann explodierte BVB-Star Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang : Führungstreffer im Derby auf Schalke (1:1), dann ein Maskenjubel. Doch genau der könnte dem Gabuner richtig Ärger einbringen.
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t-online.de erklärt, was hinter dem Maskenjubel steckt: Eine Werbe-Kampagne seines privaten Ausrüsters Nike.
BVB-Boss Hans-Joachim Watzke: “Ich kann es noch nicht genau einordnen. Aber wenn die Aktion einem Werbepartner galt, dann werden wir mit ihm sprechen und es wird Schwierigkeiten für ihn geben. ” Genau so wird es kommen.
Feierte Aubameyang bisher mit Spiderman- oder gemeinsam mit Marco Reus mit Batman- und Robin-Masken, machte er diesmal Werbung für einen Schuh. Nike versucht derzeit alles, sein neues Model „Hypervenom 3 Strike Night“ zu promoten. Zur Vorstellung war Aubameyang Anfang März in London. Und kam mit einem „Swoosh“ im Haar zurück, dem Logo von Nike. Diesen trug er am 23. Spieltag gegen Leverkusen und bekam prompt Ärger. Denn bei Dormunds Ausrüster Puma kam das alles andere als gut an. „Das muss man nicht häufig wiederholen“, sagte BVB-Sportdirektor Michael Zorc damals dem TV-Sender Sky: „Das werden wir besprechen.“
Zorc machte Aubameyang noch am gleichen Tag klar, dass er sich von der Frisur schnell wieder trennen müsse. Was Aubameyang auch tat. Wenige Tage später spielte er gegen Benfica Lissabon mit Halbkreisen im Haar.
Auf seinem Instagram-Account allerdings hatte Aubameyang vor vier Wochen ein Werbevideo von Nike gepostet mit dem Titel “The Masked Finisher”, also der “maskierte Vollstrecker”. In einer Sequenz trägt er die Maske, die nun im Derby zum Einsatz kam.
The story starts March 1

Verkehrsunfall mit zwei verletzten Personen


NewsHubBad Grönenbach – Bei einer Massenkarambolage im dichten Nebel auf der Autobahn 7 (A7) in Bayern sind in der Silvesternacht sechs Menschen gestorben. Zudem wurden 13 Personen verletzt, wie die Polizei Schwaben Süd/West am Sonntagmorgen mitteilte.
Den Angaben zufolge kollidierten etwa gegen 1.00 Uhr nahe Bad Grönenbach im Unterallgäu drei Sattelzüge und acht Autos. Fünf der Todesopfer saßen laut Polizeiangaben in einem Kleinwagen, der fast komplett zerstört wurde. Das sechste Opfer wurde in seinem Pkw unter einem Laster eingeklemmt. Von den 13 Verletzten wurden fünf vor Ort und acht im Krankenhaus versorgt.
Der genaue Unfallhergang war am Morgen noch unklar, Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst waren mit einem Großaufgebot im Einsatz. Die A7 wurde in Fahrtrichtung Ulm komplett gesperrt, die aufwendigen Rettungsarbeiten dauerten bis in den Morgen.
Ebenfalls im Unterallgäu waren Ende November vier Teenager bei einem verheerenden Unfall ums Leben gekommen. Auf dem Weg zu einem Jugendtreff hatte ein 18-jähriger Fahranfänger in einer langen Rechtskurve in Markt Rettenbach bei stark überhöhter Geschwindigkeit die Gewalt über das Fahrzeug verloren, es prallte gegen einen Baum und wurde in zwei Teile gerissen.
Am Donnerstag hatte der ADAC seine Prognose veröffentlicht, wonach die Zahl der Verkehrstoten auf deutschen Straßen 2016 auf einen Tiefststand gesunken sein dürfte. Der Berechnung des deutschen Autoclubs zufolge starben rund 3.280 Menschen auf den Straßen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 5,2 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr.
Diesem Trend entgegengesetzt war die Entwicklung zuletzt in Bayern: Nach jüngsten Zahlen des Statistischen Landesamts kamen in den ersten zehn Monaten des vergangenen Jahres 531 Menschen bei Verkehrsunfällen im Freistaat ums Leben. Das war im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum mit 528 Todesopfer ein leichter Anstieg. Insgesamt gab es nach Angaben der Statistiker in dem Zeitraum fast 330.000 Unfälle auf Bayerns Straßen. Von Jänner bis Oktober 2015 waren es rund 323.000. (APA/dpa)

Similarity rank: 8

© Source: http://www.tt.com/panorama/unfall/12441566-91/sechs-tote-und-13-verletzte-bei-unfall-auf-autobahn-im-allg%C3%A4u.csp
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"The Machine": Tim Wieses Comeback beim SSV Dillingen misslingt


Mit der Nummer 99 lief der Ex-Nationalkeeper auf – natürlich in pink. Doch der 35-Jährige verlor mit seinem Team das Derby gegen Haunstein.
Mehrere Übertragungswagen, Kamerateams aus Deutschland und England, ein Dutzend Fotografen, jede Menge Reporter und weit über 1000 Zuschauer im Donaustadion: Das Comeback von “The Machine” Tim Wiese hat Dillingen an der Donau am Samstagnachmittag ungewohnte Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt.
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Bei seiner Rückkehr zwischen die Pfosten nach dreieinhalbjähriger Abstinenz musste der 35 Jahre alte Ex-Nationaltorwart nach seinem Wrestling-Abenteuer mit dem Achtligisten SSV Dillingen allerdings eine 1:2 (0:1)-Derbypleite in der Kreisliga Bayern gegen den TSV Haunsheim hinnehmen.
Dabei wurde der sechsmalige Nationalspieler in den ersten 20 Minuten wenig geprüft. Nachdem Wiese, der mit der Rückennummer 99 und komplett im rosa Dress auflief, sein Team dann aber in der 22. Minute mit einer tollen Parade vor einem Rückstand bewahrt hatte, war der frühere Bremer und Hoffenheimer zwei Minuten später beim 0:1 von Robin Hördegen machtlos. Der TSV-Torjäger entschied die Partie dann in der 78. Minute mit seinem 13. Saisontreffer.
Hördegen, hatte vor dem Spiel in der Bild-Zeitung vollmundig angekündigt: “Wiese wird die nächsten drei Wochen Alpträume von mir haben. ” Der 23-Jährige wurde dann in der Tat zum Schreckgespenst für Wiese.
Der 120-Kilo-Koloss Wiese, der nach seinem Gastspiel für die Schwaben beide Mannschaften zu einer Aftershow-Party in einen Augsburger Klub eingeladen hatte, konnte sich vor den Augen von DFB-Vizepräsident Rainer Koch nur noch wenig auszeichnen. Der Verzweiflung nahe verfolgte er, wie seine Vorderleute ein ums andere Mal aus aussichtsreicher Position an seinem starken Gegenüber Matthias Mönle im Kasten des Aufsteigers scheiterten, der nur durch einen Foulelfmeter bezwungen werden konnte.
Wiese schaltete sich in der Schlussphase in die Angriffe seiner Mannschaft ein, am Ende konnte er die Niederlage der Hausherren nach zuvor zwei Siegen aber nicht verhindern. Die Abstiegsgefahr hat sich für Dillingen dadurch wieder vergrößert. “Das habe ich mir natürlich anders vorgestellt”, sagte Wiese nach dem Schlusspfiff.
Am mangelnden Einsatz lag es jedenfalls nicht. (Quelle: DeFodi/imago)

Similarity rank: 5.4

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/sport/fussball/id_80791330/-the-machine-tim-wieses-comeback-beim-ssv-dillingen-misslingt.html
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最後はスライダーで併殺に 大阪桐蔭・根尾


○大阪桐蔭(大阪)8-3履正社(大阪)●(決勝・ 1日) 大阪桐蔭の 優勝の 瞬間をマウンドで迎えたの は根尾だった。 この 日は先発を外れ、 代打で途中出場。 九回にエース徳山を救援した。

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© Source: http://mainichi.jp/koshien/articles/20170402/k00/00m/050/099000c
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Jewgeni Jewtuschenko gestorben: Der Dichter der Entstalinisierung ist tot


Er galt in Russland als die Stimme der Zeit nach Diktator Stalin, sein Gedicht “Babi Jar”, in dem er den deutschen Mord an die Kiewer Juden verarbeitete, machte ihn weltberühmt. Nun ist der Dichter Jewgeni Jewtuschenko im Alter von 84 Jahren in den USA verstorben.
Er galt in Russland als die Stimme der Zeit nach Diktator Stalin, sein Gedicht “Babi Jar”, in dem er den deutschen Mord an die Kiewer Juden verarbeitete, machte ihn weltberühmt. Nun ist der Dichter Jewgeni Jewtuschenko im Alter von 84 Jahren in den USA verstorben.
Der russische Dichter Jewgeni Jewtuschenko ist mit 84 Jahren in den USA gestorben. Wie das russische Staatsfernsehen berichtete, starb er in einem Krankenhaus in Tulsa im Bundesstaat Oklahoma. Jewtuschenko, geboren 1932, machte sich vor allem als Dichter der Entstalinisierung und des sogenannten Tauwetters in den 60er-Jahren einen Namen.
Weltruhm erlangte Jewutschenko mit dem Gedicht “Babi Jar”, in dem er den deutschen Massenmord an den Kiewer Juden 1941 verarbeitet. In Deutschland wurde er auch mit seinen autobiografischen Romanen “Stirb nicht vor deiner Zeit” (1994) und “Der Wolfspass. Abenteuer eines Dichterlebens” (2000) bekannt.
Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin sprach der Familie sein Beileid aus. “Jewtuschenko war ein großer Poet, sein Erbe ist ein wichtiger Teil der russischen Kultur”, sagte Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow. Der russische Schriftstellerverband würdigte Jewtuschenko als “poetisches Symbol einer ganzen Epoche”.
Der vielfach ausgezeichnete Dichter Jewtuschenko schuf auch Prosawerke und arbeitete als Regisseur und Drehbuchautor. Mit seinen Lesungen füllte Jewtuschenko in Russland ganze Hallen und Stadien. So kritisch er das sowjetische System sah, brach er doch nie ganz damit. Im nach-sowjetischen Russland beklagte er die “kommerzielle Zensur”, die “McDonaldisierung der Kultur”. Ab 1992 lehrte er in Tulsa in den USA als Gastdozent russische Literatur. Jewtuschenko war viermal verheiratet und hat fünf Söhne.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/jewtuschenko-101.html
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Schwere Überschwemmungen: Zahl der Todesopfer in Kolumbien steigt auf über 150


Nach schweren Überschwemmungen sind bei Erdrutschen in der südkolumbianischen Stadt Mocoa mehr als 150 Menschen getötet worden. Hunderte wurden verletzt, hunderte werden noch vermisst. Aufnahmen aus der Region zeigen schwere Verwüstungen, ganze Häuserzeilen wurden von den Wassermassen weggerissen.
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Similarity rank: 2.2

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/erdrutsch-kolumbien-103.html
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Geheimes Treffen: Bob Dylan nimmt Literaturnobelpreis entgegen


Der Rocksänger Bob Dylan hat seinen Literaturnobelpreis abgeholt. Zuvor hat er die Jury monatelang zappeln lassen. Jetzt nahm der Lyriker die Auszeichnung heimlich, still und leise in Empfang.
Mit mehreren Monaten Verspätung hat der Sänger und Songschreiber Bob Dylan laut Schwedischem Rundfunk am Samstag in Stockholm den Literaturnobelpreis entgegengenommen. Mit der Auszeichnung hatte die Schwedische Akademie den Rockstar im Oktober „für seine poetischen Neuschöpfungen in der großen amerikanischen Songtradition“ geehrt. Zur Preisverleihung in der schwedischen Hauptstadt war Dylan im Dezember aber nicht erschienen.
Bei einem Treffen mit Mitgliedern der Nobeljury, das ein Mitglied dem Fernsehsender SVT bestätigte und das auf Wunsch des Rocksängers unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit stattfand, nahm der Amerikaner die Auszeichnung in Empfang. Anlass von Dylans Besuch in der schwedischen Hauptstadt waren aber nicht die Nobel-Ehren, sondern zwei Konzerte in Stockholm am Samstag und Sonntag.
Um das Preisgeld von acht Millionen schwedischen Kronen (rund 838 000 Euro) behalten zu dürfen, wird von dem Songschreiber noch die traditionelle Nobelvorlesung erwartet. Ob und in welcher Form Dylan diese hielt oder hält, blieb zunächst unklar.
Dass der US-Sänger nach der Zuerkennung im Oktober wochenlang nicht für die Akademie erreichbar war, hatte für Unmut in dem Gremium gesorgt, das jedes Jahr den Preisträger auswählt. Im Jahr vor Dylan hatte die Jury die weißrussische Schriftstellerin und Journalistin Swetlana Alexijewitsch geehrt.
Nach seinem Besuch in Stockholm setzt Dylan seine Tour mit Auftritten in Oslo, Kopenhagen und Lund fort. Danach ist er für drei Konzerte in Deutschland zu Gast. Hier steht der legendäre Musiker in Hamburg, Lingen und Düsseldorf auf der Bühne. (dpa)

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/weltspiegel/geheimes-treffen-bob-dylan-nimmt-literaturnobelpreis-entgegen/19602264.html
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将棋の佐藤名人がソフトに敗北 タイトル保持者初、電王戦第1局


将棋プロ棋士の 佐藤天彦名人(29)とコンピューターソフト「PONANZA」 の 2番勝負、 第2期電王戦の 第1局は1日、 栃木県日光市の 日光東照宮で行われ、 71手で後手の 佐藤名人が敗れた。 公の 場で、 タイトル保持者がソフトに敗れるの は初めて。 名人は七大タイトルの 中で最も…
将棋プロ棋士の佐藤天彦名人(29)とコンピューターソフト「PONANZA」の2番勝負、第2期電王戦の第1局は1日、栃木県日光市の日光東照宮で行われ、71手で後手の佐藤名人が敗れた。公の場で、タイトル保持者がソフトに敗れるのは初めて。 名人は七大タイトルの中で最も伝統がある。タイトル保持者とソフトの対局は2007年の渡辺明竜王以来で、この時は渡辺竜王が勝利した。プロ棋士とソフトが対戦する電王戦は12年に始まり、タイトル保持者の出場は今回が初めてだった。これで、電王戦の対戦成績はソフトの13勝5敗1引き分けとなった。

Similarity rank: 2.1
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© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017040101001741.html
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Krablr releases first diversity report


Things are going well for Krablr, the crab pricing messaging app for millennials. Yet now that the app has managed to attract millions of crab lovers the..
Things are going well for Krablr , the crab pricing messaging app for millennials. Now that the app has managed to attract millions of crab lovers the company faces more scrutiny. That’s why Krablr CEO Paul Paulson Black III just released the company’s first ever diversity report detailing the demographics of its employees.
“We fully recognize that our millions of daily active users expect us to set a positive example. They don’t just want to stuff their face with fresh crab,” he told us.
The startup has a predominantly white and male workforce, according to the report, with 37.1 percent female employees — of whom only 16.4 percent are in a tech role.
“Hey, at least we did better than Uber,” Paulson Black III told TechCrunch. And it’s true that Krablr beats Uber’s gender breakdown by one percentage point.
When it comes to race, 55.7 percent of Krablr is white, 28.6 percent Asian, 7.2 percent black, 5.6 percent Latinx and 2.9 percent two or more races.
Frankly, this is yet another dismal performance by a technology startup. And one that fails to be reflective of the diverse population of crab consumers around the world. Krablr advisor John Blarggs was in the room during our interview and couldn’t stop rolling his eyes. We share his sentiment entirely.
When we made these points, Paulson Black III shifted uneasily in his designer office chair, and said the leadership has recently hired an external consultancy to look into whether or not it should relocate its Friday beer-pong team-bonding sessions at ‘The Saucy Mermaid’s Tail’ to somewhere less douchey.
“We’re open to looking less like a bunch of stupidly successful dudebros,” he added.
The CEO became much more animated discussing the company’s ambitious plans to build an in-house artificial intelligence engineering division this year.
“We think we’ll have what it takes to dominate the competition while it’s still in diapers playing with those learn to code pre-school toys that people are giving their kids nowadays,” said Paulson Black III. “Successful crabbing is one part art, one part blind luck. But with all the machine learning experts we’re sucking up from Uber’s driverless car division we’re very confident we’ll be able to predict crab migration patterns with up to 86.7 percent accuracy in future.
“Truly, we think we’ll have what it takes to crack this market right open.”
And it’s true that Krablr has an innovative approach. The AI team uses machine learning on existing machine learning algorithms to select the best machine learning algorithm — in real time. They call this patent-pending technique the “double pincer machine learning inception” — or, colloquially, the ‘Krablr club sandwich’.
In order to feed the model, Krablr had to amass a ton of data about crab migration patterns. The EFF has since published a statement warning that crabs should encrypt their migration patterns to protect their privacy (and their lives, really).
In other news, Krablr just dropped support for its chatbot. It turns out users would rather share Snapchat-like stories than enter command lines into a chat interface.
“We want to think entirely outside the text box,” said Paulson Black III. “I personally believe the future will be 110 percent video, 0 percent sound. People want to experience the crabs they’re thinking of purchasing in immersive 360 video before they commit. We tried VR but it just made people sick. No one wants to eat crab if they’re feeling sicker than a dog.”
Another new focus for the team is crab kits. They’re planning to launch a home crab kit delivery service called Red Apron — penciling in a launch for three apartments in a street in Greenwich Village, New York in summer 2019.
Customers will be sent a box containing all the crab parts needed to reconstitute a crab at home. “Just add salted water!” enthused Paulson Black III. He said the company intends to work with drone companies to airfreight crab kits to customers in minutes. (Though he cautioned drone delivery might not be universally available.)
“Obviously Red Apron will only be available to a minuscule fraction of our most elite and discerning urban consumers. But we think not everyone needs to eat crab so quickly,” he added.
Asked about his long term vision for Krablr’s future, Paulson Black III returned immediately to the topic of diversity — saying he is committed to changing the direction of the company eventually. Ideally before he hands the CEO’s chair to his son, Paul ‘Paulie’ Paulson Black Jr.
“I recognize we might not be coming up with all the best ideas. Frankly, there’s only so many crab-based products a bunch of dudebros can think of. Can you give me the number of a good HR manager?”
Krablr has been funded by $5 million from investors including Scranton Angels. It’s not expecting to be profitable before the next century. Paulson Black III said it’s looking to raise a ton more cash, and very soon.

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Zozi’s ousted CEO sues board following last week’s layoffs


Tour and activities marketplace Zozi fired its CEO earlier this year, but employees were only just informed of this fact last week, when the ousted CEO – who..
Now the CEO, T. J. Sassani, has filed suit against the board and investors who have taken control of the company, alleging wrongful termination, among a number of other outrageous claims, including also breach of fiduciary duty, embezzlement on the part of a former exec, fraud, discrimination, harassment and a host of other violations.
Last Thursday, tour and activities marketplace and software maker Zozi confirmed to TechCrunch it had laid off a portion of its staff.
The layoffs, which we noted last week , had affected jobs across the board, including sales, marketing, operations and engineering.
The company at the time claimed 30 percent of staff were affected, but the real number is actually higher – closer to 40 percent, we’ve since learned, and confirmed with Zozi.
The company actually had around 106 employees ahead of the layoffs, which included a team of 35 engineers in Vancouver.
A spreadsheet with over 40 names was being passed around among the affected employees, as a means of helping each other find new jobs.
But the layoffs are only one facet of this company’s current struggles. Sassani is no longer with the company and really hasn’t been around for months. Many told us a member of the executive team, Steven Weidman, was acting CEO after the COO’s departure.
But when we contacted Zozi, we were told that Elon Boms, a long-time investor and board member, has been working with Weidman, to lead the company internally. The company now says Boms is acting CEO. Boms is also named in Sassani’s lawsuit.
Boms is a representative of KLP, the fund owned by Karen Pritzker and Michael Vlock, of the billionaire Pritzker family, which is a majority shareholder in Zozi.
Boms tells us that last week’s layoffs were about refocusing Zozi on the part that’s growing – not the consumer marketplace, but the software-as-a-service product for businesses, Zozi Advance.
He confirmed Sassani’s departure and a new round of funding in a statement to TechCrunch ahead of the lawsuit’s filing:
Following the filing, Zozi issued another statement:
Sassani, we heard from many people, hadn’t been around the office in recent months. Some staff was led to believe he was out fundraising – and Sassani’s lawsuit indicates this, as well.
Employees were not told in January when the board fired him, and only learned of it last week.
But many employees were already concerned that something odd was happening at Zozi. The CEO hadn’t shown up at the holiday party in December, for example, though he lived only blocks away. He didn’t even come after people called him to ask where he was.
“I knew that was a terrible sign that the CEO hadn’t been in the office in months and the COO apparently left the company unannounced,” noted one person who had recently been laid off. “There’s been no transparency about this situation,” they said.
“We were told that he was out fundraising. He met up with a group of employees that were affected by the layoff and was shocked that we weren’t informed that he was fired in December, shortly after raising $15 million, for not agreeing to a merger with our rival Peek,” they added.
Sassani had made those claims to a group he met with at a local bar, following Thursday’s layoffs. He also alluded to various health concerns – including serious illnesses – as being partly to blame for his absence at the company as well as the holiday party. Sassani also told the group he planned to fight back.
After the layoffs were announced Thursday at a Town Hall, a second Town Hall was called on Friday to address the situation with Sassani, and clear the air about the nature of his exit.
Weidman called the Friday meeting, where, along with Zozi co-founder Daniel Gruneberg, the execs prepared to finally tell the staff about the leadership changes, including Sassani’s firing – as the founder had yet to address the situation himself.
But before the meeting started, Sassani entered the room. Some Zozi hires were so new, they had never even seen him in the office. Those who did know him were fairly shocked.
Weidman tried to call off the meeting at that point, but Sassani said he was there to observe, and to please continue. Weidman and Gruneberg refused, so Sassani spoke to the group instead, to explain his firing. He brought up his health issues. He then asked Weidman to proceed with the scheduled meeting, but Weidman dismissed the group instead.
Staff in attendance described it as a very “awkward” situation.
When trying to reach Sassani for comment on all this (initially via his girlfriend), we were directed to call his lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon. We were later provided Sassani’s cell, but he has not returned our calls.
Dhillon’s firm, DLG, Inc ., has now filed a lawsuit on Sassani’s behalf. The firm confirmed their involvement but did not issue a statement.
The suit makes a number of astounding claims.
In a lengthy document, Sassani claims a litany of abuses. He says he raised $60 million for his company over the course of his tenure from over 150 investors, including funds from KLP. He claims to suffer from ulcerative colitis, a chronic condition that can lead to cancer and is exacerbated by stress.
Sassani, in the filing, says the board refused him medical leave on multiple occasions, and instead pressured him to work longer hours, worsening his condition. He claims he was diagnosed with early-stage colon cancer in 2013 and had polyps removed, but was never offered the opportunity to take formal leave, even as the conditioned flared and subsided over the years. He says he was instructed to raise funding from new investors in 2014, instead of resting, for example.
In 2016, when Zozi needed more cash, KLP offered $5.7 million in a personal loan to Sassani, of which $5 million was invested in Zozi via convertible note, with other portions used for Sassani’s personal debts. The collateral for the loan was Sassani’s preferred shares and common stock (meaning his voting rights.)
In August 2016, Sassani says he was instructed to fundraise again, but KLP was putting no new capital in – something that would make it difficult to bring in new investors, he said, as KLP was the largest investor. Sassani says by December 2016, his medical conditions were so bad he had to work from home, but formal leave was still not offered. He was also supposed to be out raising equity capital.
Sassani says, during this time, Boms was secretly working on a merger and recapitalization strategy with the then-COO. (We’ve heard this is Peek.) Sassani says other investors were not being made aware of this.
Sassani claims that the COO had been a consultant to Zozi before being COO, but was not owed his fees until the next equity round closed. But the COO had approved a transfer of $58,600 without Sassani’s approval after submitting his hours to the company comptroller. In the lawsuit complaint, Sassani calls this embezzlement and says he fired him. (The board promptly reinstated the COO, however. The COO is not named as defendant in the lawsuit.)
Sassani says that he was threatened with bankruptcy if he didn’t resign, and that Boms used a number of high-pressure tactics to seize control.
He says Boms threatened to force a lender to call a loan on Zozi and sink the company if he didn’t comply. He says Boms followed through on this, as KLP sent a Notice of Default on a personal loan Sassani took from KLP to invest in Zozi.
Sassani says he was also sent a letter that said KLP would sell off all common and preferred stock and other assets valued at $25 million (Zozi’s most recent valuation), to cover the $5.7 million loan. This would allow KLP to seize control of the company and deprive Sassani of his voting power. KLP did not seize the preferred stock Sassani recently purchased, he also says – which is why they would be able to believably claim they were not trying to bankrupt him, the filing states.
Sassani’s claims are only one side of this complicated saga. Reading between the lines, it appears like this is a founder doing everything in his power to hold onto his company. But many questions can be raised here.
For example, if Sassani were as sick as he claims – necessitating him permanently working from home – why didn’t he voluntarily step down as CEO long ago? Wouldn’t that have been what’s best for his company – to have a leader who could run it day-to-day?
Why did KLP issue a personal loan to Sassani to allow him to pay off personal debts, in addition to infusing the business with more capital? What were these debts?
Why would a company deny someone with cancer, or at least a serious medical condition, medical leave?
Why would a board member representing KLP threaten to “sink” a company they had invested in?
How could paying someone for their hours worked be called embezzlement, when the board immediately rehires the exec in question after ousting the CEO?
According to multiple sources on the exec team, the reality of the situation is not one that Sassani describes in this suit.
Instead, they paint a picture of extreme dereliction of duty by the founder – where he was gone from the office for months at a time – something other non-exec Zozi employees have also confirmed. Various sources said he was essentially unfit to lead and lacked the strategic decision-making skills that would allow the company to remain operational.
We also heard that Sassani had just stopped showing up at work, was not participating in leadership meetings, and stopped having one-on-ones with direct reports as far back as the second quarter of 2016. By the third quarter, he was really gone.
“ T. J. attended meetings less and less and by Q4 of 2016 he was rarely seen in the office,” said a member of the executive team.
The last executive meeting Sassani attended was late summer 2016, where he became excessively agitated when the team didn’t stay on script per his agenda and were in disagreement with how he wanted to spend funds. We heard from sources that the startup’s cash burn was high.
We heard Sassani had hired a number of account executives ahead of his fundraising; and many account execs ended up getting laid off last week.
We also understand Sassani was pursuing a number of expensive initiatives that execs didn’t agree with, including those with outside contractors.
“Working with T. J. was easily the most horrible experience of my professional career,” said one vendor that had been contracted to work for Zozi. “Zozi owes us almost a million in debt and cash. Despite repeated assurances that we would be paid, we’re months overdue on payment,” they said.
Overall, multiple sources at Zozi painted a picture of a CEO refusing to back down, no matter the damage done to Zozi in the process.
While it’s not unusual for a board to take control of a company where the CEO is ineffective, Zozi’s situation is fairly chaotic and dramatic, largely because of Sassani’s behavior, and now, this lawsuit.
In addition to the suit, Sassani has filed a temporary restraining order to prohibit KLP from “selling, deposing, conveying, purchasing, or transferring” any of his assets or equity securities.

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