Start United States USA — mix Modest Wage Gains In February As Economy Adds Robust 313,000 Jobs

Modest Wage Gains In February As Economy Adds Robust 313,000 Jobs


The largest increase in jobs in 1 1/2 years was accompanied by a 2.6 percent year-on-year increase in wages, a slowdown from January’s pace. The unemployment rate held at 4.1 percent.
The U. S. added a hefty 313,000 jobs in February — the biggest increase in 1 1/2 years — while wages rose more modestly than the previous month. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate held steady at 4.1 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.
The latest report marks the 89th consecutive month of job growth, a trend that began in late 2010, as the economy began to pick up steam in the wake of the worst downturn since the Great Depression.
NPR’s Chris Arnold says „this report shows that the economy is still chugging away with employers confident enough to hire a lot more workers.“
Year over year, wages increased 2.6 percent last month, a slowdown from January’s 2.9 percent pace, which triggered a sell-off on Wall Street. On average, wages increased by 4 cents in February to $26.75. It was a more modest gain than the 7-cent increase in January.
While wage gains are good for employees, they add to inflationary pressures and could lead to a rise in interest rates that would increase the cost of borrowing for employers.
„The gain in average hourly earnings of 2.6 percent over the past year is less-than-stellar for workers, but also helps to calm inflation fears,“ Mark Hamrick,’s senior economic analyst, said in an email.
„Having said that, if we see the February payrolls number sustained, which seems unlikely, that keeps the inflation question very much in play,“ he said.
„There’s one really big story here, and that’s the average hourly earnings,“ Jonathan Golub, chief United States equity strategist at Credit Suisse, tell The New York Times. „That’s where the conversation will turn.“
As Reuters reports:
The largest gain in more than a decade in construction jobs, up 61,000, let the growth sectors. Retail trade and professional and business services also fared well, with each sector adding 50,000 jobs from January. Manufacturing was up 31,000; financial 28,000; and heath care 19,000.
The average workweek increased by 0.1 hour to 34.5 hours.

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