Start United States USA — mix US Mulls Backing Guaido's Venezuelan Opposition With ‘Influx of Cash’ – Report

US Mulls Backing Guaido's Venezuelan Opposition With ‘Influx of Cash’ – Report


This comes amid the ongoing political standoff in Venezuela, which escalated earlier this week when the country’s opposition leader Juan Guaido, who proclaimed himself president earlier this year, unsuccessfully tried to initiate a coup to overthrow the government of President Nicolas Maduro.
The Trump administration wants to find a way to financially support Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido with an “influx of cash”, CNN cited unnamed White House sources as saying.
“They are trying to figure out how do you help the interim government be able to provide paychecks, that kind of stuff, so that there is an ability to say, ‘hey we are a functioning government’. That would include payments to various people, including those in the military,” one source said.
READ MORE: ‚Nerves of Steel‘: Nicholas Maduro Urges Venezuelans to Say ‚No‘ to US Meddling
The sources claimed that the Trump administration is unlikely fly cash directly to Venezuela, given the South American country’s air defences and the comparative ease with witch Washington could deliver money to neighbouring Colombia to be transferred across the border to Venezuela.

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