Start United States USA — Political ‘Doesn’t Reflect Gravity of the Hour’: DNC Offered ‘Feel Good’ Messages, Not...

‘Doesn’t Reflect Gravity of the Hour’: DNC Offered ‘Feel Good’ Messages, Not Politics or Policy


On Thursday, Joe Biden accepted the Democratic National Convention’s (DNC) nomination as presidential candidate. However, neither Biden nor the convention at large were…
Peter LaVelle, the host of RT’s “CrossTalk,” told Radio Sputnik’s Fault Lines on Friday, that everything about the DNC speaks to the indifference of the rich elites who dominate the US “donor’s democracy” to the struggles of working Americans. LaVelle told hosts Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan that Biden’s acceptance speech was “completely vacuous,” but that he was surprised the 77-year-old former vice president and senator, who is known for losing his train of thought, actually finished the speech at all. “That’s not politics, that’s not policy. So we just got a badly choreographed, weeklong infomercial,” LaVelle said, noting that “we should expect the same thing from the GOP next week – or maybe they’ve learned a few lessons of what not to do.” “But you know, we are in the middle of a pandemic, there is a extreme economic turndown for tens of millions of Americans, and they have these cheesy music clips that they throw into the middle of it. I don’t think that the convention gave the gravity of what’s going on.

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