Start United States USA — Events How Many Aircraft Has Russia Lost in the Ukraine War?

How Many Aircraft Has Russia Lost in the Ukraine War?


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned of a Russian threat to NATO „homes“ after a strike near the Polish border.
Russia has lost 77 aircraft in Ukraine since it invaded the country on February 24, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A statement by the ministry on Monday said that Russia had also lost 90 helicopters since fighting broke out. It also said that more than 12,000 Russian military personnel had been killed and 389 tanks had been seized from Russian forces. Military website Oryx has also provided figures on military equipment that has been seized, damaged or abandoned. The website monitors the destruction of military equipment through open-source reports, such as social media, and each loss needs to be backed up with photographic evidence. The website’s numbers on aircraft that have been captured or downed by Ukrainian armed forces are much lower: it estimates only 13 Russian aircraft have been lost since the war began.

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