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Mourning the queen – but did Elizabeth II drop the ball?


It cannot be denied that Queen Elizabeth II of blessed memory partook in the decision to support the unchecked majority rule of the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa, my homeland.
Like her Majesty at the time, most politicians and public intellectuals thought nothing of delivering South Africa into the hands of professed radical Marxist terrorists. Yet anyone suggesting such folly to the wise Margaret Thatcher risked taking a hand-bagging.
The Iron Lady had ventured that grooming the ANC as South Africa’s government-in-waiting was tantamount to „living in cloud-cuckoo land.“ („Into The Cannibal’s Post: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,“ p. 147.)
But what do you know? Queen Elizabeth did just that! Over Mrs. Thatcher’s objections, in 1987 the queen had bullied Prime Minister Thatcher to sanction South Africa.
And in 1979, noted British paleolibertarian Sean Gabb, the queen also muscled Mrs. Thatcher to go back on her election promise not to hand Rhodesia over to another bunch of white-hating black Marxists.
Most disquieting to decency: Although search engines are energetically scrubbing this fact from the internet – the queen had knighted Robert Mugabe. Mugabe was chief warlord of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia (may that country rest in peace).
To quote „Into the Cannibal’s Pot,“ the book aforementioned:
Sidebar: Mugabe was nothing if not consistent in his contempt for all life.
Question: What do you call a „person“ who butchers and barbeques baby elephants?
Answer: A motherf–ker.

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