Start United States USA — Criminal Rick Scott Announces Bid To Oust McConnell As Senate GOP Leader

Rick Scott Announces Bid To Oust McConnell As Senate GOP Leader


Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) has announced a bid to oust Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as the Republican Leader of the Senate after the midterm elections.
Scott made the announcement in a note to his Republican colleagues on Tuesday that was sent to The Daily Wire by Scott’s office. It was initially obtained by Fox News Digital.
In the note, which was published by Fox News Digital, Scott tells his colleagues that he believes “it’s time for the Senate Republican Conference to be far more bold and resolute than we have been in the past. We must start saying what we are for, not just what we are against.”
While he believes the Democrats are “radical,” Scott says Republicans cannot “simply continue to say” so.
“Republican voters expect and deserve to know our plan to promote and advance conservative values. We need to listen to their calls for action and start governing in Washington like we campaign back at home,” he added.
Scott added that he was “deeply disappointed” by the midterm election results, and “[d]espite what the armchair quarterbacks on TV will tell you, there is no one person responsible for our party’s performance across the country.

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