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Starfield Item IDs List


Want to pretend like a hacker and tinker with the game? In Starfield, you will need Item IDs to do it and we have got you covered.
Bethesda has always given their fans the liberty to get down and dirty with console commands and have a little fun with cheat codes. It is not foul play if the developers themselves are allowing you to try and break the game. You can do a whole lot with them but to be more efficient and write more targetted console commands in Starfield, we use item IDs.
Pretty much every item you find in Starfield has a specific Item ID tied to it. That makes it easier to identify them while writing console commands and cheat codes.
You can use the item ID in tandem with a command and do tons of exciting stuff. For example, you can pick a weapon and spawn hundreds of them in front of you using that weapon’s ID and a simple cheat code.
The realm of console commands in Starfield is a whole other world and is surely one to explore if you are an enthusiast trying to have some fun. To you in your game-breaking voyage, we have compiled a comprehensive list of all item IDs in Starfield. How to find Item IDs in Starfield
If for some reason, despite having this list, you still want to search for an item’s code, you can do that right from within Starfield.
Not only that, you can get yourself a whole list of commands you can try in conjunction with that item. You might be wondering, what are the magic words to help you find all of that?
The rule is simple, all you have to do is ask for “help“. Yes, this is the command that is used to search for Item codes and commands in Starfield. The general syntax for the command is as follows:
help [item name]
You can replace the [item name] with the name of the item you are looking for. A simple example to demonstrate that would be:
help Credits
This command is going to first provide you with an item ID, which in this case is 0000000F, and along with that, you are going to get a list of all possible commands to use and experiment with that item.
This is the most basic format of the help command. You can further add modifiers to your command in order to get more precise results. This is how modifiers will work in a command:
help [item name] [filter number][form type]
“Filter Number” allows you to narrow down your search. They range from 0-4 with each one serving a unique purpose.
Filter NumberPurpose
0 Show All Results
1 Show Only Commands and Scripts (Functions)
2 Show Only Possible Settings
3 Show All Globals
4 Show Item Codes and Everything Else
The “Form Type” modifier allows you to sort your search results into different groups. It is a four-character modifier that you can use in order to give your search results a more structured format. How to use Item IDs in Starfield
If you want to play fair in Starfield then these item IDs are of no use to you. But if you are feeling a little naughty then you will need to use Console Commands and Cheats to utilize these item IDs.
Although there will be other possible uses the most major and probably the only one that you will use is going to be adding items to your inventory. The command that you can use for it is as follows:
additem [itemID] [Quantity]
You can replace the item ID with the ID of your choice and just replace the quantity with how many you want. If you want to add credits to your account then you can use the following command:
additem 0000000F 10000
This command will add ten thousand credits to your account. You need to keep in mind that using any command will disable the achievement so use at your own risk or try it in a separate save file.Complete list of all Starfield Item IDs
Below we have given a list of all item IDs in Starfield and have categorised them into different classes. You can go through the ones you are looking for by filtering through by category.
Weapon Modifiers
Aid Weapons Item IDs
We have further narrowed down the categories within weapons to help you better navigate the list.
Item NameItem ID
AA-99 002BF65B
Arc Welder 0026D965
AutoRivet 0026D964
Beowulf 0004716C
Big Bang 0026D963
Breach 000547A3
Bridger 0026D96A
Coachman 0026D96B
Cutter 00016758
Drum Beat 0018DE2C
Discarded Sidestar 002F413A
Ecliptic Pistol 0026D96E
Eon 000476C4
Equinox 0001BC4F
Grendel 00028A02
Hard Target 00546CC
Kodama 00253A16
Kraken 0021FEB4
Lawgiver 0002D7F4
Maelstrom 002984DF
Mag Shear 0002EB3C
MagPulse 00023606
MagShot 0002EB42
MagSniper 0002EB45
MagStorm 0026035E
Microgun 000546CD
Novablast Disputor 0026D968
Novalight 0026D967
Old Earth Assult Rifle 0026ED2A
Old Earth Hunting Rifle 0021BBCD
Old Earth Shotgun 00278F74
Orion 002773C8
Osmium Dagger 0026D966
Pacifier 002953F8
Rattler 00/040826
Razorback 00000FD6
Regulator 0002CB5F
Rescue Axe 0004F760
Shotty 0026D960
Sidestar 0026D95D
Sidestar 0026D961
Tombstone 0002EB36
Urban Eagle 0026D96D
VaRuun Inflictor 0026D8A0
VaRuun Painblade 0026D8A2
VaRuun Starshard 0026D8A4
Item NameItem ID
Barrow Knife 0026F181
Combat Knife 00035A48
Tanto 0026D8A3
UC Naval Cutlass 0026D8A5
Wakiazashi 0026D8A1Weapon Modifiers Item IDs
Mod NameMod ID
Anti-Personnel 000FF442
Bashing 000FEA07
Berserker 000F437E
Cornered 000F428E
Demoralizing 000FC884
Disassembler 001625EB
Explosive 000FA8D6
Extended Magazine 000FFA3B
Exterminator 0015DD18
Frenzy 000FC8A4
Furious 000EA117
Hitman 000F2013
Instigating 000F2013
Lacerate 000FFA3C
Med Theft 000FFA3C
Poison 00319AEC
Rapid 000FEA04
Shattering 000F4557
Space-Adept 000F7321
Space-Adept 000FFA3D
Titanium Build 000FFA3DSpacesuits Item IDs
All Spacesuits have been classified based on the rarity.

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