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The End of 'No Labels' Does Not Mean the End of Biden's Third-Party Trouble


The Biden campaign is celebrating following the announcement on Thursday that the No Labels group would not field a presidential candidate in 2024.
“No Labels is ending our effort to put forth a Unity ticket in the 2024 presidential election,” Nancy Jacobson, No Labels’ founder and CEO, said in a statement. Jacobson, wife of former GOP strategist Mark Penn, said that the group would only have offered to field a ticket if there had been a credible path to victory.
There never was, and No Labels is finished.
“No such candidates emerged, so the responsible course of action is for us to stand down,” Jacobson said. She added that the group would continue promoting „unity“ and giving “voice to America’s commonsense majority.”
There may be a „commonsense majority“ that hates both Biden and Trump, but no third-party entry will destroy the stranglehold on power maintained by the Republicans and Democrats.
Sure, the system is rigged against them with ballot access rules worthy of any Communist dictatorship. But it’s the people, including you, me, and your friends and neighbors, who refuse to allow a third party entry in the presidential or congressional races.
Put simply: the people won’t vote for it.
It’s not that third parties don’t have good ideas or good candidates.

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