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With a game show as his guide, researcher uses AI to predict deception


Using data from a 2002 game show, a Virginia Commonwealth University researcher has taught a computer how to tell if you are lying.
Using data from a 2002 game show, a Virginia Commonwealth University researcher has taught a computer how to tell if you are lying.
„Human behaviors are a rich source of deception and trust cues,“ said Xunyu Chen, assistant professor in the Department of Information Systems in VCU’s School of Business. „Utilizing [artificial intelligence methods], such as machine learning and deep learning, can better exploit these sources of information for decision-making.“
In one of the first papers that investigate high-stakes deception and trust quantitatively—“Trust and Deception with High Stakes: Evidence from the ‚Friend or Foe‘ Dataset“ appeared in a recent issue of Decision Support Systems—Chen and his team use a novel dataset derived from an American game show, „Friend or Foe?“ which is based on the prisoner’s dilemma.

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