Start United States USA — mix Confirmed: Nearly Half of Protesters Are Not Students or Faculty

Confirmed: Nearly Half of Protesters Are Not Students or Faculty


For some time now we’ve been hearing rumors that the increasingly violent pro-Hamas protests on American university campuses were not really „homegrown“ activities at all, but were being incited by outside groups of paid, professional agitators. Now, following some investigation into police reports released by officials, we appear to have confirmation. Quite a few of the protesters arrested at Columbia University were not affiliated with the school. At City College, that was the case with more than half (60%) of those arrested. So who are these professional agitators? The media is describing them as „veteran protesters,“ but they appear to be getting their funding from people associated with George Soros. (NBC News)
At UCLA overnight, 210 people were arrested when officers cleared an on-campus encampment in a chaotic scene, officials said.
New York City officials said that a significant number of people arrested this week at campus demonstrations were not affiliated with the schools. Nearly 30% of the people arrested at Columbia were unaffiliated with the university and 60% of the arrests at City College involved people who weren’t affiliated with that school, the mayor said.
Dozens of people have been arraigned in New York. The district attorney said 46 people who were detained at Columbia have been charged with criminal trespass and 22 people detained at City College were arraigned on one count burglary and obstructing governmental administration.
To be clear, some of the people involved in the protests and riots are students at these schools.

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