Start United States USA — software Microsoft's new data center design dramatically decreases water usage

Microsoft's new data center design dramatically decreases water usage


Microsoft’s latest data centers will employ a new cooling system that doesn’t draw water from the surrounding environment. The design aims to address environmental concerns as the.
Why it matters: Operating data centers requires a lot of energy, and the enormous amount of water used to cool them is a growing environmental concern. As the expansion of AI data centers exacerbates the problem, tech giants are searching for ways to mitigate their environmental and climate footprint. Microsoft believes that recycled water holds the key.
Microsoft’s latest data centers will employ a new cooling system that doesn’t draw water from the surrounding environment. The design aims to address environmental concerns as the AI boom drives data center construction.
Although the company calls its new design a „zero-water“ system, it still uses water to cool its servers. Unlike traditional data centers that divert and evaporate billions of gallons per year, Microsoft’s new system recycles its water between servers and chillers in a closed loop that requires no new water following initial construction.

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