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As DeSantis Decision Nears, Media Ramps Up the Smears


Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Blaine’s ability to produce a hard-boiled egg from any pocket both disturbed and fascinated the other members of th.

Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Blaine’s ability to produce a hard-boiled egg from any pocket both disturbed and fascinated the other members of the Metallurgy Club.
Things are about to get a lot spicier in the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. As Matt wrote last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to finally announce that he will be challenging former President Donald Trump. Of course, DeSantis has been the other candidate in this race all along, pretty much living rent-free in Trump’s head these last several months.
I should repeat for the millionth time that I will be all-in on Trump if he’s the nominee. People have so many FEELINGS about this election and anything less than complete worship of Trump isn’t tolerated by his hardcore fans. I will also repeat that I don’t worship politicians — they work for me. I’d be happy to help give either Trump or DeSantis the job. Not so much with the rest of the potential field though. Schlichter has a great takedown of the rest of them in his latest Townhall column.
The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media are afraid of both Trump and DeSantis and — because they’re not very crafty anymore — they don’t do anything to hide it. Athena wrote yesterday about a recent Politico panic piece about a potential Trump return to the Oval Office:
Politico ran a story on Friday, and I must say, the title quickened my pulse. Tellingly titled, “Hurricane Trump Is Coming — And Washington Hasn’t Bothered to Prepare,” the story ran with the subhead, “After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction.”
As if Leftists would have done a single thing to curtail executive overreach while they held office. Puh-lease.
Good Lord, the vapors these people get when writing about Trump.

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