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British Airways Says Computer Outage Causing Global Delays


Air travelers faced delays Saturday because of a worldwide computer systems failure at British Airways, the airline said.
LONDON — Air travelers faced delays Saturday because of a worldwide computer systems failure at British Airways, the airline said.
BA apologized in a statement for what it called an „IT systems outage“ and said it was working to resolve the problem. It said in a tweet that the problem is global.
Passengers at Heathrow Airport reported long lines at check-in counters and flight delays. One posted a picture on Twitter of BA staff writing gate numbers on a white board.
„We’ve tried all of the self-check-in machines. None were working, apart from one, “ said Terry Page, booked on a flight to Texas. „There was a huge queue for it and it later transpired that it didn’t actually work, but you didn’t discover that until you got to the front.“
Another traveler, PR executive Melissa Davis, said she was held for more than an hour and a half on the tarmac at Heathrow aboard a BA flight arriving from Belfast.
She said passengers had been told they could not transfer to other flights because „they can’t bring up our details.“
Heathrow said the IT problem had caused „some delays for passengers“ and it was working with BA to resolve it.
The problem comes on a holiday weekend, when thousands of Britons are travelling.
BA passengers were hit with severe delays in July and September 2016 because of problems with the airline’s online check-in systems.

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Столкновение поездов под Хмельницким – Смотреть фото


На станции „Нигин“ поезд со школьниками из Киева столкнулся с грузовым составом
Об этом сообщили в секторе коммуникации полиции Хмельницкой области.
В результате столкновения ушибы разных частей тела получили шесть человек, среди которых трое детей школьного возраста. Жертв аварии нет.
Поезд „Киев-Каменец-Подольский“, в котором школьники ехали на экскурсию из столицы столкнулся с грузовым поездом, когда тот стоял на загрузке известковым камнем.
На некоторое время из-за аварии движение на железной дороге было остановлено.
На месте события работает полиция. В Единый реестр досудебных расследований происшествие внесено по ч. 2 ст. 276 УК (нарушение правил безопасности движения или эксплуатации железнодорожного, водного или воздушного транспорта) .
Как сообщал „Апостроф“, во Львове на железнодорожном вокзале произошло крупное столкновение товарных поездов .

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Полиция уточнила количество жертв схода пассажирского поезда в Хмельницкой обл.


Сегодня, около 7: 00 часов поступило сообщение от гражданина Украины, пассажира поезда № 139 сообщением “Киев – Каменец…
ХМЕЛЬНИЦКИЙ-КИЕВ. 27 мая. УНН. Сегодня, около 7: 00 часов поступило сообщение от гражданина Украины, пассажира поезда № 139 сообщением “Киев — Каменец — Подольский” с Киева, о том, что на железнодорожной станции “Негин”, Юго — Западной железной дороги, с. Нигин, Каменец-Подольского района, Хмельницкой обл., столкнулись грузовой поезд, который стоял на загрузке известняковым камнем для отбеливания сахара и пассажирский поезд № 139 сообщением “Киев — Каменец-Подольский”, который двигался с Киева до г. Подольска, Хмельницкой обл. Об этом корреспонденту УНН сообщили в ГУНП в Хмельницкой обл.
“Движение поездов остановлено. Предварительно установлено, что в поезде № 139 сообщением” Киев — Каменец-Подольский “, ехала большое количество детей на экскурсию в г. Каменец-Подольского, количество пострадавших 6 человек, из них 3 детей, в одного человека телесные повреждения в виде перелома ноги, в других забое частей тела. Жертвы отсутствуют. Проводятся работы по отцепки вагонов, не повреждении. Предварительно, чрезвычайное происшествие квалифицируется по ч.2 ст.276 УК ”, – сообщили в пресс-службе облполиции .
Ранее сообщал, что в Хмельницкой обл. сошел с рельсов пассажирский поезд, госпитализированы пять человек .

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中国軍の戦闘機、米軍機にまた異常接近 南シナ海


米海軍は27日までに、 中国の J10戦闘機2機が南シナ海近くの 国際空域で活動していた米哨戒機の 進路を妨害したと発表した。 安全性に欠ける機動だったとしている。 今回の 件が起きたの は24日。 米中軍用機の 異常接近は先週17日にもあった。 米当局者がCNNに明かしたところによれば、 中国の 戦闘機の うち1機は…
ワシントン(CNN) 米海軍は27日までに、中国のJ10戦闘機2機が南シナ海近くの国際空域で活動していた米哨戒機の進路を妨害したと発表した。安全性に欠ける機動だったとしている。

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Доба в АТО: бойовики збільшили кількість обстрілів


Минула доба у районі проведення АТО знову пройшла неспокійно. Втім, незважаючи на те, що російсько-терористичні бандформування продовжують активно порушувати режим припинення вогню, ситуація перебуває під цілковитим контролем українських захисників.
Упродовж 26 травня бойовики 61 раз відкривали вогонь по підрозділах ЗС України, подекуди використовуючи й важке артилерійське озброєння, інформує прес-центр штабу АТО.
Приморський напрямок. 34 факти застосування незаконними збройними формуваннями зброї проти українських воїнів зафіксовані саме на цій ділянці фронту. Зокрема, після 18.00 години вчорашнього дня бойовики здійснили декілька обстрілів середньої інтенсивності з мінометів калібру 120 мм по наших укріпленнях в районі Широкиного та Чермалика. Також порушення противником домовленостей про незастосування зброї відбулись поблизу Павлополя, Лебединського, Водяного та Гнутового, де бандити неодноразово застосовували різноманітні зразки стрілецької зброї та гранатометів. З такого ж озброєння противник вів вогонь з околиць тимчасово окупованого Донецька по оборонних укріпленнях сил АТО на підступах до Мар’їнки та Красногорівки
Донецький напрямок. На цій частині лінії зіткнення минулої доби відбулось 19 обстрілів з боку проросійських бойовиків. Ввечері противник найчастіше бив по наших позиціях, котрі розташовані у південному та східному передмістях Авдіївки. Використовували бандити міномети, найчастіше калібру 82 мм, гранатомети різних модифікацій, великокаліберні кулемети та стрілецьку зброю. Також під ворожим вогнем з 82-мм мінометів опинились наші опорні пункти поблизу Верхньоторецького. Біля Троїцького бойовики відкривали вогонь зі 120-мм мінометів. Окрім того, вчора ввечері проросійські бандформування вели вогонь з гранатометів та стрілецької зброї біля Пісків.
Луганський напрямок. Тут минулої доби зафіксовано 8 випадків застосування представниками російсько-терористичних угруповань зброї. Майже половина з них вже ввечері. Всі в районі Кримського, де ворог бив по наших оборонних укріпленнях з мінометів різних калібрів, озброєння БМП, гранатометів та стрілецької зброї.
В результаті бойових дій минулої доби 2 українських воїнів зазнали поранень.
Нагадаємо, що в зоні бойових дій, поблизу Зайцевого Донецької області, пес врятував двох бійців ЗСУ, прикривши їх собою.

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the young Chinese women taking the battle for Beijing online


Young, angry, and more often than not female, a new generation of keyboard warriors dubbed the " Little Pink" has won the admiration of China’ s Communist leaders for targeting their nationalist rage at anyone who they believe has slighted their country.
Y oung, angry, and more often than not female, a new generation of keyboard warriors dubbed the „Little Pink“ has won the admiration of China’s Communist leaders for targeting their nationalist rage at anyone who they believe has slighted their country.
Their fanaticism has seen them likened to the “ Red Guards ”, the ultra-obedient students who helped Mao Tse-tung wage his Cultural Revolution .
This week, the activists – who got their name from an online chat group called Jinjiang Forum, which has a pink website – turned this new wave of jingoism on an overseas student and an actress.
S huping Yang had praised the clean air and freedoms of the United States at her graduation speech at the University of Maryland last Sunday.
She joked about the smog back home in China, and then lauded the “sweet” and „oddly luxurious“ air in the US.
“Democracy and freedom are the fresh air that is worth fighting…

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【タオルミナ時事】 イタリア南部タオルミナで開かれている先進7カ国(G7)首脳会議(サミット)は26日午後(日本時間27日未明)、 初日の 経済討議を終えた。 「米国第一」 を掲げるトランプ大統領は、 各国首脳に関税引き下げを求めた。 G7は貿易や気候変動で溝を露呈し、 経
【タオルミナ時事】イタリア南部タオルミナで開かれている先進7カ国(G7)首脳会議(サミット)は26日午後(日本時間27日未明)、初日の経済討議を終えた。「米国第一」を掲げるトランプ大統領は、各国首脳に関税引き下げを求めた。 G7は貿易や気候変動で溝を露呈し、経済分野での協調姿勢を示せなかった。 貿易の在り方をめぐる議論で、トランプ氏は「特定の輸入品に対して米国の関税がゼロならば、同じ水準まで引き下げるべきだ。そうでなければ、米国もその水準に合わせるまでだ」と強調。関税の引き下げを各国に要求した。側近のコーン国家経済会議(NEC)委員長が初日の討議終了後、同行記者団に明らかにした。 G7は「自由で公正な貿易・投資が互いに利益をもたらし、成長と雇用創出の主要な原動力になる」との考えで一致した。安倍晋三首相は、新興国によるダンピング(不当廉売)や非関税障壁などを念頭に「不公正な貿易慣行に結束して対抗し、自由で公正な市場をつくるために具体的に行動していくべきだ」と訴え、各国と認識を共有した。 しかし、焦点となった「保護主義への抵抗」をめぐってもG7首脳の議論は紛糾。過去の首脳宣言には盛り込まれてきた文言だが、貿易赤字の削減を目指す米国の反発などを反映し、27日に採択する宣言からは削除される公算が大きい。 気候変動でも、地球温暖化防止の国際的枠組み「パリ協定」からの離脱を検討するトランプ氏に、各国首脳が協定にとどまるよう働き掛けたが、歩み寄れなかった。 議長国イタリアのジェンティローニ首相は記者団に「気候変動問題では結論が出なかった」と述べた。 (2017/05/27-10: 16) 関連ニュース
【政治記事一覧へ】 【アクセスランキング】

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Head-To-Head: Microsoft Surface Pro Vs. Samsung Galaxy Book – Page: 1


The new Microsoft Surface Pro and the Samsung Galaxy Book are competing on specs and price in the 2-in-1 category. Page: 1
2-in-1 Rivalry Heats Up
This week was a busy one in the 2-in-1 tablet space. Samsung’s Galaxy Book — the company’s latest attempt to take on the popular Surface Pro series of tablet-keyboard combo devices — went on sale this week (we got an early look at the CRN Test Center) . Meanwhile, Microsoft unveiled a successor to the Surface Pro 4, simply called the Surface Pro. Which of the two devices is a better fit for you? In the following slides, we compare the new Microsoft Surface Pro vs. the Samsung Galaxy Book on specs and price.

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Two Etiquette Experts Take On New York


The author of “Adulting” and Emily Post’s great-great-granddaughter discuss manners at a museum, on the subway, at a co-working space and at a restaurant.
Eyes alert, wearing pearls and a necklace with the word “Fearless, ” Kelly Williams Brown, the author of the best-selling guide for millennials, “ Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy (ish) Steps, ” and, more recently, “ Gracious: A Practical Primer on Charm, Tact and Unsinkable Strength, ” boarded a downtown No. 6 train in New York. She politely asked a stranger occupying the seat next to an open one: “Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?”
A few steps behind was her friend Lizzie Post, the great-great-granddaughter of the etiquette expert Emily Post and co-president of the institute she founded in 1946. Dressed simply in a white button-down and jeans, Ms. Post had a cool demeanor that masked her discomfort with subway travel (a Vermont native, she once got very lost underground on her way to the airport) . The friends were setting out to assess and discuss the state of modern manners in a variety of settings around the city.
“Can we talk about phone conversations on the subway?” asked Ms. Post, who is an author of the 19th edition of “Emily Post’s Etiquette, ” a recently released 722-page volume that covers social networking, tipping, political conversations, invitations, table manners and much, much more. “That’s just annoying. This is a trapped audience.”
The conversation turned to public displays of affection. “Arm around, a leaning in, a quick smooch is fine, ” Ms. Post said. “The lingering and the caressing is what people don’ t like.”
“Also noises, ” Ms. Brown added.
“Make-out noises aren’ t O. K. anywhere in public, ” Ms. Post said.
“A head on the shoulder? Yes, ” Ms. Brown said. “Erotic inner arm rubbing? Probably not. Don’ t be moving a lot and you’ ll probably be O. K.”
Earlier in the day, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the chatter between the two was less racy.
“If I am in a museum by myself, I always carry some headphones with me for those times I want it to be quiet even though it might not be, ” Ms. Brown said.
Ms. Post said: “That, to me, is a big part of etiquette. It’s not about changing the world around you and pointing out the mistakes of others; it’s about finding your own way to be centered and at ease.”
Ms. Brown pulled a pouch out of her bag and rummaged through her sunscreen, an eyeglass repair kit, superglue, some chargers, string, miniscissors and an insurance card. “Because I’ m a fidgeter, and I know there will be those situations, I carry around this fancy-schmancy organic Silly Putty.”
In a taxi cab en route to WeWork, a co-working space in Midtown Manhattan, Ms. Post and Ms. Brown discussed a feminist etiquette conundrum: men who hold the door. “Nowadays you can’ t assume, ” Ms. Post said. “It might be a first date, and you don’ t know whether it’s a woman who values chivalrous acts or doesn’ t. The best thing you can do is ask. And that way it becomes a choice for the woman.”
Seated around a conference room table at WeWork, Ms. Brown and Ms. Post moved on to the subject of business meetings and the ever-present interrupter.
“Standing up for myself while still maintaining a very high level of politeness only further underlines maybe how poor that behavior is, ” Ms. Brown said, adding: “ ‘John, I love your enthusiasm for this. I’ m almost finished with what I have to say.’ They might feel chastised, but that’s O. K.”
Ms. Post suggested it might help to speak to a chronic interjector separately. “ ‘John, I’ ve been noticing lately in meetings, as I’ m working on a thought or getting us through the agenda you have a lot of comments,’ ” she said.
If you decide to use email instead of speaking directly to a person, Ms. Post suggests some things to remember to keep your digital communications skills work-appropriate: Email isn’ t private, it’s not always reliable and your boss owns it.
Workday over, the two headed to Ruffian Wine Bar and Chef’s Table in the East Village, where it quickly became clear how much they both dislike group dinners. “I don’ t do big birthday dinners, ” Ms. Brown said, adding that more than six people, including the host, is too many when it comes to choosing dishes or splitting a bill.
She acknowledged that large dinners are a reality, but, she said, “Just because an invitation is issued doesn’ t mean you have to accept it.”
“Bingo, ” Ms. Post said. “Say, ‘I’ m sorry that’s not a good night for me,’ and just leave it at that.”
“If someone pushes, ” Ms. Brown said, “I will say, ‘Oh, I’ m so sorry, I have plans with my family.’ Because I am my family. And my plans are to watch Netflix instead of going to an expensive group dinner.”
When it comes to one-on-one dinners, both said the villain was usually the phone. “Every time you look at your phone when you’ re out with someone else, you’ re saying that whatever is happening elsewhere is more important than what’s happening with you right now, ” Ms. Brown said.
To get the attention of someone distracted by things like Twitter or Tinder, Ms. Post suggested a direct inquiry, like, “Hey, do you need to be on Instagram right now?”
In her book, Ms. Brown offers some tips on not letting the internet and social media take over your life. She suggests knowing what you need from it every time you sit down, making sure you are willing to stand by whatever you say forever, and not losing any sleep over mean comments.
“Everyone talks about manners as a thing of the past, ” Ms. Brown said.
“You and I certainly don’ t, ” Ms. Post said. “We are on a crusade. Etiquette is alive. It is real. It is living.”

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Capturing Love, It’s the Brooklyn Way


Love isn’ t always black and white, and photographer Andre Wagner shows the range of the emotion through his gray-scale images.
“One of the things that I noticed quickly, ” the photographer Andre Wagner said of moving to Bushwick, Brooklyn, from Omaha in 2012, is “how you can see the affection of people out in public because so many things happen on the streets.” Mr. Wagner drew upon his background in social work when he started taking photos. “Living in Brooklyn, I see a lot of that family interaction, which I’ m really interested in capturing.”
He took these photos in April, roaming between Downtown Brooklyn, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Williamsburg and Bushwick.
Mr. Wagner is also interested in the way different people come together on New York City subways and buses. “Here in New York, public transportation is such a big way of how people move around the city and all different kinds of people share the space, whether it is inside the subway or in a bus, ” he said. “So I’ m always interested in trying to figure out how to show the diversity or just the range of how we have to all share this space in transition.” Of his method, he said: “I almost never ask for permission to make photographs. The process is just an impulse. I make the photos and smile if the subject looks at me.”
Mr. Wagner often stands near subway stops to see the foot traffic. This photo was taken on Broadway, a main strip in Brooklyn, right under the subway. “They just caught me visually, ” he said. “I thought they looked striking and interestingly put together.”
This scene reminded Mr. Wagner of Jill Freedman’s 1976 photograph of girls jumping rope on a roof. “It’s such an amazing photograph, it’s so lyrical, the gestures are just beautiful, ” he said. “When you see a photograph that is so good and you are photographing that same kind of subject matter, you want your photo to be able to live up to that a little. But her photograph is amazing, but this is an ode to Jill because her picture touched me so much.”
Keston, left, and Cedric, both 11, live in Mr. Wagner’s neighborhood. He photographs them often. This photo was taken around the time that Jordan Edwards, a 15-year-old in Texas, was fatally shot by a police officer. “They are not far from that age, ” Mr. Wagner said. “It hits so close to home: That could have easily been you, that could have easily been Keston. So that American flag holds so much weight.”
“Spread love, it’s the Brooklyn way, ” the Notorious B. I. G.’s lyric from the 1994 song “Juicy, ” comes to mind with this photo. “He’s representing Brooklyn, he’s got his kids, they are all fitted up, they’ ve got their hats — I just thought it was a great moment, ” Mr. Wagner said. “Black fathers, they get a certain kind of stigma. But I see this all the time where black fathers are out with their kids, just holding their hand, taking them to school, just being present, being a dad. I love that kind of image.”
“It was so tender and so sweet and so sincere, ” Mr. Wagner said of the way this woman knelt to talk to a girl he thought may be her daughter. “And it was visually just really beautiful the way they just fell into the center of the sidewalk and everything else formed around them.”
This photo was taken in Downtown Brooklyn. Mr. Wagner liked that there is a hidden message in this image: “I just love the way her jacket kind of fell in front of the trash bin and highlighted the word that says ‘love.’ ”
This photo was taken on Nostrand and Fulton Avenues, a spot Mr. Wagner likes to frequent; because the streets are wide and the buildings low, he is able to capture light and space. He thought this couple was very stylish, but also liked showing all the other people who made up the scene. “The guys next to the subway are Jehovah’s Witness, and there is also a delivery guy in the background, ” he said. “Just people occupying the street that are part of the neighborhood.”
Bodegas are a lifeline in New York City, and this photo was taken at one in Brooklyn. Mr. Wagner was reminded of his past when he saw these two: “It made me think about when I was in high school, you know, trying to talk to the girls and be cool. There is a sense of agency that kids have over their own life in New York that is really interesting. They are out, they are on the bus and on the subway. They are moving around in a different kind of way than I grew up with in Omaha when I was in my parents’ car.”
Mr. Wagner is very interested in documenting moments in parent-child relationships. “It feels like this silent moment in this busy downtown street, ” he said.
Mr. Wagner spends a lot of his time photographing on the subways. So why was he drawn to this scene? “It was a windy morning and it was blowing her hair, and there was just something about all the movement, ” he said. “I don’t even think she noticed me.”
This photograph was taken near some basketball courts in Bedford-Stuyvesant, where children from the neighborhood were playing. Mr. Wagner was initially drawn to this boy’s braids, jean jacket and Jordan sneakers. But he then sought to capture an introspective moment. “I feel like he should be so happy, but he looks so bored and he looks off alone by himself, ” he said. “So I liked the contrast of this: what he’s doing, but how he actually feels.”
Something about this woman reminded Mr. Wagner of someone he knew in Omaha. She had “something very classic or traditional about her look that I was interested in.”
Mr. Wagner spends a lot of his time biking or walking across the Williamsburg Bridge. “This woman was walking toward me, and I just felt that this bridge served as a runway and she is having her own fashion show, ” he said.
This is not the first time Mr. Wagner has photographed this stylish man. He sees him all over Brooklyn, and “he’s always superfly, ” Mr. Wagner said, adding, “The last time I photographed him he had on some overalls.”
“I’ m drawn to interactions with people, ” Mr. Wagner said. “If you are in a neighborhood or you are part of a culture, you see the full range of how people live.”
More love shown here. “I saw them coming from down the street and they were just in their own world, it was like nothing else around them mattered, they were just engaging with each other, ” Mr. Wagner said. “The mom saw me and she smiled. It was really nice.
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