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Trump visits Israel amid tight security


The US president will meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders as he explores a Middle East peace push.
US President Donald Trump is visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories, as he continues his Middle East trip.
He flies in from Saudi Arabia, a key US ally, where he gave a speech to Arab and Muslim leaders at a summit.
Mr Trump will hold talks with both Israeli and Palestinian leaders during the course of his one-day stop.
The president has called an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement „the ultimate deal“, but has been vague about what form it should take.
He has said he prefers to leave it to both sides to decide between them in direct talks.
At a summit in Riyadh on Sunday, Mr Trump called on Arab and Muslim leaders to take the lead in combating Islamist militants, urging them to „drive them out of this earth“ .
He singled out Iran, saying it had „fuelled the fires of sectarian conflict and terror“ in the region for decades.
Mr Trump also stated again that he believed peace between Israelis and Palestinians was possible.
The US president has been widely seen as considerably more supportive of Israel than his predecessor, Barack Obama. He has taken a softer position on the contentious issue of Israeli settlements, suggesting that their expansion rather than their existence might hamper the search for peace.
More than 600,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built since Israel’s 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, land Palestinians claim for a future state. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.
The president has also sent mixed signals on the issue of Jerusalem, pledging to move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv, angering Palestinians and delighting Israelis.
However he has since stalled, with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently telling NBC News Mr Trump was weighing it up .
Israel regards the whole of Jerusalem as its capital, while the Palestinians claim the east as their capital. The international community does not recognise Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv.
There has been some consternation in Israel in the run-up to Mr Trump’s trip over remarks made by administration officials.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refuted Mr Tillerson’s suggestion that moving the embassy might harm the peace process, while a US Consulate official caused outrage by saying the Western Wall, one of Judaism’s holiest sites, was „not in your [Israel’s] territory but part of the West Bank“.
The White House later said the official’s comments „do not represent the position of the United States“.
Mr Trump’s trip also comes days after it was reported that the president had leaked to Russia’s foreign minister classified intelligence information said to have come from an Israeli source. The incident has raised questions about the confidentiality of secret intelligence passed to the US by its closest Middle Eastern ally.
A huge security operation is under way for Mr Trump’s visit, during which he will hold separate meetings with Mr Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Monday and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem the following day.
Mr Trump’s eight-day trip will also take in Brussels, the Vatican, and Sicily.
The president’s visit has been overshadowed by his political difficulties at home, namely the fallout over his sacking of FBI chief James Comey.
What’s on the agenda for President Trump’s first foreign trip?

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Песков отказался комментировать информацию о визите Путина в Париж


„Мы своевременно сделаем объявление“, – заявил Песков в комментарии Интерфаксу. Ранее  российское издание  Коммерсант  со ссылкой на инф…
Пресс-секретарь президента РФ Дмитрий Песков заявил, что администрация президента пока не готова прокомментировать информацию о том, что 29 мая Владимир Путин посетит Францию.
„Мы своевременно сделаем объявление“, – заявил Песков в комментарии Интерфаксу .
Ранее российское издание Коммерсант со ссылкой на информированные источники в Париже и Кремле сообщило, что президент РФ Владимир Путин совершит незапланированный визит в Париж 29 мая, во время которого встретится с новым президентом Франции Эммануэлем Макроном.
18 мая сообщалось также, что во время телефонного разговора Путин обсудил с Макроном взаимодействие в рамках „нормандского формата“.

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Мер Білгород-Дністровського потрапила в серйозну ДТП


Мер міста Білгород-Дністровський Алла Гінак сьогодні потрапила у серйозну ДТП і госпіталізована у важкому стані
Про це УНІАН повідомило поінформоване джерело в міській раді. За його словами, ДТП сталася в районі міста Біла Церква Київської області.
«Алла Федорівна отримала серйозні травми, і санітарною авіацією її доставили в одну зі столичних клінік», – сказало джерело.
У прес-службі Білгород-Дністровського міськради поки не коментують подію, хоча і не заперечують самого факту того, що сталося. Гінак була обрана мером наприкінці жовтня 2015 року. Кандидат від партії «Блок Петра Порошенка «Солідарність», вона набагато випередила найближчого конкурента – колишнього міністра екології Ігоря Шевченка.

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Notre Dame graduates walk out as VP Mike Pence begins address


Pence was invited to speak after students and faculty protested the prospect of President Trump being invited to become the seventh U. S. president to give the address
US Vice President Mike Pence awaits the arrival of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for a breakfast meeting at the US Naval Observatory, the home of the Vice President, in Washington, DC, May 19,2017. /
Dozens of graduates and family members silently stood and walked out Sunday as Vice President Mike Pence began his address at Notre Dame’s commencement ceremony.
Pence, the former governor of Indiana, was invited to speak after Notre Dame students and faculty protested the prospect of President Donald Trump being invited to become the seventh U. S. president to give the commencement address.
Pence spoke briefly of Trump, praising his speech to the leaders of 50 Arab and Muslim nations earlier in the day in Saudi Arabia. Pence said the president „spoke out against religious persecution of all people of all faiths and on the world stage he condemned, in his words, the murder of innocent Muslims, the oppression of women, the persecution of Jews and the slaughter of Christians.“
Trump has faced harsh criticism for his anti-Islamic rhetoric during the campaign, as well as his administration’s legal battle to impose a travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries.
Earlier in the ceremony, valedictorian Caleb Joshua Pine urged a „stand against the scapegoating of Muslims“ and criticized Trump’s push to build a wall along the Mexican border.
Cassandra Dimaro and her parents were among those who walked out. Dimaro told the South Bend Tribune that it was a show of solidarity „for those of us impacted by the policies of the Trump administration.“
Pence didn’t comment on the walkout, which was expected, but he did allude to clashes at campuses elsewhere that have derailed appearances by controversial speakers, such as conservative firebrand Ann Coulter at the University of California at Berkeley.
„This university (Notre Dame) is a vanguard of the freedom of expression and the free exchange of ideas at a time, sadly, when free speech and civility are waning on campuses across America, “ he said.
Anderson Cooper reports on the effect Trump’s new immigration policy has had on a community in Indiana after a longtime resident is deported
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

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Д. Трамп: боротьба з екстремізмом – це "битва між добром і злом"


Президент США Дональд Трамп у своїй промові під час візиту до Саудівської Аравії закликав мусульманські країни очолити боротьбу із…
КИЇВ. 21 травня. УНН. Президент США Дональд Трамп у своїй промові під час візиту до Саудівської Аравії закликав мусульманські країни очолити боротьбу із екстремізмом, передає УНН з посиланнням на ВВС.
“Виженіть їх з цієї землі”, — заявив він регіональним лідерам у Ер-Ріяді під час своєї першої офіційної закордонної подорожі.
За словами американського президента, боротьба з екстремізмом — це не боротьба між різними віросповіданнями.
“Це боротьба між добром і злом”, — заявив Д. Трамп.
“Ми можемо здолати це зло тільки якщо сили добра будуть об’ єднані і сильні, і якщо всі у цій кімнаті докладатимуть однакових зусиль і тягтимуть свою частину тягаря”, — сказав він.
Як повідомляв УНН, президент США Дональд Трамп в суботу прибув до Саудівської Аравії, що стало його першим закордонним візитом з моменту вступу на посаду в січні.

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Billboard Music Awards 2017: They wore that? Fashions and photos from the red carpet


Check out the celebrity fashions from the red carpet of the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night.
Even before the 2017 Billboard Music Awards show gets underway Sunday, its celebrity guests are stirring buzz, not over their music but about their fashion sense. Or lack of it.
Professional and amateur critics alike are checking out the red carpet — or „magenta carpet, “ as sponsors are calling it — for the good, the bad and the you-actually-wore-that?
Check back here often for the latest photos and other updates.
The awards show airs live on ABC beginning at 8 p.m. Eastern. Ludacris and Vanessa Hudgens are hosting from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
The Billboard Music Awards honor artists and their music based on radio airplay, streaming, sales and other measurements of fan interest.
Top nominees planning to attend include Drake and the Chainsmokers. Among those up for awards but expecting to give the show a pass include Shawn Mendes, Adele, Ariana Grande, the Weeknd and twenty one pilots, The Associated Press reported. Beyonce is also skipping the show because she is pregnant with twins.

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North Korea: Ballistic missile ready for deployment after test


North Korea on Monday confirmed the „successful“ launch of a medium-range ballistic missile, Pyongyang’s state media said, adding the weapon was now ready to be deployed for military action.
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea on Monday confirmed the “successful” launch of a medium-range ballistic missile, Pyongyang’s state media said, adding the weapon was now ready to be deployed for military action.
Leader Kim Jong-Un oversaw the launch, the state-run Korean Central News Agency reported, adding that he “approved the deployment of this weapon system.”
KCNA said the missile tested was the Pukguksong-2, a land-based version of Pyongyang’s submarine-launched weapon, which uses solid-fuel which allows for immediate firing.
“Now that its tactical and technical data met the requirements of the Party, this type of missile should be rapidly mass-produced in a serial way to arm the KPA Strategic Force, ” Kim said, referring to the North’s army, KCNA reported.
The missile, which was described by Washington as medium-range, was fired from Pukchang in South Pyongan province and traveled about 500 kilometers (310 miles) before landing in the Sea of Japan, according to the South’s armed forces.
The US, South Korea and Japan sharply denounced the launch and jointly requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the matter.
The launch came just one week after the North fired a Hwasong-12 intermediate-range missile, which according to Pyongyang flew almost 800 kilometers and was capable of carrying a “heavy” nuclear warhead.
Analysts said the Hwasong traveled farther than any previous ballistic missile launched by the North and took the North a step closer to its goal of developing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the continental United States.
The launches, and a threatened sixth nuclear test, have fueled tension with the administration of US President Donald Trump, who has vowed that such an ICBM launch “won’ t happen.” CBB

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暑い! 熱中症あいつぐ 運動会やマラソン大会…


日本列島は21日、 高気圧に覆われ、 全国的に気温が上昇した。 気象庁によると、 群馬県館林市で35・ 3度を記録し、 今年全国初となる猛暑日となった。 東京都心も30・ 9度と、 今年初の 真夏日に。 各地で熱中症とみ…
日本列島は21日、高気圧に覆われ、全国的に気温が上昇した。気象庁によると、群馬県館林市で35・3度を記録し、今年全国初となる猛暑日となった。東京都心も30・9度と、今年初の真夏日に。各地で熱中症とみられる搬送者が相次いだ。 福島市で34・2度など、東北地方も秋田を除く5県で最高気温が30度を超える真夏日となった。群馬県伊勢崎市で34・1度、埼玉県熊谷市で34・0度、長野県上田市では5月の観測史上最高となる33・7度を記録した。 気象庁によると、日本列島の上空に暖気が広がり、雲が発生しにくかったという。22日以降も関東から北日本にかけ、晴れて気温が上がるとみられる。 埼玉県によると、21日午後2時15分ごろ、越谷市立大袋小学校であった運動会で、4年生の男児(9)が吐き気を訴え、熱中症が疑われたために病院に運ばれた。6年生の女児3人と4年生の男児1人も同様の症状で家族が病院に搬送。いずれも軽症という。 岩手県内でも、奥州市を会場に行われたマラソン大会で、参加者計17人が熱中症などの疑いで救急搬送された。地元消防本部によると、10キロコースに参加した女性(38)が正午すぎ、一時意識不明の状態で病院に搬送され、その後意識を回復した。同県雫石町のマラソン大会でも、参加者の男性(61)がめまいを訴え、救急搬送されたという。 <アピタル:ニュース・フォーカス・その他> http: //

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自らも腕切る?肉えぐる大けが 千葉の殺人未遂容疑者


21日午前11時20分ごろ、 千葉県松戸市常盤平3丁目の 金ケ作(かねがさく)公園にいた男性から「男が包丁を振りかざしている」 と110番通報があった。 県警によると、 成人の 男性5人が刃物で切りつけられるな…
21日午前11時20分ごろ、千葉県松戸市常盤平3丁目の金ケ作(かねがさく)公園にいた男性から「男が包丁を振りかざしている」と110番通報があった。県警によると、成人の男性5人が刃物で切りつけられるなどして、病院に搬送された。いずれも意識はあるという。松戸東署は、公園近くの路上で暴れていた近所の男を殺人未遂容疑で現行犯逮捕した。 逮捕されたのは、自称無職柴田法雄容疑者(34)。県警によると、逮捕容疑は、けがをした5人のうち1人の背中を包丁で刺すなどして殺害しようとしたとするもの。男性とは面識がなかった。柴田容疑者は「私がやったことに間違いない」と供述しているという。 署などによると、柴田容疑者は男性を襲った後、公園の野球場にあったバットで、野球をしていた45~63歳の男性4人を次々と殴ってけがをさせた。男性たちが取り押さえ、駆け付けた警察官が逮捕した。 柴田容疑者は左腕に肉がえぐられるような大けがをしており、自宅がある団地の階段には多数の血痕が残っていた。署は柴田容疑者がマンションで自分の腕を切るなどした後、公園に向かったとみて調べている。 野球をしていた男性(83)ら…

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Tennis: Djokovic names Agassi as coach at French Open


Novak Djokovic revealed on Sunday that American great Andre Agassi would be his new coach, but said they did not yet have a „long-term commitment“.
ROME, Italy — Novak Djokovic revealed on Sunday that American great Andre Agassi would be his new coach, but said they did not yet have a “long-term commitment”.
“I spoke to Andre the last couple weeks on the phone, and we decided to get together in Paris. So he’s gonna be there. We’ ll see what future brings. We are both excited to work together and see where it takes us, ” said Djokovic, beaten 6-4,6-3 in the Rome Masters final on Sunday by 20-year-old German Alexander Zverev.
“We don’ t have any long-term commitment. It’s just us trying to get to know each other in Paris a little bit.”
Djokovic returns to Paris next weekend as the defending French Open champion but looking to improve his clay court game after an inconsistent spell.
He parted with long-time coach Marian Vajda earlier this month, having also ended a three-year relationship with six-time Grand Slam champion Boris Becker at the end of last season, in a bid to get back to his brilliant best.
Becker took to Twitter to back Djokovic’s decision.
“Excellent choice from @DjokerNole for bringing @AndreAgassi into his team! Wishing both lots of luck in the future together!, ” the German tweeted.
Given his performances of late, he will be hoping 47-year-old Agassi, an eight-time Grand Slam champion, can make a positive contribution.
The Serbian was outplayed by Spanish nemesis Rafael Nadal on his way to defeat in the semi-finals of the Madrid Masters last week.
And despite reaching the final in Rome on Sunday, Djokovic looked well below his clinical best before losing to German starlet Zverev in 1hr 21min.
Next up is his defence of his title in the French capital, and Djokovic added: “He (Agassi) will not stay the whole tournament. He’s gonna stay only to a certain time, and then we’ ll see after that what’s gonna happen.
“Obviously, Andre is someone that I have tremendous respect for as a person and as a player. He has been through everything that I’ m going through.
“You know, on the court he understands the game amazingly well. I am enjoying every conversation that I have with him. But also, on the other hand, he’s someone that nurtures the family values, philanthropy work.
“He’s a very humble man, is very educated in just — you know, he’s a person that can contribute to my life on and off the court a lot. I’ m very excited to see what is ahead of us.”
Agassi, unlike television pundit Becker, has been away from the sport for a considerable time having retired in 2006.
Djokovic said he managed to seduce Agassi, the 1999 French Open champion, smiling: “I persuaded him.”
He added: “He’s someone that has been so successful in this sport, and he’s a legend of our sport. He’s made a mark in this sport forever. He’s won everything there is to win in tennis.
“You know, he was a revolutionary player because he had this charisma, he had this, you know, approach to tennis and to life that was quite different from others.
“That’s why he was so interesting. Yes, he has been away from the tour for last 10,15 years, but speaking with him, he’s been definitely following up closely all the matches, the big matches, especially on the TV.”
“It was his call whether or not he wants to take that step and, you know, try to work with me. He has accepted it, and I’ m very grateful for that. It’s exciting, of course. I’ m very happy about it.” CBB

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