Home United States USA — Art KLAVAN: ‘There’s No Un Like Kim Jong Un’

KLAVAN: ‘There’s No Un Like Kim Jong Un’ [Satire]


The following is satirical.
The following is satirical.
Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will be holding peace talks in Viet Nam, or maybe that’s an acid flashback I’m having. No, I don’t remember ever using acid, so I guess it’s really happening. The eccentric president of the United States and the utterly insane Supreme Leader of North Korea will get together to discuss such issues as whose red button is bigger, where you can get a really good haircut, and whether it’s better to call out journalists for bias or simply have them executed en masse.
According to sources in the American camp, the president plans to approach Kim with a proposal in which North Korea gives up its nuclear program and in return Trump refrains from bouncing Kim down the streets of Hanoi like a looney four-eyed basketball.

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