Home United States USA — IT The real winners of the Apple event are Apple Watch band owners

The real winners of the Apple event are Apple Watch band owners


Following the launch of the Apple Watch Series 7, one thing has become clear: the real winners of the latest Apple event are strap owners.
The latest tech news Your sardonic source for consumer tech stories Human-centric AI news and analysis Driving the future of sustainable mobility No-nonsense stories about startup growth Inside money, markets, and Big Tech Help build the bank of the future Coding for Public Service Small country, big ideas What’s that word? The one where you take joy in the suffering of others? Ahh, that’s right: schadenfreude. And following yesterday’s Apple Watch Series 7 announcement, I’m schadenfreudening all over the fucking shop. Basically, almost every single leaker claimed the new Apple Watch would echo the design of the iPhone 12 (and now 13) range. In other words, it was going to have a squarer design and look something like this: Instead, Apple actually made the Apple Watch rounder.

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