Home United States USA — IT Vessel strikes drive large whale strandings

Vessel strikes drive large whale strandings


Increased whale strandings on the east coast of the United States remain a concern for biologists and citizens alike. Why this increase has occurred over a number of years is still being debated.
Increased whale strandings on the east coast of the United States remain a concern for biologists and citizens alike. Why this increase has occurred over a number of years is still being debated.
But a new analysis of long-term data collected on the location, date and timing of strandings reveals that vessel strikes—exacerbated by increased vessel traffic in whale foraging areas used by juvenile humpback whales—is a major driver of these strandings.
Details of the analysis are in a paper published in Conservation Biology.
By the early 1900s, populations of many large whales were devastated by commercial whaling. Today large whales are still affected by multiple stressors caused by humans. These include pollution, entanglement in fishing gear, disturbances such loud noises in the water, vessel strikes and other activities generated by people. These activities can lead to injuries and deaths as illustrated by strandings of whales.
Led by Lesley Thorne, Ph.D., this study investigated whale strandings and used data collected by the U.S. Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program, along with information collected on mortality and serious injury (MSI) determinations for humpback whales on the U.S. east coast. More than 200 strandings of humpback whales occurred from 2016 through 2022, and around 500 strandings occurred in total going back to 1995.

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