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Orlando shooting: 5 victims dead; suspect ID'd as fired employee


Authorities say a disgruntled former employee opened fire at an Orlando business on Monday — resulting in the deaths of six people, including the gunman.
June 5 (UPI) — Authorities said a disgruntled former employee opened fire at a central Florida business on Monday — resulting in the deaths of six people, including the gunman.
The shooting started before 8 a.m. Monday at the Fiamma Inc. industrial park in suburban Orlando. Police said the gunfire occurred at multiple locations inside the business, which produces awnings for recreational vehicles and campers.
Four men and a woman were among the victims. Four died at the scene in addition to the accused gunman, John R. Neuman, Jr., who officials said shot himself in the head. One man died at Orlando Regional Medical Center.
Neuman, 45, was fired by the company in April. It wasn’t immediately clear whether he specifically targeted the victims or opened fire randomly.
Seven others were inside the building at the time of the shooting, but none were harmed.
“Sad day for us once again here in Orange County. … Hearts and prayers go out to family of the victims, ” Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said.
Demings said his deputies were called to the business three years ago amid accusations Neuman assaulted an employee, though no charges were filed in that case. His criminal history includes a DUI and minor drug offenses, the sheriff said.
Agents of the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives also were investigating, WESH-TV, Orlando, reported.
The shooting occurred one week before the first anniversary of the mass shooting at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, where 49 people died.

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2017/06/05/Orlando-shooting-5-victims-dead-suspect-IDd-as-fired-employee/2661496674222/
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Bill Nelson will fight Donald Trump over air traffic control privatization


President Donald Trump announced on Monday his support for privatizing air traffic controllers, which Florida Sen. Bill Nelson has opposed for years.
President Donald Trump threw his weight behind a proposal to privatize the nation’s air traffic control system on Monday, and a White House adviser called the multi-billion dollar effort “low-hanging fruit” that can get through Congress quickly.
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson doesn’ t see it that way.
Nelson, up for reelection in 2018, is the top Democrat on the Senate committee which oversees the Federal Aviation Administration. He fought for years against proposals to hand the nation’s air traffic control system over to a private non-profit, which he argues will hurt smaller airports and recreational flights.
“The safety of the flying public should not be for sale, ” Nelson said Monday. “Handing air traffic control over to a private entity partly governed by the airlines is both a risk and liability we can’ t afford to take.”
Nelson’s opposition has been successful for years, as Democrats and Republicans from rural states fretted about privatization’s effect on small airports and recreational aviation. A privatization bill proposed by House Transportation chairman Bill Shuster, R-Pa., didn’ t even make it to the House floor last Congress.
But President Trump, with Shuster at his side, pitched air traffic control privatization as a win for consumers on Monday, putting pressure on congressional Republicans to get on board.
“For too many years, our country has tolerated unacceptable delays at the airport, long wait times on the tarmac and a slowing of commerce and travel that costs us billions and billions of dollars in lost hours and lost dollars themselves, ” Trump said at a White House speech touting the plan.
Trump, who became impatient with Congress’ efforts to repeal Obamacare in recent months, is using Shuster’s stalled legislation as a blueprint to push for privatization.
“Chairman Shuster did a good job of putting together a package, ” said D. J. Gribbin, a White House adviser on infrastructure policy. “It seemed like naturally low-hanging fruit from a policy perspective.”
But in addition to Nelson, two top Republican Senators have publicly opposed the effort in recent months.
“The public would not be well-served exempting any part of the FAA from annual congressional oversight, ” said a letter from Senate Appropriations chairman Thad Cochran, R-Miss., and Transportation Subcommittee chairwoman Susan Collins, R-Maine. “A privatized system would provide customers with no recourse for complaints or mistreatment.”
If three Republican senators vote against the proposal combined with unified Democratic opposition, the plan would fail.
So far, Democrats appear to be opposed.
“The president said that privatizing the system would enable Americans to travel ‘more quickly, reliably and affordably,’ although there is no conclusive evidence that such a move would lead to this result, ” said transportation committee member Frederica Wilson, a Miami Gardens Democrat, in a statement. “I do not believe that giving the airlines control of the system from which they will benefit economically, complete with the power to institute higher fees and taxes, is the answer.”
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also noted previous Republican opposition to the plan.
“Trump’s ideas for privatizing air traffic control — which recycle a tired Republican plan that both sides of the aisle have rejected — would hand control of one of our nation’s most important assets to special interests and the big airlines, ” she said.
A Florida Republican on the transportation committee, freshman Rep. Brian Mast, R-Palm City, said through a spokesperson he supports the privatization effort.
American Airlines, one of Miami-Dade’s largest employers, is a major supporter of privatization and is spending millions to lobby Congress through an industry trade association dubbed Airlines for America.
“The President’s leadership means that we can look forward to legislation that gets government out of the way so we can modernize for the future and maintain our global leadership in aviation, ” said Airlines for America CEO Nicholas Calio in a statement. “Today’s White House announcement puts consumers first — ahead of the status quo.”
Unions representing air traffic controllers and pilots also back the privatization plan.
The privatization speech by the president was billed as a start to “infrastructure week, ” a package of public appearances and speeches intended to highlight the White House’s desire to revamp the nation’s roads, bridges and waterways.
On Thursday, a bipartisan group of mayors and governors will convene at the White House to talk about infrastructure, although Miami-Dade mayor Carlos Gimenez and Miami Mayor Tomás Regalado will not be attending.
Trump proposed $200 billion in direct federal spending over the next decade in his recent budget proposal, but it lacks details on how the money will be spent.

© Source: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article154496064.html
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British police name 2 of the London attackers as investigation speeds forward


LONDON — British police on Monday publicly identified two of the three attackers killed while carrying out a deadly weekend rampage on and near the London
LONDON — British police on Monday publicly identified two of the three attackers killed while carrying out a deadly weekend rampage on and near the London Bridge— one a Pakistan-born British national and a second they said was of Moroccan or Libyan extraction.
Earlier in the day, police staged more raids and detained an undisclosed number of suspects in connection with the attack in the heart of the British capital that left seven people dead and scores hurt.
Scotland Yard said in a statement that “formal identification has yet to take place, ” but that detectives had identified one man as Khuran Shazad Butt, 20, and Rachid Redouane, 30, both from the east London suburb of Barking. Redouane had also used another name, Rachid Elkhdar, and a birthdate that would have made him 25, the police said.
The name of the third attacker was not immediately disclosed. All three were shot dead by police at the scene.
As the investigation moved forward, more details emerged about victims of the attack, in which the assailants used a rented van to ram pedestrians on the bridge, then jumped out with long knives and slashed bar and restaurant patrons in an adjoining nightlife district.
The sister of a missing 32-year-old British man named James McMullan told Sky News that police informed family members that his bank card had been found on one of the bodies. Melissa McMullan said the family believed it was him, although a coroner’s report was pending.
A 30-year-old Canadian woman had previously been named as one of those killed, and French officials said a French citizen was another of the fatalities.
Fallout from the attack, meanwhile, moved to the forefront of this week’s general elections. Prime Minister Theresa May, whose Conservatives had initially held a large lead in opinion polls, appeared to be losing ground to the left-leaning Labor Party.
Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn said May should resign over police cuts she presided over as home secretary, the country’s top security post that May had held for six years before becoming prime minister last year.
Corbyn also vehemently denounced a series of tweets by President Donald Trump in which the U. S. president mischaracterized comments by London’s Muslim mayor and used the attack to press for a presidential travel ban now being weighed by the Supreme Court. May has been more measured, defending Mayor Sadiq Khan but not directly criticizing Trump.
Khan had told Londoners that they would be seeing more police on the streets in response to the terror threat, but there was “no reason to be alarmed” by this. “We are the safest global city in the world, ” he added.
Trump jumped on Khan’s reassurances, tweeting Sunday: “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!’ ”
On Monday, after Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for the attack, Khan condemned the “poisonous” ideology that he said underpinned the rampage, saying it had no place in Islam.
Trump followed up with another tweet on Monday, lashing out at reports that his characterization of Khan’s earlier statement had been misleading.
Monday was the first workday since the Saturday night rampage, and while the bridge and parts of surrounding areas remained blocked off, transport links in the busy zone were reopening, though one major Tube station was still closed. Many peoples’ commute took them on foot past police barricades, with street corners heaped with bouquets of flowers, stuffed animals and handwritten notes.
As evening fell, hundreds gathered on the banks of the Thames, not far from the scene of the assault, for a memorial vigil. A moment of silence was punctuated by a dog’s single bark.
“Our city is filled with great sorrow and anger tonight, but also great resolve and determination, ” Khan told those assembled.
Debate in Britain grew, meanwhile, about the country’s longstanding practice of most police officers going unarmed. Police had shot dead the attackers, who were wearing fake suicide vests, eight minutes after the first distress call, wounding one civilian in the process. But one of the nearly 50 people injured was an officer who had confronted the attackers wielding only a baton.
The police raids have been concentrated in east London, where a dozen people had been detained Sunday. One was released but the rest remained in custody.
Police said little about the additional arrests in the same general part of the city, other than to confirm that more raids had taken place early Monday. Like May, senior police officials described a recent spate of terror attacks — the bridge rampage was the third major strike in three months — as posing an “unprecedented” threat.
“We in this country have faced a terrorist threat throughout my life, ” Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick told reporters Monday. “It changed and morphed, and we will change and adapt to what appears to be a new reality for us.”
Londoners, even while mourning, expressed continuing determination to avoid giving in to the kind of fear the attackers had sought to sow. A photograph of a man carefully balancing his mug of beer as he walked amid those fleeing the attack on Saturday night went viral online, inspiring thousands of memes and becoming for many a symbol of calm resistance in the face of terror.
“I think that the vast majority of the public are keen to promote a united view and a ‘stiff upper lip’ in a typically British manner, so in many ways the attacks have galvanized the British public, ” said Matthew Flinders, a political scientist at Sheffield University.

© Source: http://www.sfexaminer.com/british-police-name-2-london-attackers-investigation-speeds-forward/
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Apple introduces a completely redesigned App Store


Apple’s App Store is getting one of the biggest upgrades since its launch nine years ago, the company announced today at its Worldwide Developer Conference…
Apple’s App Store is getting one of the biggest upgrades since its launch nine years ago, the company announced today at its Worldwide Developer Conference. The upgraded storefront will little resemble its earlier counterpart thanks to a new user interface and redesign whose aim is to help users better discover new applications and learn about how they’ re used, while offering developers a better way to feature their content and tell their stories.
The change has been a long time coming for the App Store, which has been much maligned by developers who claim the existing interface makes it too hard for them to reach new users.
The updated storefront could change that in a number of ways.
The new store is divided into five key areas. “Search” and “Updates” tabs are still present, but the other three bottom navigation buttons will take you to entirely new experiences.
The App Store’s new homepage, so to speak, is a tab called “Today, ” which is meant to help users find out what’s happening right now. The hope is that the continually updated content will give the store a more real-time feel that deserves repeated daily launches – more like visiting your favorite news site for recent updates, for example.
Though Apple said that today’s App Store has 500 million weekly visitors, and it often features fresh content, it still “feels” more like a static storefront.
The Today tab, then, is Apple’s big first step towards making the store feel more alive.
Apple says the content on this page will now be updated every day, and will feature new releases in a more in-depth fashion. Instead of just rounding up a list of apps editors like, the new App Store will use large, colorful imagery, video content and “stories” to help introduce new and updated apps and games to end users.
Each day, there will be an App of the Day and Game of the Day listed on this page, to encourage repeat visits to the store.
The Today tab will also feature notable new releases.
For example, Apple showed off how the “world premiere” of the sequel to the popular Monument Valley game would appear on the new store. The game gets a featured spot at the top of the vertically scrollable Today tab, and you could tap on the image to go to a page that takes you “inside” the new game, allowing you to learn more.
This includes reading about the game in a more editorial format – you’ ll even see things like key quotes broken out as larger text to make them pop. You can also scroll through more photos and multiple videos in a new carousel that you move through horizontally, so you can really get a sense of game play.
A new social sharing button will aid those developers who snag this sort of featured listing on the App Store. With a tap, users can share the app’s “story” with their friends from this same page.
The Today tab will also feature Apple’s editorial content, like those curated collections available in the current App Store. These will update regularly, and will be focused on a theme or a goal. For example, the collection mentioned in the demo was a round-up of meditation apps.
But Today won’ t only feature an improved format for Apple’s own “listicles, ” there will also be expanded editorial content like “How To” guides on using apps. These new articles will teach you tips and tricks for apps you might be considering, or could serve as ways to learn more about those you already have installed on your devices.
In the latter case, that could prompt users to re-launch apps they may have abandoned, as they may learn the app can do something they didn’ t know about before.
The photo app VSCO was demonstrated here, with a list of tips that included one on how to use VSCO for GIFs.
The new App Store will also now break apart Apps and Games, giving them each their own tab accessible by the navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen.
There are number of advantages to doing this. For starters, it lets Apple separate out Games and Apps’ Top Charts, giving more apps and games exposure – especially those that would have otherwise been more lowly ranked due to having to compete with those apps that forever sit at the top of the charts – like Facebook or Pokémon Go, for instance.
But it also gives both app and game developers new ways to market their work to consumers. The Games page, for example, will now feature in-app purchases listed alongside apps, allowing developers to highlight their upgrades, such as their newly released characters or levels.
The system (or lack thereof) for app upgrades is something many developers have had issues with. Some have felt when they put so much work into expanding their app or game, they should be able to release that upgrade with a big price tag. Today, many just launch a “version 2” of their app instead, and then try to resell it anew. Apple hasn’ t gone so far as to formalize upgrades, but it has made selling app and game add-ons something that can be marketed separately from the apps and games themselves. That may help quell some developers’ concerns with the upgrade process.
The new App Store may feel a bit more personalized because of this separation of Apps and Games, too. If users largely interested only in finding new games, they can turn to the Games tab to see what editors are playing this week, scroll down the page to watch game videos, browse by category and more – all within easy reach, and without having to read about new (non-game) apps.
The games’ individual app pages have been improved, too. There are now more videos, big badges that indicate if they earned an accolade like “Editor’s Choice, ” and they better highlight user ratings, reviews and developers’ responses to users.
Similarly, the new Apps section features the same design, including its own Top Charts, but one is just focused on the non-game apps.
There are a slew of under the hood features arriving in the new store, too, but Apple just teased these briefly on a single slide. But a quick peek at that slide shows the features Apple thought to highlight, like support for more TestFlight users, auto-renewal with Apple Pay, receipt enhancements, new design resources, and more.
One of the more critical items – and one of the only from this section to get a shoutout – is the introduction of phased releases. Already available on Google Play, this will allow developers to more slowly roll out new apps and updates to new users by making them available to smaller groups initially in order to help keep the rollout stabilized and prevent overloading their servers.
The upgraded App Store arrives with the launch of iOS 11, expected later this fall for the general public.

© Source: https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/05/apple-introduces-a-completely-redesigned-app-store/?ncid=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29
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Climate Change Hypocrites


Maybe the most laughable reaction to Donald Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord was the European and Chinese leaders who blasted Trump and America for “surrendering its world leadership” role.
Maybe the most laughable reaction to Donald Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord was the European and Chinese leaders who blasted Trump and America for “surrendering its world leadership” role. The sanctimonious leaders in Asia and European nations pledged to move full speed ahead on clean energy without the United States. Be my guest.
But ‎we’ ve been to this movie before. The Europeans were all in on the Kyoto Climate Change deal back in 2001 – an international treaty the U. S. rightly rejected. Euroland promised a massive shift to green energy and to abandon fossil fuels to dramatically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. But guess what? The green energy revolution was a bust. None of these countries came close to meeting those targets. Now these nations, especially Germany, are moving away from the saintly clean energy sources.
Why would we believe them when they say they are now solemnly committed to a new treaty when they violated the last one?
Even more amazing and underreported is that the United States – even though we did not make a pledge to reduce our greenhouse gases in accord with that treaty – has reduced our carbon emissions more than the European signatories‎.
Contrary to the flood of insults directed at the Trump admininistration, the U. S. is not the bad actor on the world stage on environmental protection. We are the world leader in environmental stewardship and our energy use as a share of the economy continues to shrink.
An even more preposterous claim is that China and India – the two largest polluters by far – are moving away from fossil fuels and transitioning to wind and solar power.
No they are not. Here is what the Wall Street Journal reported in a November story about China and India “doubling down” on fossil fuel use: “China’s government said it would raise coal power capacity by as much as 20% by 2020, ensuring a continuing strong role for the commodity in the country’s energy sector despite a pledge to bring down pollution levels. In a new five-year plan for electricity released Monday, the National Energy Administration said it would raise coal-fired power capacity from around 900 gigawatts last year to as high as 1,100 gigawatts by 2020.”
In April a science industry newsletter headline read: “Japan, India, and China Still Turing to More Coal Throughout 2020s, Which means More co2 and Pollution.” The air quality today is filthy in Beijing and Shaghai as factories belch out black smoke and smog.
Wait. We are going to be lectured by these nations about saving the planet? This is like taking a lesson in personal hygiene from Pigpen (my favorite Peanuts character) .
We should have learned by now that with foreign nations, you always have to watch what they do, not listen to what they say. China isn’ t interested in reducing pollution levels. It is hyper-focused on one goal: gaining global dominance in every industry and using the cheapest and most reliable energy sources possible to get there. China and Europe want the U. S. to transition to more expensive energy sources in no small part so they can regain thecompetitiveness they lost due to green enrgy policies.
The press is also having a field day with the story that Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Solar City, has resigned from a Trump economic advisory council out of protest. But Musk, according to the Los Angeles Times, has received almost $5 billion in government subsidies. Solar City and Tesla are likely out of business without all thetaxpayer-funded green handouts. Why doesn’t the press report that Musk has a multi-billion dollar personal stake in global warming.
America has at least 200 years of shale gas, which is clean burning, efficient, and made in America. We have 500 years of coal, and the emissions of pollutants from coal plants have fallen by more than 50% in recent decades. Clean coal is here and rather than shutdown this industryand put tens of thousands more coal miners in unemployment lines, we should allow technology and innovation to make it cleaner still through gasification, carbon capture, and so on.
Because of stunning advances in drilling technologies, the value of American oil, gas and coal resources that are currentlyrecoverable is estimated at near $50 trillion – which is more than double our national debt. The Paris Climate Accord would require America to keep this massive treasure chest of resources in the ground never to be used. Sadly, President Barack Obama negotiated a treaty that accommodated the economic interests ofour rivals and put America last.
Trump’s gutsy decision puts America on the path to becoming the global energy superpower in the decades to come and puts American workers first.
Stephen Moore is an economic consultant with Freedom Works and co-author of “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War Against Energy (Regnery, 2016.)
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© Source: http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2017/june/climate-change-hypocrites
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Имя Павла Шеремета появилось на мемориале в Вашингтоне


Мемориал журналистам в американском Музее новостей (Newseum) , где высечены имена представителей СМИ, погибших в разных странах при исполнении обязанностей, пополнился в этом году 14-ю фамилиями. Имя украинского журналиста Павла Шеремета также среди них. Об этом говорится в сообщении на…
Мемориал журналистам в американском Музее новостей (Newseum) , где высечены имена представителей СМИ, погибших в разных странах при исполнении обязанностей, пополнился в этом году 14-ю фамилиями. Имя украинского журналиста Павла Шеремета также среди них.
Об этом говорится в сообщении на официальном сайте Newseum .
“Журналисты, чьи имена высечены на этом мемориале, отдали жизнь ради общества”, – заявил по этому поводу директор Newseum Institute Джин Полисински.
Он добавил, что сейчас многие журналисты, которые получили смертельные угрозы или пережили покушение, продолжают работать.
Среди пополнил печальные строки мемориала этого года, отмечены представители печатных, радио, теле и электронных СМИ из Афганистана, Бразилии, Индии, Ирака, Ливии, Мексики, Сомали, Сирии и Украины.

© Source: https://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/life/_imya-pavla-seremeta-poyavilos-na-memoriale-v-vashingtone/776440
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Ім'я Павла Шеремета з'явилося на меморіалі у Вашингтоні


Меморіал журналістам в американському Музеї новин (Newseum) , де викарбувані імена представників ЗМІ, які загинули в різних країнах під час виконання обов’язків, поповнився в цьому році 14-ма прізвищами. Ім’я українського журналіста Павла Шеремета також серед них. Про це йдеться в…
Меморіал журналістам в американському Музеї новин (Newseum) , де викарбувані імена представників ЗМІ, які загинули в різних країнах під час виконання обов’язків, поповнився в цьому році 14-ма прізвищами. Ім’я українського журналіста Павла Шеремета також серед них.
Про це йдеться в повідомленні на офіційному сайті Newseum .
“Журналісти, чиї імена викарбувані на цьому меморіалі, поклали життя заради суспільства”, – заявив з цього приводу директор Newseum Institute Джин Полісинські.
Він додав, що зараз багато хто з журналістів, які отримали смертельні загрози або пережили замах, продовжують працювати.
Серед тих, хто поповнив сумні рядки меморіалу цього року, відзначені представники друкованих, радіо, теле і електронних ЗМІ з Афганістану, Бразилії, Індії, Іраку, Лівії, Мексики, Сомалі, Сирії та України.

© Source: https://gazeta.ua/articles/life/_imya-pavla-seremeta-zyavilosya-na-memoriali-u-vashingtoni/776440
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Everything Apple announced at WWDC: iOS 11, iMac Pro, HomePod, and more


This morning, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook took the stage to announce macOS and iOS updates, new hardware, including the iMac Pro and iPad Pro, and an ARKit for developers. The biggest and most anticipated announcement, however, was the HomePod, a smart speaker.
This morning, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook took the stage to announce macOS and iOS updates, new hardware, including the iMac Pro and iPad Pro, and an ARKit for developers. The biggest and most anticipated announcement, however, was the HomePod, a smart speaker.
Here is a recap of the key takeaways:
Apple and Amazon are finding a way to collaborate. Later this year, the Amazon Prime app will be available on Apple TV. This is perhaps a way to offer a united front against Google’s offerings, such as Home and Play.
Apple revealed the latest version of watchOS for its Apple Watch devices. Siri powers a new watch face that displays the info that is most relevant to you, such as traffic, your next meeting, and other features on your calendar. The workout app and the music app are also getting updates.
Apple’s next big macOS update, version 10.13, was baptized High Sierra . Apple also unveiled a new model to its iMac line: the $5,000 iMac Pro, which will apparently deliver outstanding graphics. Finally, MacBook Pros will get a speed boost with Kaby Lake processors and support up to 32GB of memory.
Apple is adding person-to-person payments to Apple Pay and integrating the technology into Messages. It seems the company is catching up to PayPal and Square.
Apple’s Siri will get a host of new features, including better expression, as part of an iOS 11 update coming this fall. Other upcoming features include the ability to offer translations when talking to Siri, starting with translations from English to Chinese, Spanish, Italian, French, and German.
Apple’s graphical API (application program interface) is getting a big update along with the new Mac OS, High Sierra. Metal 2 will be 10 times better at draw call throughput than the original Metal, said Apple. It’s also promising a faster frame rate debugger. This will help games run better on Mac OS computers.
Apple’s iOS updates include a new App store, iPad-only features, live photos, and more. The company also unveiled a new “Do not disturb while driving” option, which detects whether you’ re driving and blocks notifications if you’ re on the road.
Monument Valley 2, a sequel to the hit 2014 mobile maze game, is now available for $5 on the Apple App Store. The first Monument Valley, a premium game, had more than 26 million downloads.
Apple announced a new iPad Pro sporting a slimmer bezel and a slightly larger body than Apple’s preexisting 9.7-inch iPad Pro. The model comes in two sizes: 10.5 inches and 12.9 inches. The company appears to have killed the 9.7-inch model.
Apple also unveiled the A10X Fusion processor-graphics combo chip for the iPad Pro, which result in faster graphics performance, the company said.
The company announced the launch of its ARKit to turn iOS 11 into ‘the largest AR platform in the world’ . This is Apple’s first foray into augmented reality.
Film director Peter Jackson’s new company, dubbed Wingnut AR, is currently using Apple’s ARKit, which will transform hundreds of millions of iPhones and iPads into AR devices.
SteamVR is Valve’s open platform to enable VR headsets to work with games on the Steam PC gaming store. With this software, the HTC Vive will work on Macs, but so should Oculus Rift, OSVR’s HDK 2.0, and most other PC-based VR headsets.
Apple announced plans to release a smart speaker named HomePod later this year to compete with Amazon Echo, Google Home, and other smart speakers.
The device will be available in white and space grey and retail for $349.

© Source: https://venturebeat.com/2017/06/05/everything-apple-announced-at-wwdc-ios-11-imac-pro-homepod-and-more/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+venturebeat%2FSZYF+%28VentureBeat%29
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Hello, HomePod: What you need to know about Apple’s $349 smart speaker


Does Apple’s HomePod have enough new features to compete against Amazon Echo and Google Home?
Apple concluded its Worldwide Developers Conference keynote on Monday with a sneak peek of an all-new product: The HomePod.
Originally rumored to be called Siri Speaker, the HomePod is a smart speaker with Wi-Fi capabilities intended to compete against Amazon Echo devices and Google Home—although it will be significantly more expensive. During the WWDC keynote, Apple’s senior VP of marketing Phil Schiller boasted about the HomePod’s audio quality, its built-in room sensors, and the integration with Apple Music.
With its always-on voice assistant and ability to control connected devices, the HomePod is very similar to Echo devices and Google Home, but with a few notable differences. Here are the must-know HomePod features and specs that were showcased during WWDC.
The HomePod will be available starting in December, initially in the U. S., the U. K., and Australia. It will then be available in other countries starting in 2018. It will cost $349 and will be available in two colors: white and space grey.
The HomePod comes with an A8 fusion chip, the same one that powers the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. That definitely puts it up at the top when it comes to “smart” speakers. Like the AirPods (which sport an A1 chip) , setting up the HomePod is just as easy and intuitive. All you have to do is hold your iPhone next to the HomePod and it’ ll be ready to start playing music in seconds.
Apple wanted to create a speaker that delivered state-of-the-art sound. The HomePod includes an Apple-designed four-inch woofer for a deeper bass and seven beam-forming tweeters for high frequency acoustics. All of this was designed to “preserve the richness and intent of the original recordings.” Of course, we won’ t be able to vouch for this until we get to listen to it later this year.
The HomePod has six microphones so that it can be activated verbally using the “Hey Siri” voice command. You can ask Siri to send a text message to your friend, start playing the latest episode of your favorite podcast, and get the latest updates in news, sports, traffic, and weather. You can also use voice commands to set alarms, timers, and reminders. In addition, Siri on the HomePod can help you answer some of your most burning questions like, “What’s the best Korean barbecue restaurant nearby?” or “Did the Warriors win last night?”
The HomePod can also be used to control HomeKit-enabled devices. So, you can ask Siri to turn on the lights, close the shades, or activate a scene that you’ ve pre-set in the Home app. HomePod can even control these devices when you’ re not home via the Home app, giving you the power to remotely control your devices from anywhere.
Not every room is the same, so the HomePod has learned about spatial awareness. Its built-in sensors can determine the size and layout of its surroundings to automatically deliver the volume and acoustic output that best fills the room. You can also pair two HomePods so they can sense each other and complement the sound.
It’s no surprise that HomePod is deeply tied to Apple Music, which costs $10 a month. If you’ re an Apple Music member, the HomePod can access Apple Music’s full catalog, as well as tap into machine learning to learn about your music preferences and suggest songs and artists you might like. Apple refers to the HomePod as the perfect musicologist. In addition, you can create a shared Up Next queue with other nearby iOS devices (using the new AirPlay 2 support) so that everyone in the house can participate in picking music.
Privacy is also being touted as a vital component of the HomePod. According to Apple, the smart speaker will only start collecting information after the “Hey Siri” voice command is activated. This means that you shouldn’ t be afraid that the HomePod is secretly recording your conversations in order to sell you stuff. All information is recorded locally on the device and sent to Apple servers encrypted using an anonymous Siri identifier.

© Source: http://www.macworld.com/article/1030983/home-tech/homepod.html
All rights are reserved and belongs to a source media.

Here’s what’s new: Apple’s High Sierra


At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2017,Apple claimed that the new macOS High Sierra will have the fastest desktop browser to date. Safari is said to be 80 percent faster than Chrome, and will have an autoplay blocking feature. For those who are concerned about Internet privacy, High Sierra
At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2017,Apple claimed that the new macOS High Sierra
will have the fastest desktop browser to date.
Safari is said to be 80 percent faster than Chrome, and will have an autoplay blocking feature.
For those who are concerned about Internet privacy, High Sierra will have an Intelligent Tracking Prevention tool.
Mail also got a few updates, including “Top Hits” in Spotlight, and Split View keeps messages you are replying to on the right side and mail on the left.
One of the most promising updates is designed to speed up the file system.
Source: https: //www.engadget.com/2017/06/05/macos-high-sierra/
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© Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/heres-whats-new-apples-high-sierra-221735525.html
All rights are reserved and belongs to a source media.

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