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IT experts suggest N Korea link to ransom-ware attack


Cyber security researchers claim to have found technical clues they say could link North Korea with the global ‘ransom-ware’ cyber attack.
Cyber security researchers claim to have found technical clues they say could link North Korea with the global ‘ransom-ware’ cyber attack.
The cyber attack  by the virus dubbed WannaCry has infected more than 300,000 computers in 150 countries since Friday.
Symantec and Kaspersky Lab have said some code in an earlier version of the ‘WannaCry’ virus had also appeared in programs used by the Lazarus Group, which researchers from many companies have identified as a North Korea-run hacking operation.
Both firms said it was too early to tell whether North Korea was involved in the attacks, which slowed to a crawl on Monday but have already become one of the fastest-spreading extortion campaigns on record.
The cyber companies’ research will be closely followed by law enforcement agencies around the world.
The two companies said they needed to study the code more and asked for others to help with the analysis. Hackers do re-use code from other operations, so even copied lines fall well short of proof.
The Lazarus hackers, acting for North Korea, have been more brazen in pursuit of financial gain than others, and have been blamed for the theft of $81 million from a Bangladesh bank.
The North Korean mission to the United Nations was not immediately available for comment.
Regardless of the source of the attack, investors piled into cyber security stocks on Monday, betting that governments and corporations will spend more to upgrade their defences.

© Source: https://www.rte.ie/news/2017/0516/875453-cyber/
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【ワシントン時事】 世界各国に被害が広がっているサイバー攻撃に関連し、 ロイター通信は15日、 米国土安全保障省当局者の 話として、 米国でも少数の 重要インフラ運営主体に影響が出ていると報じた。 業務に重大な支障は生じていないという。 同当局者はまた、 米連邦政府内には現
【ワシントン時事】世界各国に被害が広がっているサイバー攻撃に関連し、ロイター通信は15日、米国土安全保障省当局者の話として、米国でも少数の重要インフラ運営主体に影響が出ていると報じた。業務に重大な支障は生じていないという。 同当局者はまた、米連邦政府内には現時点で被害は出ていないと語った。(2017/05/16-00: 52) 関連ニュース
【国際記事一覧へ】 【アクセスランキング】

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017051600034&g=int&m=rss
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Hackers are reportedly holding a Disney film for ransom – Silicon Valley


Hackers have obtained a copy of an upcoming Disney film and are threatening to release more and more snippets of it unless the company pays a “huge sum” of bitcoins, according to the Ho…
Even as many businesses are worried about hackers taking control of their computers as part of the worldwide WannaCry ransomware crisis, Disney may be facing a slightly different ransom situation of its own.
Hackers have obtained a copy of an upcoming Disney film and are threatening to release more and more snippets of it unless the company pays a “huge sum” of bitcoins, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Citing remarks that chief executive Bob Iger made to employees Monday, THR reports that the film could be the latest entry in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise, or perhaps “Cars 3.” The company is reportedly refusing to pay.
A spokesman for Disney didn’ t immediately respond to a request for comment. But the report marks the latest attempt by hackers to wring Hollywood for cash. It comes two weeks after Netflix confirmed that hackers were responsible for leaking new episodes of its hit series, “Orange Is the New Black.”
It is unclear how much the hackers demanded of Netflix, but the company refused to pay.

© Source: http://www.siliconvalley.com/2017/05/15/sjm-disney-0516/
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UN Security Council condemns North Korea missiles tests


The UN Security Council has strongly condemned North Korea’s latest ballistic missile test and vowed to take further measures
The UN Security Council has strongly condemned North Korea’s latest ballistic missile test and vowed to take further measures including sanctions.
The 15-member Council warned that that the launches contributed to the development of nuclear weapons delivery systems and were greatly increasing tensions.
In a unanimous statement backed by China, the council stressed the importance of North Korea ‘immediately showing sincere commitment to de-nuclearisation through concrete action.’
Experts said Sunday’s successful missile launch signals major advances in developing an intercontinental ballistic missile, such as mastery of re-entry technology and better engine performance.
The UN Security Council first imposed sanctions on North Korea in 2006 and has strengthened the measures in response to its five nuclear tests and two long-range rocket launches.
North Korea, which is threatening a sixth nuclear test, made a global appeal in a letter released on Friday for states to reconsider enforcing UN sanctions.

© Source: https://www.rte.ie/news/2017/0516/875451-korea/
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Macron und Merkel – gemeinsam gegen die Populisten


Emmanuel Macron, der neue Präsident von Frankreich, war zu seinem Antrittsbesuch in Berlin. Er und Angela Merkel scheinen sich zu verstehen.
Mit den Heilsbringern hat es Angela Merkel nicht so. Immer wenn ihr einer als Besonderer gepriesen wird, hält die Kanzlerin besonderen Abstand. Das war bei Barack Obama so und ist bei kleineren Staatsoberhäuptern nicht anders. Umso bemerkenswerter ist dieser Montag im Mai.
Da kommt mal wieder so ein Himmelsstürmer, dieses Mal aus Frankreich, und die ewig skeptische Merkel lacht und strahlt. Kaum ist Emmanuel Macron seiner Staatskarosse entstiegen, schnappt sie sich ihn, nimmt seine Hand, greift an seine Schulter und lächelt in alle Richtungen. Man ist ja einiges gewöhnt nach zwölf Jahren. Aber mit derart offenen Armen hat Merkel selten einen Gast empfangen. Trump, Putin, Brexit – irgendwie hat das halt doch an den Nerven gezehrt, auch an denen von Merkel.
Dem freilich will sie, will er, wollen M und M, wie sie womöglich bald heißen werden, gemeinsam etwas entgegensetzen. Optimismus, positives Denken – so froh, zufrieden, gut gelaunt, wie die beiden bei der Pressekonferenz auftreten, fragt man sich, in welchen Zaubertranktopf sie gerade gefallen sein könnten. “Von Herzen beglückwünschen” wolle sie ihren Gast, erklärt Merkel. Und fügt hinzu, dass sie ihm “eine glückliche Hand” wünsche für die Parlamentswahlen im Juni. In manchen Ohren könnte das fast ein bisschen merkwürdig klingen. Bei Merkel ist es nur die Umschreibung für ein: viel Glück bei den Wahlen. Sie weiß, wie wichtig er geworden ist und wie wichtig damit auch die Frage, wie sie ihn unterstützen könnte. “Deutschland wird es auf Dauer nur gut gehen, wenn es Europa gut geht”, so die Kanzlerin. “Und Europa wird es nur gut gehen mit einem starken Frankreich.” Worte, die wie ein einziges großes Versprechen wirken.
Macron klingt ein klein wenig anders. Nicht etwa nicht zugewandt, aber schon schulterschwer ob der vielen Aufgaben, die nun anstehen. Ja, er sei “froh und glücklich”, Frankreich zu vertreten. Aber: Er habe auch die Wut der Enttäuschten nicht vergessen. Das habe allen in Gedächtnis gerufen, wie wichtig es sei, jetzt gute Ergebnisse zu liefern. Gemeint sind Arbeitsplätze; sind Zeichen, dass die EU pragmatischer, weniger bürokratisch, sinnvoller werde. Aber am allerwichtigsten, so sagt es Macron auch an diesem Abend, sind die Reformen, die in Frankreich selbst anstehen. “Nicht weil die EU das fordert, sondern weil Frankreich das braucht”, betont der neue Präsident.
Bildung, Verteidigung, schnelle Investitionen in die Infrastruktur – all das haben beide Seiten längst angedacht und wollen es alsbald vertiefen. Aber schon bei dieser ersten Begegnung zwischen Kanzlerin und Präsident gehen die Ziele deutlich weiter. Plötzlich sprechen beide auch von neuen EU-Verträgen. Macron redet gar von einer “historischen Neugründung”. Und Merkel erzählt, wie merkwürdig sie es immer schon fand, dass viele in der EU Vertragsänderungen ablehnen würden. Mit so einer Haltung mache sich die EU angreifbar, die Welt ändere sich, darauf müsse auch die EU Antworten haben. “Wenn wir sagen können, warum, wozu, dann wird Deutschland dazu bereit sein”, verspricht Merkel.
Spätestens in diesem Moment wird klar, dass es hier um mehr geht als um zwei eng befreundete Staaten. Es geht um den Kampf gegen die Populisten; um eine Abwehr der Trumps, Putins und Brexit-Freunde. “Wir sind an einem historischen Moment für Europa”, betont der Franzose. Und seine deutsche Gastgeberin ergänzt, noch sei nicht alles entschieden und einiges noch zu lösen. Gleichwohl sehe sie einen “guten Startpunkt, der uns beflügelt”. Es ist ein kurzer erster Besuch, und doch einer fürs Geschichtsbuch.

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/macron-in-berlin-ein-historischer-besuch-voller-herzlichkeit-1.3507598?source=rss
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Trump expands ban on funding abortions overseas


President Trump has moved to broaden a ban on federal dollars going to international groups that perform abortions or provide abortion information, senior administration officials said Monday.
President Trump has moved to broaden a ban on federal dollars going to international groups that perform abortions or provide abortion information, senior administration officials said Monday.
The so-called “Mexico City Policy” would apply broadly to organizations receiving U. S. global health assistance, compared with past versions of the ban which specifically targeted international family planning groups.
In all, about $8.8 billion in funding could be impacted, far more than the $600,000 covered under the previous version of the ban, which critics call the Global Gag Rule. The expanded policy is being dubbed “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance.” The officials, who requested anonymity and were not authorized to speak on the record, said the ban would apply to groups working on HIV/AIDS, malaria, maternal and child health, reproductive issues and global health.
Officials said the new policy would be applied immediately to new funding issued and then to existing arrangements as they are amended. To receive funding, health organizations must pledge not to provide abortions or abortion information or provide support to any groups that do. There is an exemption in cases of rape, incest or when the woman’s life is at risk.
Aid to national and local governments will be exempted, as is humanitarian assistance, migration aid and disaster relief. The Secretary of State could also authorize exemptions on a case-by-case basis.
Officials said there will be a comprehensive review of the impact of the changes over the next six months.
Trump reinstated the policy — a political football instituted by Republican administrations and rescinded by Democratic ones since 1984 — days after he took office, promising to expand the scope. Former President Barack Obama had lifted the ban when he took office in 2009.
Just how many groups will be impacted in the short term was not clear. Administration officials declined to speculate on how many organizations would not meet the new criteria. Health experts noted that in many areas, groups partner with each other to provide more services, so those relationships could come under scrutiny.
Jen Kates, director of global health and HIV policy at the non-partisan Kaiser Family Foundation, said the policy was a significant expansion compared with past Republican administrations.
“Right now there’s a lot of unknowns, ” she said. “This is a much bigger expansion. And the U. S. role in global health has increased over time. The U. S. footprint right now is quite big in global health.”
Suzanne Ehlers, president of Washington-based Population Action International which lobbies in the U. S. and developing countries for women’s reproductive health, said in a statement that the change would “cause unspeakable damage to integrated care efforts across all health sectors.”
“Despite the Trump administration’s ludicrous rebranding of the policy, the Global Gag Rule is unmistakably deadlier than ever, ” said Ehlers.
Anti-abortion leader Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, welcomed the news, saying in a statement that “with the implementation of Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance, we have officially ceased exporting abortion to foreign nations.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

© Source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/05/15/trump-expands-ban-on-abortion-funding-overseas.html
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サウジアラビアの ファリハ・ エネルギー相とロシアの ノバク・ エネルギー相は15日、 原油の 協調減産を2018年3月まで延長する必要性を巡り合意した(訂正)と明らかにした。 北京で開いた共同会見で、 ファリハ氏は新たな減産が現行と同規模になるとの 見通しを示した。 これを受けて、 原油価格はアジア市場で1.5%超上昇した
[北京 15日 ロイター] – サウジアラビアのファリハ・エネルギー相とロシアのノバク・エネルギー相は15日、原油の協調減産を2018年3月まで延長する必要性を巡り合意した(訂正)と明らかにした。 北京で開いた共同会見で、ファリハ氏は新たな減産が現行と同規模になるとの見通しを示した。これを受けて、原油価格はアジア市場で1.5%超上昇した。 現行の合意では、石油輸出国機構(OPEC)加盟国とロシアなどの非加盟国が今年6月まで日量約180バレルを減産することになっている。 またノバク氏は、世界の原油市場の再均衡のために減産を続けると指摘した。 会見後に発表された共同声明によると、両氏は世界の原油在庫が過去5年間の平均水準に低下するまであらゆる措置を取ることで合意。他の産油国からも減産延長への賛同が得られるとの見通しを示した。 原油市場は協調減産開始後も依然として供給過剰にあり、原油先物は50ドル前後で停滞している。 世界最大の産油国ロシアと世界最大の原油輸出国サウジの生産量は合計で日量約2000万バレルに上り、世界全体の1日当たり消費量の5分の1を占める。 *英文の訂正により、サウジアラビアとロシアが2018年3月までの協調減産の延長で合意したのではなく、延長の必要性について合意したことを明確にして訂正します。これに伴い、見出し、本文を修正しました。 北京で開いた共同会見で、ファリハ氏は新たな減産が現行と同規模になるとの見通しを示した。これを受けて、原油価格はアジア市場で1.5%超上昇した。 現行の合意では、石油輸出国機構(OPEC)加盟国とロシアなどの非加盟国が今年6月まで日量約180バレルを減産することになっている。 またノバク氏は、世界の原油市場の再均衡のために減産を続けると指摘した。 会見後に発表された共同声明によると、両氏は世界の原油在庫が過去5年間の平均水準に低下するまであらゆる措置を取ることで合意。他の産油国からも減産延長への賛同が得られるとの見通しを示した。 原油市場は協調減産開始後も依然として供給過剰にあり、原油先物は50ドル前後で停滞している。 世界最大の産油国ロシアと世界最大の原油輸出国サウジの生産量は合計で日量約2000万バレルに上り、世界全体の1日当たり消費量の5分の1を占める。 *英文の訂正により、サウジアラビアとロシアが2018年3月までの協調減産の延長で合意したのではなく、延長の必要性について合意したことを明確にして訂正します。これに伴い、見出し、本文を修正しました。

© Source: http://jp.reuters.com/article/opec-saudi-russia-idJPKCN18B098
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Thailand backs down on Facebook ban over royal posts


Thai authorities Tuesday backed down on their threat to ban Facebook over posts deemed critical of the royal family after officials said the social networking giant had agreed to expunge such content.
Thailand ferociously enforces a draconian lese majeste law which outlaws any criticism of the monarchy.
Since ultra-royalist generals seized power three years ago more than 100 people have been charged, many for comments made online, and some people have been jailed for decades.
The authorities have redoubled efforts to purge the Thai web following the October ascension of the country’s new king Maha Vajiralongkorn.
Last week Thailand’s telecom regulator, the NBTC, said it would file a police complaint against Facebook’s Thailand office and shut down the hugely popular site if it did not remove more than 130 “illegal” posts by Tuesday.
“Facebook is cooperating with Thailand, ” Takorn Tantasith, secretary general of the NBTC told reporters after the 10am deadline passed.
Takorn said some 97 web pages deemed critical of the monarchy remained on the platform but authorities were seeking court orders to send Facebook demanding their removal.
Thai authorities last week previously said Facebook had already removed some 170 posts.
The social network giant declined to comment on how many posts it had made unavailable in Thailand since the recent requests.
Under its published policies, Facebook says it will comply with a country’s request to remove content if it receives a valid court order.
“When we receive such a request, we review it to determine if it puts us on notice of unlawful content, ” the company told AFP.
“If we determine that it does, then we make it unavailable in the relevant country or territory and notify people who try to access it why it is restricted.”
According to its published data, Facebook made 50 posts unavailable to Thai users after requests from the government in 2016.
No items were restricted in 2015 and 35 items were removed in 2014, the year of the coup.
Vajiralongkorn, 64, became king following the death of his father King Bhumibol Adulyadej who reigned for seven decades.
He has yet to attain his father’s widespread popularity.
At least seven people are known to have been charged with lese majeste since he took the throne.
One, human rights lawyer Prawet Prapanukul, is facing up to 150-years in prison after being charged with a record ten separate counts if lese majeste.
Media inside Thailand must heavily self censor when reporting on the monarchy making it perilous to detail what content has angered the authorities.
Somsak Jeamteerasakul, an exiled Thai academic and monarchy critic, posted a letter from Facebook on his own account informing him that some of his posts were among those censored.
The posts included photographs and video footage taken of Vajiralongkorn in Germany where he spends much of the year.
Explore further: Thailand blocks 5,000 ‘royal insult’ web pages

© Source: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-thailand-facebook-royal.html
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David Cantin and Dina Manzo, "Real Housewives" star, beaten in Holmdel, N. J. home invasion


" Real Housewives of New Jersey" star Dina Manzo was one of two people violently attacked during a home invasion in New Jersey Saturday night, sources tell CBS New York
Dina Manzo
HOLMDEL, N. J. — “Real Housewives of New Jersey” star Dina Manzo was one of two people violently attacked during a home invasion in New Jersey Saturday night, sources tell CBS New York.
The incident happened at around 10: 54 p.m. just as Bravo television star Manzo and a man identified by sources to CBS New York as David Cantin were returning to Cantin’s home in Holmdel.
As they walked through the front door, they encountered two suspects who were already in the house, the station reports.
One of the two reportedly attacked Cantin with a baseball bat. The other punched Manzo repeatedly.
Manzo, 46, and Cantin, 37, were tied up as the home invaders – who had their faces covered – stole cash and jewelry from the home before fleeing.
They were eventually able to free themselves and call police.
Both were taken to a hospital for treatment. Cantin reportedly suffered significant facial injuries including a broken nose, and Manzo also suffered facial injuries.
Both have since been released from the hospital.
No arrests have been made. Anyone with any information is asked to call Holmdel Township Police at (732) 946-2820 or the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office at (800) 533-7443.
Connecticut State Police confirmed they have seen the video which apparently shows the aftermath of Jayson Negron’s shooting in Bridgeport last week
The suspect in the Oregon attack is connected to the death of a woman found in a home about 12 miles away, deputies confirm

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/david-cantin-dina-manzo-real-housewives-star-beaten-home-invasion-holmdel-new-jersey/
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Japanese PM Abe says it is his 'strong wish' that the US returns to the TPP


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said his country would continue pushing for a trans-Pacific trade deal, but he hoped the U. S. would rejoin the pact.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday that his country would continue pushing for a trans-Pacific trade deal, but he hoped the U. S. would rejoin the pact.
Following Washington’s exit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the 11 remaining members have kick-started discussions on how to proceed without the U. S. and recently wrapped up talks in Toronto. In an exclusive joint interview with CNBC and Broadcast Satellite Japan, Abe said Japan would like to exercise leadership in promoting the TPP among member countries.
“We have finally come to an agreement on the rules of free and fair trade. We hope to utilize that agreed framework. Unfortunately, the U. S. has declared withdrawal from the TPP. Since we have come thus far, Japan must now take on a leadership role and bring the talks forward, ” Abe said in Japanese. “We would like to capitalize upon the result of our long years of efforts.”
The prime minister added that “momentum” should not be lost, but he left the door open for a U. S. return to the deal.
“Eleven countries have made their judgement on the assumption that the U. S. will be in TPP. We need to consider what is best and the 11 countries must be united. Since the U. S. understands the importance of having free and fair rules in the trading world, our wish is that the U. S. will return to TPP, ” he added.
The prime minister also welcomed President Donald Trump’s approach on curbing North Korean nuclear aggression in light of failures by previous U. S. administrations.
“President Trump says all options are on the table. He is demonstrating this position both by words and by action. We regard this highly, ” he said.
Earlier on Monday, Pyongyang announced that it had successfully conducted yet another ballistic missile test over the weekend. The launch was designed to assess whether the newly developed mid-to-long range rocket was capable of carrying a large-scale heavy nuclear
warhead, according to North Korea’s state-owned media.
The Japanese PM also acknowledged North Korea’s technological advancement.
“It is indeed very clear that the threat posed by North Korea’s missile and nuclear program is now entering into a new stage. That is our recognition, ” Abe said.

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/15/japanese-pm-abe-says-it-is-his-strong-wish-that-the-us-returns-to-the-tpp.html
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