Home United States USA — IT Surprise! Samsung might've just leaked the Galaxy S8 in this ad

Surprise! Samsung might've just leaked the Galaxy S8 in this ad


NewsHubTwo new videos from Samsung’s display division show off a new phone that might be the upcoming Galaxy S8.
Samsung recently released two different ads showing off its brand-new AMOLED displays. And while the displays are cool and all, the real star of the show is the mysterious smartphone that shows up in both ads. Its unique design leads us to believe that this is the Galaxy S8 we’re all waiting to launch sometime this spring.
The next Galaxy S phone has been talked about for months, and the rumors have been stacking up. This would be Samsung’s first phone since its fiery Note 7 disaster , which makes the device — and its safety record — even more important than any popularity it would whip up on its own.

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