Home United States USA — software Latest Radeon drivers from AMD improve VR rendering API support for certain...

Latest Radeon drivers from AMD improve VR rendering API support for certain cards


AMD’s newest Crimson ReLive driver, 17.4.1, adds better support for Oculus Rift’s ASW and Steam VR’s SVRAR virtual reality APIs. However, this is only for a particular set of graphics cards.
Owners of AMD graphics cards are by now familiar with the firm’s newest approach to releasing drivers « when it makes sense » , rather than going the monthly route. Along with the aforementioned decision, AMD also revealed that its software package would get a new major release yearly, and thus a new name. After 2014’s Omega and 2015’s Crimson , last year saw the debut of Crimson Software ReLive, named after AMD’s response to Shadowplay.

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