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Reports: Trump to pardon Scooter Libby, Bush official convicted of lying to FBI


Several of Trump’s own political allies face similar charges, although the White House said no pardons are being considered for people caught up in the Russia investigation.
President Trump has signed off on a pardon for Scooter Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff who was convicted in 2007 of obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI, according to media reports.
ABC News, quoting unidentified sources familiar with the president’s thinking, reported Trump had been mulling the move for several months. The Associated Press and The New York Times also reported Trump is expected issue the pardon.
The report comes at a time when several of Trump’s own political allies face similar charges, although the White House has said no pardons are currently being considered for people caught up in the Russia investigation.
Many conservatives had championed a pardon for Libby, arguing he was convicted by an out-of-control special prosecutor.
In an earlier move, Trump pardoned controversial former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted on criminal contempt charges stemming from his refusal to stop imprisoning suspected undocumented immigrants.
Libby was caught up in the investigation into the leak of the identity of Valerie Plame, a former covert CIA operative linked to events leading up to the Iraq war.
Libby claimed he knew nothing about the leak, but numerous people came forward to testify they got Plame’s name from Libby prior to the time the White House official said he first learned of it.
Then-president George W. Bush commuted Libby’s 30-month prison sentence, but refused to pardon him, despite pressure from Cheney.
Since the conviction, Libby’s law license has been restored and then-Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell restored his voting rights in 2013.

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