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This company wants to drag postage stamps into the 21st century


World’s first independent digital stamp looks to shake up postage as we know it.
Since its inception as the Uniform Penny Post by Rowland Hill in 1840, the UK postage service has let people and businesses across the country stay in touch, send and receive packages, and much more. But as the world changes and becomes more digitised, the need to overhaul the postage system has become paramount – and one start-up thinks it has the key. Edinburgh-based Stamp Free says it has now launched the world’s first independent digital postage stamp, aiming to take the industry firmly into the modern age. After years of apparent decline, the postal services in the UK have enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance in the past 12 months or so, driven by the huge rise in online shopping prompted by the coronavirus lockdowns. Now, the question of how to keep the service relevant and tech-friendly has led Stamp Free to unveil its platform.

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