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Introducing the Future Perfect 50


The scientists, thinkers, scholars, writers, and activists building a more perfect future.
The scientists, thinkers, scholars, writers, and activists building a more perfect future.
Four years ago this month, we started Future Perfect. As Vox’s Dylan Matthews wrote at the time, Future Perfect’s mission was “to write about what’s important, not just what’s new.” That meant the ideas, the policies, and the programs that are bending the future toward a more perfect destination. Where much of the media focuses on what’s wrong, we try to identify what could go right.
But personnel, as the old White House saying goes, is policy. All the great ideas and good intentions in the world won’t get you far if you don’t have the right people in place to implement them. And that makes identifying those people all the more important.
That’s what we’re aiming to do with the Future Perfect 50 list. From the philosophers whose moral imagination pushes the boundaries of what is possible to the activists making the world a better and healthier place on the ground, from the technologists imagining the future to the ethicists ensuring it doesn’t go awry, the people we’ve highlighted embody the question Future Perfect asks every day: How do we make the future a better place for everyone?
For the past several months, the Future Perfect staff brainstormed to come up with a list of names we thought exemplified the work we were most excited about.

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