Home United States USA — Financial DeSantis’ bid for prez: Letters to the Editor — May 27, 2023

DeSantis’ bid for prez: Letters to the Editor — May 27, 2023


The Issue: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ announcement that he’s running for the Republican nomination in 2024.
I voted for former President Donald Trump twice because I honestly felt his sincere desire to make America realize its true potential (“Ready to rumble,” May 25).
I also believe that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis shares the same vision, supports the same America-first policies and possesses the same mental fortitude to withstand the extreme opposition he will face.
Trump changed the political playing field and exposed the swamp for what it was and is: entrenched and corrupt. Give him his due.
I think DeSantis will better articulate their agenda going forward.
Jerry Chiappetta
I would love to see The Post explore whether Trump’s campaign realizes how much his non-stop slander turns off ­potential Trump voters.
I remember one of his State of the Union addresses in which he listed out all of the promises he had made and the ways in which he had fulfilled them.
I was proud to support that Trump.
When he began name-calling and slandering DeSantis, I realized that, while I would like to give Trump another four years to do what he did once before, I cannot bring myself to vote for a man so lacking in character that he cannot tame his abusive tongue.
Rick Craft
Albuquerque, NM
All I need to know about DeSantis is that he worked at Gitmo and volunteered in the illegal war in Iraq.

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