Домой United States USA — Music Ed Sheeran Film 'Songwriter' Shows the 'Ordinary Guy,' Not the 'Superstar,' Director...

Ed Sheeran Film 'Songwriter' Shows the 'Ordinary Guy,' Not the 'Superstar,' Director Says (EXCLUSIVE)


Berlinale Special Gala movie “Songwriter” is a sneak peek at the creative process behind the songs of Ed Sheeran.
Berlinale Special Gala movie “Songwriter” is a sneak peek at the creative process behind the songs of Ed Sheeran, delivered by director Murray Cummings, Sheeran’s cousin. Cummings started shooting video with the musician in 2011, when Sheeran signed his record deal for “Plus” and his cousin accompanied him on a U. K. tour. Two years ago […]

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