Домой United States USA — IT The foldable screen RAZR reboot has a rare opportunity

The foldable screen RAZR reboot has a rare opportunity


The Motorola RAZR is reportedly returning, the iconic flip-phone rebooted as a cutting-edge foldable screen smartphone, but there’s the potential for something
The Motorola RAZR is reportedly returning, the iconic flip-phone rebooted as a cutting-edge foldable screen smartphone, but there’s the potential for something far more interesting than just a cynical branding revival. It’s fair to say that Motorola has never returned to the dizzying heights it attained on the success of the RAZR and its successors. What better way to pay homage to its innovation by bucking the trend in foldable phones today?
Now, I lined up and bought a Motorola V3 RAZR the day it was released. It should probably come as little surprise, therefore, that I’m automatically drawn to the idea of a rebooted RAZR. One with cutting-edge specifications as well as that ever-rewarding “snap!” as you click it closed.
My interest is more than just nostalgia, though. Depending on how closely Lenovo sticks to the original Motorola RAZR apparently inspiring this new smartphone, we could potentially see a phone that addresses a huge complaint in the industry today. Just like the original RAZR made the candy bar cellphone more pocketable, so could this new RAZR do the same for the modern breed of vast smartphones.
Details around actual hardware and specifications are in very short supply right now. Beyond the fact that Lenovo is making the new Motorola RAZR with a Verizon exclusive in mind, and in vanishingly small numbers in the grand scheme of cellphone mass production, the only real tidbit is a price tag. Think along the lines of around $1,500, and only around 200,000 devices actually made.

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