Домой United States USA — Criminal What to know about the 7 Department of Justice findings in Louisville...

What to know about the 7 Department of Justice findings in Louisville police investigation


The U.S. Department of Justice revealed its investigative report into the Louisville Metro Police Department Wednesday, which found reasonable cause to believe city government and the department «engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives people of their rights under the Constitution and federal law.»What are the 7 main findings of the DOJ report into Louisville police?
LMPD uses excessive force, including unjustified neck restraints and the unreasonable use of police dogs and tasers.
LMPD conducts searches based on invalid warrants.
LMPD unlawfully executes search warrants without knocking and announcing.
LMPD unlawfully stops, searches, detains, and arrests people during street enforcement activities, including traffic and pedestrian stops.
LMPD unlawfully discriminates against Black people in its enforcement activities.
LMPD violates the rights of people engaged in protected speech critical of policing.
Louisville Metro and LMPD discriminate against people with behavioral health disabilities when responding to them in crisis.
DOJ report on Louisville police:AG Merrick Garland issues scathing report into Louisville police practices
Read the full report:Read full DOJ report on Louisville police. Probe launched after Breonna Taylor killing.
Here are more details from those seven findings:’LMPD uses excessive force, including unjustified neck restraints and the unreasonable use of police dogs and tasers’
The DOJ found that LMPD officers use «excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment» and «routinely use force disproportionate to the threat or resistance posed.»
The report also found a lack of clear policy or property oversight in cases of excessive force, as «in the majority of the problematic incidents we evaluated, supervisors reviewed the conduct at issue but failed to identify the misconduct.»
Specific incidents in the report included dangerous neck restraints, police dogs against people who pose no threat, with dogs continuing to bite people after they surrender.
More:DOJ’s report into Louisville police: How people are responding on social media
The report also details «unreasonable and unsafe» use of tasers, the use of «takedowns, strikes, and other bodily force in ways that are unnecessary and unlawful» and «escalating behavior that startles, confuses, or angers the individuals they encounter.

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