Home United States USA — Science Weather forecast for Sunday morning

Weather forecast for Sunday morning


NewsHubA mix of stars and clouds overnight with lows in the low 30s to low 40s. It’ll be sunny tomorrow, with high temperatures ranging from the low to upper 50s. Santa RosaSan FranciscoOaklandSan JoseConcordTonight: Patchy FogLows: Low 40sTomorrow: SunnyHighs: Low to Mid 50sTonight: Patchy FogLows: Upper 30s to Low 40sTomorrow: SunnyHighs: Mid to Upper 50sTonight: Mainly ClearLows: Low to Mid 30sTomorrow: SunnyHighs: Upper 50sTonight: Patchy FogLows: Low 30s to Low 40sTomorrow: SunnyHighs: Mid to Upper 50sTonight: Mainly ClearLows: Upper 30s to Low 40sTomorrow: SunnyHighs: Upper 50sTonight: Mainly ClearLows: Mid to Upper 30sTomorrow: SunnyHighs: Upper 50sSunshine from start to finish with highs in the mid to upper 50s.

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