Home United States USA — software Cyber Security Agency of Singapore and British security company sign agreement

Cyber Security Agency of Singapore and British security company sign agreement


NewsHubWhen Singapore’s prime minister Lee Hsien Loong launched the country’s cyber security strategy in October 2016, it marked a new chapter in the cyber security readiness roadmap of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).
Lee said Singapore’s cyber security strategy comprised of four pillars: building a resilient infrastructure, creating a safer cyber space, developing a vibrant cyber security ecosystem and strengthening international partnerships.
The developing a vibrant cyber security ecosystem pillar envisages developing companies and nurturing local startups. It also encourages fostering of closer partnerships between academia and industry to harness cyber security research and development (R&D).
It was in this context that BAE Systems – a British multinational defence, security and aerospace company with headquarters in London – announced the signing of a memorandum of collaboration (MOC) with the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA). This is to develop national capabilities through collaboration in capabilities-building and incident response.
The CSA was established in 2016 to combat cyber threats against Singapore. It is the national body overseeing cyber security strategy, education and outreach, and industry development. It is part of the Prime Minister’s Office and is managed by the Ministry of Communications and Information.
BAE Systems is among the world’s largest defence contractors and has global operations.

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