Today Politwoops, the service that tracks politicians’ deleted tweets in an effort to hold elected officials accountable for the statements they’ve made..
Today Politwoops , the service that tracks politicians’ deleted tweets in an effort to hold elected officials accountable for the statements they’ve made on social media, announced it’s now up-and-running in 54 countries worldwide and has added the ability to show realtime statistics. That is, you’re able to see how fast a tweet has been deleted by a politician or candidate, as well as track other metrics, like what and when politicians delete the most tweets or even which party is responsible for more deletions.
The transparency service, as you may recall, came back online in the U. S. last year after having earlier been denied access to Twitter’s API. Twitter had mistakenly argued that its users had the right to express themselves on its platform without their tweets becoming permanent record.
United States
USA — software Politwoops adds realtime stats for politicians’ deleted tweets across 54 countries