Jacob Morgan, a keynote speaker, best-selling author and the co-founder of The Future of Work Community, a global innovation council of the world’s most forward thinking organizations exploring the new world of work, gave a webinar along with Cisco to discuss how should organizations…
Jacob Morgan, a keynote speaker, best-selling author and the co-founder of The Future of Work Community , a global innovation council of the world’s most forward thinking organizations exploring the new world of work, gave a webinar along with Cisco to discuss how should organizations behave to create remarkable employee experiences, the ones that make people want to show up at work.
According to Morgan, the world of work is facing a transition from an “utility” perspective in which “people need to show up at work” to a perspective of “experience” in which “people want to show up at work”. Increasing levels of transparency are creating new challenges to the organizations that now need to pay attention to the trends that are shaping the future of work: new behaviours shaped by social media and the web, technologies, the millennial workforce, mobility work and globalisation.