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Why Cloud Computing is now the thing


On 21 st November 2016, we commenced a Microsoft organized Cloud Computing colloquium in Nairobi -Kenya with the clear objective of spreading the now unavoidable computing gospel ‘Cloud-Computing’ to East and Central Africa. Technical brains from Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and my home…
On 21 st November 2016, we commenced a Microsoft organized Cloud Computing colloquium in Nairobi -Kenya with the clear objective of spreading the now unavoidable computing gospel ‘ Cloud-Computing ’ to East and Central Africa. Technical brains from Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and my home country Uganda graced the event with their presence and it was such a pronounced lifetime technical experience that amplified my braveness to support the revolutionary cloud computing technology I once disapproved, according to the late Egyptian diplomat Boutras Ghali, “It is a fool who does not change his mind”.
In this day and age, it would be pessimistic to dissociate one ‘self from technological innovation. There are inexhaustible reasons that describe why I now agree that indeed Cloud Computing is the ‘ thing ’. Imagine you have servers in an organization and you host your highly trafficked website or application on premise! After some time as the number of users grows, you start experiencing issues, the servers slow down, total cost of ownership increases and you start losing your website’s popularity. What do you do? Do you just buy more servers and pay for installation and technical support? And in the end escalate the total cost of ownership?
A few years ago that was the only choice, but today we have ‘Cloud Computing’.

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