The OnePlus 5 will be equipped with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 835 chipset, and OnePlus says it’s been working to improve touch latency on the new device, following touchscreen lag issues on its 3 and 3T.
Earlier this month, OnePlus confirmed that its next device – following last year’s launch of the 3T – will be known as the OnePlus 5. The company’s decision to skip over the ‘OnePlus 4’ name was the result of tetraphobia, the common belief in many east Asian countries that the number four is unlucky.
Now, OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has confirmed another detail about the new high-end handset. “We’re proud to announce the OnePlus 5 will feature the Snapdragon 835 processor, ” he said, “which sets the foundation for smooth, powerful, and efficient performance. With graphically-demanding apps, for example, you’ll notice how fast they load and how well they run.”
That’s no great surprise, of course – a few weeks ago, key specs of the OnePlus 5 appeared in a listing for the product on a Chinese retail site, and they included the Snapdragon 835. Even so, such retailer listings prior to official announcements aren’t always entirely reliable, so Lau’s confirmation that the new device will use Qualcomm’s latest flagship-class mobile chipset is certainly welcome.
Lau also said that OnePlus has worked hard to improve touch latency on its new phone. The OnePlus 3 and 3T were both plagued by touchscreen lag issues, which company co-founder Carl Pei promised to address in November – but it took a further four months before those problems were finally fixed.
Source: OnePlus via Android Central