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Talk or risk reaching nuclear tipping point, Chinese diplomat warns US and North Korea


Kim Jong-un has stabilised his regime and it is unrealistic to expect it to collapse under the weight of sanctions, former deputy foreign minister says
North Korea’s missile and nuclear technology might reach a tipping point if Washington and Pyongyang refuse to negotiate, a senior Chinese diplomat has warned. In an analysis piece published on Sunday by US think tank the Brookings Institution, Fu Ying, chairwoman of the National People’s Congress’ Foreign Affairs Committee, said it was unrealistic to expect the regime of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to succumb to pressure of sanctions or collapse. “Sanctions may exert huge pressure, but the country can hold up and will not give up nuclear development because of them, ” wrote Fu, who is also a former deputy foreign minister. “It is not hard to see that this situation could make the issue drag on into a spiral of intensified sanctions and continued nuclear testing until [North] Korean nuclear and missile technologies reach a tipping point.” She said that once that point was reached, the countries opposing Pyongyang’s possession of nuclear weapons would be “faced with the hard choice of taking extreme action with unknown consequences, or tolerating it”. Fu also said it was unrealistic for the United States and South Korea to hope that the Kim regime would collapse from tightening its economic lifelines.

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