Home United States USA — IT Twitter co-founder Biz Stone is rejoining the company after six years

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone is rejoining the company after six years


Biz Stone, one of the co-founders of Twitter Inc, is rejoining his company full-time after a 6-year hiatus. Stone stepped back from Twitter in 2011. Since then he’s worked on several projects, most recently the Q&A app Jelly, which he…
Biz Stone, one of the co-founders of Twitter Inc, is rejoining his company full-time after a 6-year hiatus.
Stone stepped back from Twitter in 2011. Since then he’s worked on several projects, most recently the Q&A app Jelly, which he sold to Pinterest earlier this year. According to Stone, he was personally invited back to Twitter by Jack Dorsey.
As for what Stone will be doing, he’s rather vague:
You do you, Biz Stone. Apparently that’s your literal job description.
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