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Who is Jeff Sessions? Wiki, Testimony, Wife, Net Worth & 5 Facts to Know


Jeff Sessions’ relationship with President Donald Trump is awkward and confusing. People are wondering what skeletons will come out when he gives his testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
The drama around the investigation of Russia’s alleged role in meddling with the 2016 presidential election continues to grow. After former FBI Director James B. Comey ’s damaging testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, it is now Attorney General of the U. S., Jeff Sessions’ turn to face the heat. Senators are expected to ask Sessions specific questions about issues raised by Comey’s testimony, his behavior, meetings with Russian officials, and Sessions’ uneasy relationship with Donald Trump. Jeff Sessions’ testimony is eagerly awaited, and people will be watching with bated breath as he speaks.
Jeff Sessions is a politician and lawyer who is currently the 84th Attorney General of the United States. He was nominated to the post by President Donald Trump and has been one of the president’s earliest supporters when he began his campaign. Sessions has held several posts in his climb to become the Attorney General and is considered to be one of the most conservative members of the U. S. Senate.
People are waiting for Sessions’ testimony, as his earlier responses to pointed questions do not bode well for Trump. Sessions has failed to report his meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and later amended his testimony and added more confusion to the ongoing crisis. Jens Ohlin, a professor of law who is following Sessions said, “It is really unclear what he is going to say, and I am a little bit surprised because in the past, he has gotten into trouble when he said things and they turned out not to be entirely true.”
Sessions’ relationship with Trump has deteriorated over the past few months. In fact, sources told CNN that Sessions had offered to resign after heated arguments with Trump over his decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Did Jeff Sessions step down? No, he did not, despite his offer to. The matter gets confusing considering that on Monday (June 12) members of Trump’s cabinet praised the president and Sessions himself told Trump that he was “honored” to serve him. People following the hearings are wondering what all this new found camaraderie all about.
Interest has also spiked about Jeff Sessions’ family and personal life. Jeff Sessions’ wife, Mary has three children and six grandchildren with her husband. The Sessions family are members of the United Methodist church and Mary Sessions is a Sunday school teacher at the Ashland Place United Methodist Church in Mobile, Alabama.
Washington is tense amidst all this activity and Jeff Sessions’ testimony is likely to raise more questions about what really happened. He will be looking to answer questions without digging himself deeper as he did during his confirmation hearing. So stay tuned for yet another episode in the on-going saga of how America’s much vaunted democratic system possibly falls prey to a less than friendly rival nation.

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