New animated superhero series “The Reflection, ” produced by Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, will debut July 22 on Japanese broadcaster NHK.
New animated superhero series “The Reflection, ” executive produced by Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, is set to debut July 22 on Japanese public broadcaster NHK.
The TV series consists of 12 episodes, and will air on NHK late Saturday nights. The series follows the fight between superhero Xon and villain I-Guy, who are among those found to have gained special powers following a global disaster called the Reflection.
The director is Hiroshi Nagahama, who has a big fan base in the animation world and who directed animated TV series “Mushishi” and “The Flowers of Evil” and the film “Detroit Metal City.” Leading British music producer Trevor Horn is handling sound for the series, and Yoshihiko Umakoshi of the animated TV series “Heartcatch Precure!” is the character designer. Studio Deen is handling the animation production.
In the cast, well-known voice actor Shinichiro Miki (“ Pokemon ”) plays the part of Xon. Voice actor Satoshi Mikami, who plays the Japanese-dubbed version of Sherlock Holmes in “Elementary, ” plays I-Guy.